
Chapter 131: Do Not Start!

When Fang Ya heard Mount Ming, she was surprised.

"Could it be because of that?" Li Tong's voice was followed by a question.

Fang Ya had also thought of this question.

The development of Mount Ming was originally a designated project of the district government. The developers were naturally appointed by the district government or decided by auction.

The case of the dead body found on Mount Ming had not been solved yet, so it had been difficult to push forward the project of Mount Ming.

Therefore, these people urgently needed Nie Jun to sign and place his seal on the project and get it started as soon as possible.

Fang Ya listened to the discussion between He Feng and Li Tong, and her eyebrows tightly knitted together.

If Fang Ya remembered correctly, once the project on Mount Ming was started, a few murders that shocked the country started taking place.

If that was really the case, this project on Mount Ming...

"The Mount Ming project must not be launched!" Fang Ya shouted anxiously into the phone.

He Feng and Li Tong immediately shut up, as if they were frightened.

Nie Jun, who was lying on the bed, also stirred awake.

He tilted his body and looked at Fang Ya.

The policeman standing at the side hurriedly helped Nie Jun up.

Nie Jun looked at Fang Ya. "Why are you so agitated?"

Fang Ya turned to look at Nie Jun, but she did not know how to explain it.

She could not say that she had a premonition that several people would die once the Mount Ming project started, right?

However, if everything was really as it had been in her previous life, then these people would die because of the Mount Ming project.

The more Fang Ya thought about it, the colder her body felt, and she began to tremble.

Nie Jun saw Fang Ya turning paler and paler, so he quickly said to Fang Ya, "Don't be anxious. Come, come and sit down first."

Fang Ya looked at Nie Jun and took a deep breath before saying a few words to He Feng. She hung up the phone and walked to the chair to sit down.

Nie Jun lowered his voice and comforted Fang Ya, "Relax, tell me what you're worried about."

Fang Ya tried hard to think of how to answer Nie Jun's question.

Although Nie Jun was a little suspicious when he saw Fang Ya's strange behavior, He Feng had once told him that Fang Ya had a sixth sense.

Whenever Fang Ya warned him, He Feng was always able to turn the situation around.

Although Nie Jun did not believe in ghosts and gods, he was still in awe.

He was willing to believe that Fang Ya had some kind of ability that allowed the people around her to turn the situation around.

Fang Ya glanced at the police officer who was curiously staring.

Nie Jun immediately understood and said to the police officer, "My assistant is already here. Thank you for keeping watch over me last night.

"You've worked hard all night. Hurry up and go back and rest," Nie Jun said to the policeman.

The policeman did not dare to disobey Nie Jun's words. He saluted Nie Jun and turned around to leave.

When the door to the ward closed again, Fang Ya took a deep breath and said to Nie Jun, "I don't know how to explain it to you, but please believe me. The project at Mount Ming can not be started. People will be hurt because of it."

Fang Ya did not dare to be too specific, or it might arouse Nie Jun's suspicion.

"Did your mind tell you that?" Nie Jun looked at Fang Ya and asked.

Fang Ya looked at Nie Jun in surprise. "How did you know?"

Nie Jun curled the corner of his mouth and said to Fang Ya, "I heard what you said to He Feng just now."

"He also advised you to be frank with me, right?" Nie Jun said confidently.

Fang Ya was even more surprised. "Indeed. He just asked me to tell you the truth."

Nie Jun nodded with satisfaction and said, "Then tell me! If it's possible, I'll try my best to believe you!"

Fang Ya could not describe the feeling in her heart. She only felt that she had met all the good people in the world in this life.

Fang Ya said to Nie Jun, "I can feel that if this project is launched, someone will definitely die."

"Moreover, it's not just one or two people!" Fang Ya said solemnly to Nie jun.

When Nie Jun heard Fang Ya's words, his eyes widened in shock.

He seemed to be shocked and began to doubt the authenticity of Fang Ya's words.

However, from the way Fang Ya looked so intently at him, there was only sincerity.

Nie Jun slowly nodded his head, "Okay! I got it! I will do everything in my power to stop this project!"

"Also, I promise you, I will protect those people! I will not let them get hurt!" Nie Jun solemnly gave his promise.

