161-165 (Extra)

Pinellia novel

Chapter 161 Divine Play (2)

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Previous Chapter: Chapter 160 Extra--Magical DramaNext chapter: Chapter 162 Girl Yuu x Boy Chenjin (Extra)

Chapter 161 The Magical Drama (2)

Under Ling Chenjin's deliberate conversation, the two of them became more and more familiar with each other, and Jun Qingcan and Lin Zhilan also wandered around every day.

Therefore, Lin Junyou could only play with Ling Chenjin, who came to find her, besides asking the two fairy grasses to transform every day.

"I always feel that my elder brother is very kind," Lin Junyou said with a wink, "It's like I've known each other before."

Ling Chenjin's movements froze for a moment, "Really?"

"Yes," Lin Junyou turned his back to Ling Chenjin nodded with certainty, "It just feels like we know each other." "

Maybe we knew each other in a previous life." Ling Chenjin smiled softly and rubbed the little girl's head.

Lin Junyou turned to look at Ling Chenjin, and then said cutely: "Oh."

Lin Junyou stood up and patted her fleshy little palms, "Okay, we're done today. "

Looking at the neat garden in front of her, Lin Junyou walked up to Ling Chenjin and said, "I want a hug."

Ling Chenjin hugged Lin Junyou with a doting look on his face, "You, little lazy boy."

" I also want to thank big brother today," Lin Junyou rubbed Ling Chenjin's clothes, "Will big brother come to see me again tomorrow?" "

Yes." Ling Chenjin nodded.

"Okay," Lin Junyou said with a smile on his face, "Then I'll wait for big brother to come over."

"Yeah." The person in his arms chirped, and his voice gradually faded away, looking at the person sleeping in his arms. Fragrant Lin Junyou.

"Xiaoyou," Ling Chenjin looked at the familiar sleeping face, "I finally see you again."

The air seemed to be distorted for a moment, but Ling Chenjin, who was immersed in the joy of reunion, did not really notice it.

"Oh, it's you again." As soon as Jun Qingcan came back, he saw Ling Chenjin shamelessly hugging his little girl.

"If you don't stay in your Feng Clan well," Lin Zhilan, "Why are you so old to us?" Looking at

the people in front of him, Jun Qingcan then looked at Lin Junyou in Ling Chenjin's arms, "Your It won't be the little girl who will suffer the fate."

Although Lin Junyou seemed to have some connection with Ling Chenjin, Jun Qingcan had not thought in this direction before.

Ling Chenjin was silent for a moment, then responded, "That's right."

It can only be said that he was young and didn't understand anything at that time, and he was arrogant enough to think that Xiaoyou could be resurrected under his own ability even if he lost his body. .

But the moment the body disappeared, Lin Junyou's soul also disappeared.

It was he who saved the entire Phoenix Clan with Lin Junyou's life. He couldn't forget it every day when he dreamed about it.

In the dream, he is a terrible executioner.

Fortunately, Ling Chenjin hugged the person in his arms tightly. Fortunately, she was still there. Earlier, I knew that the two gods had an elixir. Although this elixir was different from the previous one, it still gave Ling Chenjin the same feeling.

After seeing some familiar soul fluctuations on this elixir, Ling Chenjin became even more sure.

This is his Xiaoyu.

Although he didn't know that the soul could be stored again after it disappeared, Ling Chenjin didn't want to pay attention to it, as long as Xiaoyou was still there.

"Do you have anything to do with her?" Jun Qingcan's expression became serious.

"Don't worry," Ling Chenjin kissed Lin Junyou's forehead as if no one else was watching, "I won't let anything happen to her." "

But her soul is not stable," Lin Zhilan said, "You should have noticed it too. "

Before that," Lin Zhilan continued, "I can't let you take risks with your girl."

Ling Chenjin frowned, "I have no intention of taking risks with her."

Jun Qingcan and Lin Zhilan looked at each other. , there are emotions flowing in the eyes that only the other party can understand.

Ling Chenjin walked into the room, gently put down Lin Junyou, nodded to the two people, and disappeared.

"Is this really okay?" Jun Qingcan was a little unsure again, "Besides, the little girl has just transformed, so I can't bear to part

with her." "But this is the only way to do it," Lin Zhilan said with a look of reluctance, "This is the only way for a girl like this Only then can the soul be stabilized."