Fang Ya looked at Nie Jun gratefully, her eyes already wet.

This was the feeling of someone trusting her again, and it was also the feeling of being able to successfully save another life after her rebirth.

Chapter 132: What Happened To He Feng?

Ever since Nie Jun was hospitalized, Fang Ya accompanied him in the hospital almost every day. She only took the bus home when she got off work.

Fang Ya did not tell Shao Xiang these things because she was afraid that Shao Xiang would be worried.

However, Shao Xiang was indeed getting more and more worried as she smelled the unmistakable scent of the hospital from Fang Ya every day.

Finally, after dinner one day, Shao Xiang stopped Fang Ya in the middle of doing the dishes. "What's wrong with you recently?"

Fang Ya was about to think of an excuse to tell Shao Xiang not to worry.

Shao Xiang asked again, "Did something happen to He Feng?"

"You smell like the hospital every day. He Feng hasn't been home for a while. Did something happen to him?" Shao Xiang asked anxiously.

"Is he in the hospital? What's wrong? Do you need my help?" Shao Xiang asked continuously. She could see her worry.

Fang Ya heard Shao Xiang's question and knew that she had not explained the situation to Shao Xiang these days, but it had put such a heavy burden on her heart.

Shao Xiang was really worried about them, but she was also afraid that if she asked too many questions, it would trouble them even more. She could only be left guessing aimlessly every day.

Fang Ya held Shao Xiang's hand and said, "It's not He Feng! The secretary has been injured."

"The secretary is injured? Are you taking care of him?" Shao Xiang asked with some confusion.

"This matter is a little complicated. In the beginning, He Feng was the one taking care of him." Fang Ya gave Shao Xiang a rough explanation of the current situation.

Shao Xiang listened to Fang Ya's words. Although she only understood a little of it, she was no longer so worried.

Fang Ya gently patted Shao Xiang's hand and said to her, "Mom, thank you for worrying about us."

"Don't worry. If we have any difficulties, we will tell you. Don't let your imagination run wild, okay?" Fang Ya looked at Shao Xiang and asked.

Shao Xiang nodded. The huge rock in her heart was finally lifted.

However, just as Shao Xiang removed the first rock, an even bigger rock came crashing over from the other side.

Fang Ya's cell phone suddenly rang.

When she picked up the call, her expression became uglier and uglier.

"How did this happen? Is he alright?" Fang Ya asked anxiously.

Shao Xiang did not know what was being said, but Fang Ya's expression only became uglier and uglier.

Shao Xiang looked at Fang Ya worriedly, her heart even more uneasy.

She did not know why, but she had a feeling that something was going to happen recently, and that feeling was getting stronger and stronger.

Fang Ya hung up the phone, picked up her coat, picked up Tang Tang, and said to Shao Xiang, "We need to leave, immediately. I'll look for someone to take care of the kids today."

Shao Xiang did not dare to ask further. She followed Fang Ya to He Peng's room and called He Peng out.

After knocking on the door of the large woman's house, Fang Ya apologized to her, "Something happened at home suddenly. I'll have to trouble you to take care of the two children."

The large woman looked at Fang Ya's anxious face and quickly said, "Don't worry, leave it to me! You can rest assured that the children are with me!"

"Thank you for your trouble!" Fang Ya said and sent Tang Tang into the arms of the large woman.

Tang Tang looked at Fang Ya obediently and even waved goodbye to her.

He Peng carried his schoolbag and followed the large woman into the courtyard.

Fang Ya turned around and walked to Uncle Chen's house next door with Shao Xiang.

Uncle Chen's house had a shabby car. Although it was shabby, the neighbors on the street would ask him if they needed a car urgently.

Uncle Chen was a laid-off worker, so he relied on this shabby car to earn a living occasionally.

Fang Ya came to Uncle Chen's house and saw that Aunt Chen was arranging some vines. She had knitted a wicker basket and planned to sell it.

"Aunt, is he around?" Fang Ya asked Aunt Chen.

Aunt Chen used her chin to point into the house. "He's not in a good mood today. He's planning to drink some wine."

Hearing that, Fang Ya rushed into the house. "Uncle! I need to use the car!"

As soon as Uncle Chen brought the glass of wine to his mouth, he immediately put it down.

Chapter 133: Wu Wei Killed Someone

Uncle Chen looked at Fang Ya. "You need the car?"

"Yes!" Fang Ya nodded heavily.

Uncle Chen immediately put down his wine glass, then picked up his clothes and keys. "Let's go!"

Uncle Chen had never refused Fang Ya's request.

Fang Ya was a generous person. She would always give more than others when it came to far bigger matters than the use of a car.

Uncle Chen did not care about the few dollars, but it was always better than bargaining.

Fang Ya pulled Shao Xiang into Uncle Chen's beat-up car. After giving the address, she started thinking about how to explain things to Shao Xiang.

Shao Xiang remained silent.

She did not dare to ask further.

For Fang Ya to be in such a hurry, it must be a big deal.

For her to be brought along only meant that this matter was related to her.

Shao Xiang was nervous.

The only thing she could think of now was that something had happened to Wu Wei!



Shao Xiang was worried and her hands were tightly clasped together.

Fang Ya could see Shao Xiang's nervousness.

She reached out and held Shao Xiang's trembling hand.

"Mom, listen to me. It's like this." Fang Ya held Shao Xiang's hand and said, "Wu Wei is currently at the police station."

"Police station?" Shao Xiang looked at Fang Ya with some panic in her eyes.

Fang Ya nodded and continued, "He has been accused of... murder!"

As Fang Ya said that, her gaze was fixed on Shao Xiang's face.

Sure enough, Shao Xiang's face instantly turned pale. "Murder? How is that possible! It's impossible for him to kill someone! He's very timid!"

Shao Xiang tried her best to justify Wu Wei, but she did not know what else to say.

Fang Ya patted Shao Xiang's hand comfortingly. "Don't worry! I also believe that he won't kill anyone."

"The police is only holding him to have him assist in the investigation," Fang Ya said as she reached out and gently pulled Shao Xiang's slightly trembling body into her arms.

"He Feng will help him out," Fang Ya continued.

"Let's go over and take a look at the situation first," Fang Ya said, wanting Shao Xiang not to worry too much.

Shao Xiang nodded, not knowing what to say.

"Also, the police called, hoping that we can assist in the investigation," Fang Ya continued.

"The police said that we were involved in the supposed alibi provided by Wu Wei, so they hope that we can explain the situation," Fang Ya said, her eyes flashing slightly. No one knew what she was thinking.

"That means we can attest for Wu Wei? Is that what you mean?" Shao Xiang suddenly raised her head and looked at Fang Ya expectantly.

"Let's go and take a look at the situation first, then we'll talk!" Fang Ya pursed her lips at Shao Xiang and did not give a definite answer.

Shao Xiang did not know what this meant, and her brows furrowed even more tightly.

Uncle Chen drove all the way to the police station.

Fang Ya gave Uncle Chen 100 yuan and said to Uncle Chen, "Uncle, I might end up using the car quite heavily, so I'll give you this money first."

Uncle Chen took the 100 yuan and was extremely happy. He said to Fang Ya, "Don't worry, don't worry! Call me anytime!"

Fang Ya nodded and said, "You can go first. We'll call your houseline when we're about to leave."

"Okay, okay!" Uncle Chen happily took the money and rushed home.

He had to tell this good news to his wife!

100 yuan!

How many baskets would he have to sell to match that!

Fang Ya supported Shao Xiang all the way to the police station. After identifying herself, she was arranged to wait in a small room.

Soon, two policemen came in and verified the identities of Fang Ya and Shao Xiang.

Fang Ya looked at one of the policemen who looked slightly familiar, but she could not remember where she had seen him before.

Shao Xiang looked at the policeman with tears in her eyes. "Excuse me, did Wu Wei commit a crime? It's impossible for him! He's very timid!"

Shao Xiang grabbed the policeman's hand and spoke as her tears flowed uncontrollably.

The policeman pulled himself free from Shao Xiang's hand and said, "Whether he's guilty or not, we will get down to the truth!

"I called you here today to verify some information!" The policeman said, took a notebook and sat down, and began to record their statements.