"Furthermore, it just happens to be a disaster for that boy to become a new god." Lin Zhilan said lightly, "By the way, I want to avenge him for killing Xiao You before." Although he didn't mean it

. of.

But there is no way, who makes them be so unreasonable and unreasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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Chapter 162 Girl Yuu x Boy Chenjin (Extra)

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Previous chapter: Chapter 161 Magical Drama (2)Next chapter: Chapter 163 Girl Yuu x Boy Chenjin (2)

Chapter 162 Girl

You The young boy's eyes lit up.

"Who are you?" The young man also asked.

"I asked you first," the little girl curled her lips, "My name is You."

"Yu?" The boy scratched his hair, "Is it just one word for you?" What a strange name.

"Yes," the little girl nodded, "And you."

"My name is Ling Chenjin." The young man Ling Chenjin is undoubtedly full of energy. Although he has been trapped in this forest for more than a month, he still has a smile on his face. Vigorous life.

"Oh." Yuu nodded, "Why are you here?"

"No outsiders are allowed in here," Yuu continued, "You have to get out quickly, otherwise you will be in trouble if Uncle Dashu finds out." "

Why?" Ling Chenjin asked, "I've been here for a month."

"Huh?" You tilted his head, "Is that so?"

"But in the past, Uncle Dashu was very angry when someone came in. "Yes." You nodded, indicating that he was not lying.

"Maybe," Ling Chenjin was also a little strange, "Maybe it has something to do with my body."

"Huh?" You was a little curious, "What is Chenjin's body?"

"My body is a white plant." You paused for a moment, a little discouraged, "Fat."

"But, Uncle Dashu said I can cure hundreds of people and all diseases." You said.

Ling Chenjin blinked and looked at the little girl, "Is it so powerful? My body is a phoenix."

"Phoenix?" You was confused, "What is a phoenix? Can it be eaten?"

"No!" Ling Chenjin He hurriedly explained, "Phoenixes can fly and cannot be eaten."

He looked at Yu again and said, "Cure a hundred people and cure a hundred diseases...your name is You?"

"Yes," Yuu nodded, and then explained, "It's leisurely. You, not Youming's You."

Looking at the silly little girl in front of him, Ling Chenjin was stunned for a while, "I didn't say it was Youming's You..." You're not asking yourself.

Yu seemed to feel that something was wrong with what he said, but even his brain cells were dying and he couldn't figure out what was wrong with what he said.

"Do you know how to get out of here?" Ling Chenjin asked.

"You should know," You said, "but I've only seen the scene where Uncle Dashu throws people out." The implication is that if you want to get out, I can only follow Uncle Dashu's example and throw you out.

"Uh," Ling Chenjin was silent for a while, "It's okay, I'd better stay here for a while before leaving." "

But," You frowned, "What if you are discovered by Uncle Dashu." It's still the same. The end.

"Young girl." A deep and thick voice sounded near the two of them. You blinked, "You have been discovered."

Looking at the faint expression on the little girl's face, Ling Chenjin was speechless. Why did he feel that this little girl wanted to be discovered?

"Young Master." A figure gradually appeared, a man who didn't look like an uncle at all. If it weren't for the voice, others would have believed that the man in front of him was only in his twenties or thirties.

"Uncle Dashu," You Xiao ran over and bumped into Dashu's arms, "Uncle Dashu, why did you come back so early today? It's still daylight." "What

?" Qingji smiled, "You're not welcome. Me?"

"Also, how many times have I told you to call me brother, not uncle? You will call me old." Qingji was angry and refused to argue.

"But uncle..." Under Qingxie's gloomy gaze, Yuu immediately changed his words, "Brother Qingxie." "

Um, who are you?" Ling Chenjin looked at the two people chatting with each other as if no one was around, completely ignoring himself.

"I am the guardian of this forest," Qingxie glanced at Ling Chenjin, "The old guy actually asked you to come here. Shouldn't you be allowed to go to the Thorn Forest?" "I know that

the old guy likes waterproofing. ," Qing Jie said a lot, "Young Master will stay here for another ten days, and the old guy will probably come to pick you up himself." "

...", Ling Chenjin.

He's still here, so why don't you just call him the old guy?

But judging from Qingxie's familiar tone, it seems that she has a very good relationship with her father.

"Brother Qingjie discovered him a long time ago?" You shouted, "Brother Qingjie didn't even tell me." "Why are I talking to you?"

Qingjie asked back, "This is the young master of the Feng clan, what are you doing? I'll stop teasing you."

Ling Chenjin: I heard everything you said, everyone knows magic.

"How could I be such a person," You said angrily, "No, I don't have such medicine." "I'm obviously

very amiable," You said loudly, then turned to look at Ling Chenjin, "Yes, brother Chenjin."

Ling Chenjin looked at the two people and smiled stiffly.

But looking at the little girl's energetic expression, Ling Chenjin scratched his back with a silly smile. Cuteness is king, just for this reason. Ling Chenjin secretly made a decision in his heart.

I will definitely be a good brother! Thinking again of Brother Chenjin who was crispy just now, Ling Chenjin's longing eyes unconsciously shot towards You.

Yuu: "..." Is this person really okay? Why does his eyes look so...wretched?

(End of this chapter)

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Chapter 163 Girl Yuu x Boy Chenjin (2)

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Previous chapter: Chapter 162 Girl Yuu x Boy Chenjin (Extra)Next chapter: Chapter 164 Girl Yuu x Boy Chenjin (3)

Chapter 163

Girl Yuu _ Ling Chenjin was embarrassed to say, "I didn't mean it." "What didn't mean it?" You rolled his eyes and said without mercy in a childish voice, "You did it on purpose." " You, little cutie, Little beauty." Ling Chenjin came to Yuu's side, "Don't be angry, I really didn't destroy your residence on purpose." He really just couldn't control the fire in him, and he didn't expect this. A fire destroyed the little girl's place. You still kept a straight face and ignored Ling Chenjin. "How about I take you out to play?" Ling Chenjin said with a doggy smile. "How did you get out?" The little girl lost her temper unconsciously, "If you had gotten out, you would have gone out long ago." Ling Chenjin tugged on the little girl's sleeves, "Beautiful and lovely little girl, I didn't I lied to you." "You can't tell me." Ling Chenjin looked seductive to a child. There was some hesitation on the little girl's face. She really wanted to go out, but Uncle Dashu also said that it was very dangerous outside. After thinking about it, he started to shake his head, "No, it's too dangerous outside." Ling Chenjin just thought. He retorted, suddenly remembering the little girl's true identity, well, it seemed quite dangerous. "Humph, I went to find someone else to play with." The little girl snorted childishly. "Don't," Ling Chenjin quickly pulled Yu, "I was wrong, I was wrong, I would be so lonely if you left." The little girl turned her face away, but the corners of her mouth curled up unconsciously. In fact, she also Not very angry, "Then you can't be like this next time." "Absolutely," Ling Chenjin smiled, "Then you're not angry." The little girl glanced at Ling Chenjin secretly and said sternly, "Well, I'm not angry anymore." If it weren't for the smile in the little girl's eyes, Ling Chenjin would have thought that the little girl was not calm at all. Although there were only two people in the forest for the most part, Ling Chenjin always found a lot of fun, and Qingxie often brought some interesting things to the two children. More than half a month passed in a flash. Although he didn't come to pick him up in person, he had already sent a message asking Ling Chenjin to go back. It's just that he couldn't bear to go back for a while. The thought of being separated from the little girl made him feel a little uncomfortable. "It's time for you to go, young master." Qingjie looked at Ling Chenjin who was looking for You, and then looked threatening, "Don't seduce my You." Ling Chenjin: ...He hasn't spoken yet. Looking at Qing Xie who wouldn't let him step in, Ling Chenjin shouted several times, "Yu, come out quickly." Qing Xie crossed her arms and looked at Ling Chenjin with a teasing look on her face, "Why, you're obsessed with me. Is our little girl Yoyo?" "Don't talk nonsense." Ling Chenjin blushed a little at these words. "Then why are you yelling? Come, walk, stop yelling. My Yuu won't hear you." Until he was sent out of the forest by Qingjie - "Xiaoyou." It seemed that he was led astray by the little Youyou who just Qingjie, Ling Chenjin also added a small word. He carefully released Yu's body, and within a short time a little girl was born. "Is it really okay for me to run out like this?" The little girl's face still looked worried and scared, but also a little excited. "It's okay," Ling Chenjin, "As long as I'm here, I will protect you." Ling Chenjin took Yu's hand, and the soft and warm touch made him blush again, and he secretly looked at it. The little girl didn't seem to object. "Let's go. Brother Chenjin will take you to some fun places." "Yeah, okay." Looking at the backs of the two of them walking hand in hand, Qingji burst into tears. She didn't want to stay, so she let her go out first. Wait a while. Ling Chenjin did not take the little girl back to the Feng Clan immediately, but took You to the human world. It seems that today is some kind of festival, and the streets in the world are bustling. "There are so many people." The little girl sighed. There are crowds of people on the street, and when the excitement reaches the extreme, it can easily lead to danger. Hearing a cry for help at the tip of his ear, You tugged on the corner of Ling Chenjin's clothes, "Did you hear anything?" " Yes." The young man said maturely, "You wait for me here now, I will come back as soon as I go. " Knowing that Ling Chenjin was going to save people, the little girl nodded obediently, "I got it." Seeing Ling Chenjin's figure disappearing into the crowd, the people around her seemed to be even more agitated. "There." "That man doesn't seem to be around." "Later..." After all, it was also the elixir that took the form of an elixir. Yuu heard the conversation between the two men, who were not far from her. at a corner. The target in their mouth seems to be themselves. Yu tilted his head and thought for a moment, could it be that his true body was exposed? How about... "Xiaoyou!" Looking at Ling Chenjin running over anxiously, the little girl smiled happily, "You're back." "Yeah." Ling Chenjin didn't tell the little girl that the cry for help was just a cry for help. A trap, a trap to lure him away. "Is there anyone who is bad for you?" Ling Chenjin looked around at the little girl and was relieved after finding nothing. The little girl hesitated for a while, then shook her head cutely, "No." "I won't leave you next time." Ling Chenjin took the little girl's hand, "Let's go, let's go see other things." ." Uh-huh, the little girl nodded, and then happily followed Ling Chenjin. As for the two men, Yuu turned around and saw the two sleeping people in the corner at a glance. A smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. The elixir was an elixir, but she was You. He can cure hundreds of diseases, but she is not a good person. Seeing the malicious smile on the little girl's lips, Ling Chenjin raised his eyebrows and looked back. I couldn't help but laugh a little, and seemed to have forgotten that the little girl was bound to retaliate. As for those two people, let them be unconscious for a while. Ling Chenjin used magic to cover up the auras of the two people, and in an instant they lost a lot of sight. The two had a great time in the mortal world, and even went to the legendary palace to meet the emperor of mankind. "Are all these women his?" The little girl pointed at the human emperor in confusion. "...Probably," Ling Chenjin didn't know how to answer, "Maybe not." You blinked, not quite understanding what Ling Chenjin meant, "But they all kept looking at him." She still smiled so beautifully. "Can an emperor have many women?" The little girl was even more puzzled. There are no gods in the world, but there are still immortals.

I was lucky enough to see the Immortal Emperor when I went out with Uncle Dashu. He only had one wife.

"I don't know," Ling Chenjin answered vaguely, "But if it were me, I would only have Xiaoyou." When saying this, Ling Chenjin was still a little nervous.

However, the little girl didn't feel it and just replied, "Me too, and I only need brother Chenjin."

Seeing the trust in the little girl's eyes, Ling Chenjin fell silent, then smiled again Come on, it's okay, they still have a lot of time anyway.

At this time, Ling Chenjin had completely forgotten that he had abducted the little girl Xiaoyou from Qingcheng.

(End of this chapter)

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Chapter 164 Girl Yuu x Boy Chenjin (3)

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Previous chapter: Chapter 163 Girl Yuu x Boy Chenjin (2)Next chapter: Chapter 165 Girl Yuu x Boy Chenjin (also the finale)

Chapter 164

Girl Yuu


The smile on Ling Chenjin's face froze, "What?"

"I said I was going back," the little girl didn't notice Ling Chenjin's face, "I have been out for a long time, and Uncle Dashu thought about me. "

But," Ling Chenjin looked at You, "but if you leave, we will never see each other again." "

Although I am reluctant to part with you," the little girl frowned, "but I have to go back." And we will see each other again." Just say something to Uncle Dashu.

Besides, that is her home. If she is far away for a long time, her body will feel uncomfortable.

But Ling Chenjin didn't notice the little girl's discomfort. He just felt that he had been cheated, "Didn't you say you only need me?"

"You lied to me?" Ling Chenjin said calmly, looking at the little girl's face. He didn't understand why, and was even more angry in his heart, "If you want to leave, then go and get out."

"Brother Chenjin." Looking at Ling Chenjin who disappeared in an instant, You was a little confused. Why was brother Chenjin so angry?

It was just the fatigue that kept coming from his body that kept Yuu from thinking about it anymore.

"I think I'll get home soon." The little girl had a look of aggrievedness on her face, but there was only a little bit of magical power left on the mountain. If she was using it, she might not even be able to walk.

Moreover, the spiritual energy in the mortal world is really thin and pitiful.

It felt so boring even without Brother Chenjin around. The little girl walked along the stream, and her body was connected to the forest, but she had walked for a long time and still didn't reach it.

Yuu sat on the big rock dejectedly, his lips pursed and he almost wanted to cry.

"Brother Chenjin is a bad guy." He even sent me out without sending me back.

Ling Chen Jinqi, who had just followed over to see what was going on, slipped and almost fell from the tree. Huh, I can't protect you anymore.

After all, he still had the mentality of a teenager. Ling Chenjin walked a long way in anger and almost returned to the Phoenix Clan, but he was always a little uneasy in his heart.

Why doesn't Xiaoyou go back directly and still has to walk? Aren't you tired?

Ling Chenjin always felt that there was something he had overlooked, but he also felt that it was clearly Xiaoyou's fault. He had agreed to only stay with me, but now he had to go back to find some uncle from the big tree.


"Hey, I'm back." The old father looked at Ling Chenjin who walked in angrily, and suddenly laughed, "What's wrong?"

What happened to make this kid so angry?

But after saying what had happened, the old father's face completely changed, "Are you stupid?" "

You can't leave your birthplace for too long, otherwise it will dry up," the old father said with a serious face, "Hurry up now. Go find that little girl, if she suffers any loss, Qingjie will have to peel off a layer of my skin."

Ling Chenjin didn't ask any more questions after hearing this, and hurried back immediately, blaming herself very much in her heart for how old she is. I want to be serious with the little girl, I just hope that Xiaoyou will be okay.

Thinking of Xiaoyou's exquisite appearance, Ling Chenjin wanted to hit himself, and he didn't know if Xiaoyou was being targeted.

However, Yuu is quite lucky. The direction towards the forest is relatively remote, so there are very few people.

However, Ling Chenjin still burst out when he saw the pale little girl lying next to the stream.

"Well," the little girl opened her eyes and just wanted to squint for a while, "it's so hot."

Looking at the burning trees around her, the little girl jumped up. As a fairy, she was also very afraid of fire.

"Xiaoyou," Ling Chenjin hugged the little girl, "I'm sorry, Xiaoyou."

"Let go," the little girl, "you're too hot."

Ling Chenjin quickly calmed down his anger and looked at the pale little girl. , "I'll take you back right now."

"Yeah." You was so tired that he transformed into a prototype in Ling Chenjin's arms.

Seeing this scene, Ling Chenjin quickened his pace.


"I trust you," Qing Jie said angrily, "Is this how you treat my little Youyou?"

Seeing the tired little girl turning into a prototype, Qing Jie angrily drove Ling Chenjin out, "Let's go. Come on, if it weren't for whose son you are, I don't care if you are the young master or not." He

looked at his little girl with distress, "It's really, I don't know how to tell others if I feel uncomfortable."

Ling Chenjin No matter how hard he got in this time, he couldn't get in. Qingjie didn't care before, but it's different now. Once Ling Chenjin gets close, the forest's restrictions will become even more severe.

"I'm sorry," Ling Chenjin lowered his face, thinking that he only knew how to play before and didn't even know this bit of common sense. "Xiaoyou, wait for me."

Wait for him to become more powerful, wait for him to become more mature , he came to find Xiaoyou.

Marry Xiaoyou back, if that doesn't work, then marry him.

Anyway, Xiaoyou said that he was the only one needed.

Many years passed in a flash, and the little girl woke up in the first month after Ling Chenjin left, but her head was still a little dazed.

"Brother Qingxie."

"Brother Qingxie, when will brother Chenjin come to see me." I don't know if I scared brother Chenjin when I transformed directly.

Qingji glanced at You, "How do I know? They are probably married."

"Married?" You jumped up, with a look of shock on his face, "How can brother Chenjin get married?"

"How is it impossible?" Qingji frowned and looked. With Youyou's expression, she seemed to have thought of something, "Just stay here peacefully. Ling Chenjin and you can't be together."

As the young master of the Feng clan, Ling Chenjin has so many things to do every day, why? Can take good care of the little girl.

"But," You pouted, with an aggrieved look on his face, "But brother Chenjin said he only wanted mine."

What a childish thing, everyone is a sensible child. Besides, they were not seven or eight-year-old children at that time.

Although Yuu's mind was not spinning very fast, it didn't mean that she didn't understand anything.

Seeing the undeniable expression on Qingji's face, You thought to himself, I'll go secretly later.

Anyway, all the spiritual energy in the place of birth has been absorbed, so it doesn't matter if you leave this forest.

You can tell what the little girl is thinking at a glance. She just remembered the message the old guy sent her before. Forget it, let her go.

It doesn't matter if you give up, it will save me every day. Brother Chenjin, brother Chenjin, makes me tired.

Did it come out so smoothly? Yuu looked in disbelief, but didn't think much about it. He just asked, "Where is Brother Chenjin?"

Qingxie, who was following behind, had a look of helplessness on his face, so he had to secretly give Yuu a hint.

If we follow this road, we can probably catch it in time.

Perhaps it was a reunion after a long absence, as Yuu walked quickly along the way.

Looking at the lively scene in front of him, You stopped and looked at the standing stone tablet, "This is it, Feng Clan."

Looking at the two words on the stone tablet, You walked in happily.

Someone is getting married? Looking at the bright red surroundings, Yuu unnaturally thought of Qingxie's words just now, "They are probably getting married." It was impossible,

Yuu comforted himself in his heart, but he couldn't help but think in that direction, which made him extremely sad. , Could it be that Brother Chenjin doesn't like me anymore?

(End of this chapter)

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Chapter 165 Girl Yuu x Boy Chenjin (also the finale)

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Previous chapter: Chapter 164 Girl Yuu x Boy Chenjin (3)

Chapter 165 Girl Yuu

"Well, I'm sorry," Yu stopped one person, "I want to ask, who is getting married today?"

The person looked at Yu suspiciously, "You don't know why you came here?"

"Uh," Yu said blankly. He was stunned and answered dryly, "Because it's lively here."

"That's right." That person probably thought that a child from somewhere came to join in the fun. "It's our young master who is getting married to the princess of the Phoenix tribe."

"Young master?" He was frozen in place, not even knowing that that person was gone.

Everyone went in, and only You stayed outside. The more he thought about it, the sadder he became, the angrier he became, and the more he felt wronged. "Brother Chenjin is a big liar." "Liar," You said angrily, wiping away her tears. He walked back hurriedly

, "Never trust brother Chenjin again."

"Xiaoyou?" Ling Chenjin thought he had auditory hallucinations just now, otherwise how could he hear his little girl's voice.

"Xiao You," Ling Chenjin ran over and hugged You with excitement, "It's really you. I thought I saw it wrong." "

Let go, let go," You pushed Ling Chenjin away angrily. Pointing at Ling Chenjin, "Liar."

"I..." Ling Chenjin looked confused, "What's wrong with me?"

What else happened? You Leng snorted, "You said that as long as I'm alone, you're a liar." We're getting married." She cried in grievance as she spoke.

"When am I going to get married?" Ling Chenjin looked at Yu who was crying miserably, stepped forward to hug her, and said distressedly, "Okay, don't cry anymore. How could I lie to you when I promised you that I would be alone. "

But you are about to get married," You said with a tearful voice, "Others have told me that the young master wants to marry the princess of the Feng clan." "

Pfft," Ling Chenjin laughed, looking at the little girl's angry look. Looking at her eyes, Ling Chenjin suppressed her smile, "Fool, the Princess of the Feng Clan is my cousin." "

That young master is not me." Ling Chenjin smiled amusedly, "Look at my outfit, does it look like I'm getting married? ?"

Looking at Ling Chenjin's simple white clothes, You was stunned for a moment, and then said nothing with a straight face.

It's all Uncle Dashu's fault. He said anything to mislead me. Don't play with him again.

"I'm very happy that Xiaoyou can come to me." Ling Chenjin hugged the little girl he missed so much, "This shows that I'm not alone in unrequited love." He giggled after saying this.

You moved uncomfortably, "I miss Brother Chenjin so much." "

I can stay outside for a long time now," You said with a smile, "Brother Chenjin, when will we go out to play again?"

Thinking of The little girl's bloodless face when we parted for the first time is still fresh in my memory. Ling Chenjin pinched the little girl's cheek and said, "You know how to play. Maybe you came to me just to play." "

That's right. No," You immediately retorted after hearing this, "I really miss Brother Chenjin. You will be Brother Chenjin's wife from now on." "

!" Ling Chenjin looked at the little girl in shock, "What did you say? ?"

"I, I said I will..." Looking at Ling Chenjin who looked uncomfortable, You didn't know if he should continue talking.

"Are you sure?" Ling Chenjin looked excited. "You are sure. You can't go back on your word. I'll tell my dad right now." "

Say what you say," Qing Chen said with disapproval on his face. But I don't agree."

"It's not you who will marry me," Ling Chenjin retorted, "As long as Xiaoyou agrees."

Qingchen: This kid is rebelling.

Qingchen turned his attention to You, "Brother Qingchen, I just want to be with Brother Chenjin." You said.

Maybe she lives in the forest all year round and doesn't know much about the relationship between men and women, but for now, maybe earlier.

She just wanted to be with Ling Chenjin.

"Xiaoyou," Ling Chenjin smiled lovingly at the little girl, and then took her hand, "I hope you can agree."

Of course, there is nothing you can do if you don't agree, but Qingchen is in Xiaoyou's arms. He has a certain status in his heart, and he doesn't want Xiaoyou to be unhappy.

Qingchen: ...It's not that he disagrees. Originally, the Flower of the Netherworld was immortal, but since Ling Chenjin appeared, Qingchen saw the death energy on You.

Just seeing the determination in You's eyes, Qingchen didn't know what to say.

"Forget it Qingchen," the old clan leader came out and patted Qingchen on the shoulder seriously, "This is their fate."

The two were not married, but Yuu had already settled in the Feng clan.

Except for occasionally going back to the forest to see Qingcheng, my life was very comfortable.

"You're so leisurely," Ling Chenjin came over and hugged the little girl's waist, lowered his head and kissed her, "Did you miss me?" "

Oh," You pushed Ling Chenjin away and spit out the shells in his mouth, "Don't disturb me while I'm eating."

"You," Ling Chenjin said with a helpless smile, helping to peel the shells with both hands, "you know how to eat."

You took the food thrown by Ling Chenjin, with bright eyes. "Hehe, brother Chenjin, are you done with your work?"

"Not yet," Ling Chenjin paused with a smile on his face, "I just miss you." "

Is the matter serious?" Thinking of this, Yuya didn't want to eat. , just looked at Ling Chenjin with worried eyes.

"Fortunately, it's not serious." Ling Chenjin pinched the soft flesh of the little girl's body. But the expression on Ling Chenjin's face was not very relaxed.

The atmosphere in the clan suddenly became tense. It seemed that the princess of the Feng clan who got married two years ago and that unknown young master had divorced. But just like that, the atmosphere should not be so stiff.

There must be something else that he is hiding from him, but it seems that Ling Chenjin doesn't want him to know.

On this day, You looked at the cute little white rabbit buns that he had made and walked towards Ling Chenjin's yard with excitement on his face. Brother Chenjin should be extremely happy when he saw this.

In order to surprise Ling Chenjin, You also deliberately restrained his footsteps so that no one would notice.

"Young Master, this is the only chance." The old man's voice was pleading. As soon as you heard it, you wanted to turn around. Since we were talking about things, you should come back to Brother Chenjin later, but the man's next words suddenly Jean Yu stopped in his tracks.

"Only the Netherworld Flower can help us survive this disaster, young master," the old man said with anger in his voice, "young master." After a long while,

Ling Chenjin said, "This is our clan's business, but you Asking others to sacrifice, Second Elder, can you have a clear conscience?"

The Second Elder's face was full of anxiety. He also knew in his heart that after this incident, that lively little girl would probably never be seen again, but Compared with this, the thousands and hundreds of people in the Feng Clan are more important to him.

"Could it be that Young Master is just watching our Phoenix clan disappear?" the second elder coughed a few times.

"Let's talk about this matter again," Ling Chenjin rubbed his eyebrows, "there will always be a way."

You stood outside for a moment, then went back quietly.

"Where is Xiaoyou?" Ling Chenjin asked others as he looked at the little girl who was not in the room.

"Miss You said she was making rabbit buns," the person replied, "Logically, I should have arrived at your place early."

Ling Chenjin panicked and turned around, almost bumping into someone.

"What is brother Chenjin doing in such a panic?" You looked confused and handed the rabbit bun to Ling Chenjin, "I just wanted to go find brother Chenjin, but I found that the rabbit bun was missing an ingredient, so I went back again. ."

"You don't have to do this next time," Ling Chenjin took the things, "What if you burn yourself."

"It's okay." You turned his eyes.

"Brother Chenjin, have the clan issues been resolved?" Youzheng asked casually, "Do you need my help?" "

No," Ling Chenjin pulled the little girl over, "It's just some small things, it's okay. ."


"Why were you so stupid back then?" Ling Chenjin hugged Lin Junyou.

"Don't make trouble, I'm preparing lesson plans for the children," Lin Junyou patted Ling Chenjin's rebellious hand, "Don't move." Looking at Ling Chenjin who seemed to have never heard of it,

Lin Junyou looked helpless, "What if I If I didn't save you back then, you wouldn't be the one hugging me now."

Having said that, Ling Chenjin hugged Lin Junyou tightly, "But you scared me at the time."

He hid it from Lin Junyou. After knowing that this matter was known to the little girl, she would definitely agree to the elders' request without hesitation, this silly little girl.

When Lin Junyou left, neither his body nor his soul was left behind. During those days, Ling Chenjin didn't even know how he got here.

He should have watched the person carefully at that time and not given her the slightest chance to get out.

But still, they are all still there.

But, "You have to make it up to me." Ling Chenjin said with an aggrieved look, and kissed him directly after saying that.

Lin Junyou also looked innocent. She just wanted to save the Feng Clan at that time.

And the little girl at that time was also extremely confident. She always felt that she could not only save the Phoenix Clan, but also escape unscathed.

It's a pity that you can't have your cake and eat it too. The Nether body is indeed immortal, but at that time, the Phoenix Fire of the Feng Clan was mixed with Qishui.

Qishui can be regarded as the nemesis of Netherworld. Qishui is unavailable to ordinary people and was born in the same place as Netherworld Flower. What's more, although Qishui is the nemesis, he will not take the initiative to attack Nether Flower.

The accident was just because Lin Junyou glanced at Ling Chenjin with a guilty conscience. He was so excited that he accidentally touched Qishui or something because he was distracted. He wouldn't believe it if he told Ling Chenjin.

"I..." Passively accepting Ling Chenjin's unstructured kissing skills, Lin Junyou pinched Ling Chenjin's waist, "You, be gentle..." Suddenly she felt that the temperature

in the room had become much higher. , Lin Junyou twisted her body in discomfort, and refused to the person on her body, "I have to teach tomorrow." "

It's okay," Ling Chenjin blocked Lin Junyou's words, "I have already asked for leave for you. ."

How can there be a teacher who asks for leave every now and then? If you hadn't held the title of a domineering president, I would have been kicked out of the school, okay?

Lin Junyou rolled her eyes helplessly.

"Finally we will never be separated again," Ling Chenjin sighed happily, "Xiaoyou, I love you."

Lin Junyou looked tired and hugged the person tightly, "I love you too."

Theirs The story is finally over, and I almost collapsed. Next, it's about Liu Qingyuan and Gu Nanxun.

(End of this chapter)

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