Chapter 134: Homicide Case

After nearly two hours of answering questions, Fang Ya and Shao Xiang walked out of the interrogation room.

"Um, officer, can I see my son?" Shao Xiang begged one of the officers.

The officer looked at Shao Xiang somewhat sheepishly, then turned to another person for help.

The other officer glanced at Shao Xiang and Fang Ya, then said, "Not yet."

Shao Xiang put down her hands in disappointment.

Fang Ya held Shao Xiang gently, afraid that she would fall to the ground.

The two of them rested for a while in the police station before Fang Ya called Uncle Chen.

Uncle Chen quickly picked them up.

It was almost 10 o'clock at night when they got home.

Fang Ya was afraid that Shao Xiang was worried and would not be able to sleep, so she did not go to pick up the two children. Instead, she accompanied Shao Xiang to sit in her room for a while.

Shao Xiang held Fang Ya's hand tightly the whole time. Her face was full of worry. "Do you think he'll be okay?"

Fang Ya shook her head and said, "He'll be fine! He's not that kind of person!"

"But..." Shao Xiang wanted to say something, but she did not know where to begin.

Fang Ya comforted Shao Xiang patiently, "Don't worry too much. I'll get He Feng to go and see what's going on tomorrow."

Shao Xiang felt uneasy and could not fall asleep no matter what.

Fang Ya knew that Shao Xiang was worried, so she picked up her phone and called He Feng.

He Feng finally had made some progress because he was working on the case overnight, so he took the opportunity to visit Nie Jun in the hospital while he was resting.

Just as the two of them were talking about Fang Ya, Fang Ya's call came.

He Feng was surprised and immediately picked up the call. "Hello, Fang Ya?"

Nie Jun looked at He Feng's flustered look and could not help but chuckle silently.

Fang Ya briefly told He Feng about Wu Wei's arrest, and He Feng's expression gradually became grave.

After hanging up the phone, Nie Jun looked at He Feng from the side. "What happened?"

He Feng thought for a moment and said, "Fang Ya's brother was arrested."

"Is it related to the murder case that you guys were talking about just now?" Nie Jun heard portions from He Feng's side of the conversation and surmised.

He Feng nodded and said, "Yes! Moreover, it's quite a messy case.

"Whatever the case, from what little I know of Wu Wei, he wouldn't do such a thing," He Feng said with a frown.

He Feng knew that he should not judge hastily. This would be very disadvantageous for the investigation of the case.

Although Wu Wei had a bad temper, he had always been a person with a loud bark but a small bite.

If someone was panting louder than him, he would be cowed.

He would never do something like this!

In other words, someone was probably trying to frame Wu Wei!

However, what was the use of framing him?

Who had he offended this time?

The more He Feng thought about it, the more troubled he became.

He Feng picked up his phone and called Li Tong.

"Brother Feng, what's the matter?" Li Tong was busy organizing his thoughts on the case. When he saw He Feng's call, he thought there had been new developments.

He Feng briefly explained Wu Wei's situation and said, "Find out which team is currently working on this case and get a rough idea on the situation."

"I think I just saw team two take this case away," Li Tong said as he shouted at the colleague beside him, "Xiao Feng, did your team just take a homicide case?"

Li Tong took the phone away from his face and asked his colleague a few questions, then immediately turned back to answer He Feng.

He Feng frowned even more when he heard Li Tong's words.

Seeing He Feng hang up the phone, Nie Jun asked, "Who was the victim?"

He Feng looked at the simple record on the paper and said, "The deceased, Li Ming, was a colleague of Wu Wei. It was said that the two of them were not familiar with each other.

"He was beaten to death on his way home." He Feng gave a rough description of the situation.

"Crime of passion?" Nie Jun thought for a moment and asked.

He Feng shook his head. "Chief Nie, I want to go back to the team to take a look."

Nie Jun waved his hand and said, "Go quickly!"

"I'll send someone over as soon as possible!" He Feng said as he put on his clothes.

"Don't worry! It will be fine!" Nie Jun waved his hand again and urged He Feng to leave quickly.

Chapter 135: Vulnerable Nie Jun

He Feng rushed to the police station and called an off-duty member of the team, Xiao Wei. He asked him to go over to Nie Jun's place to take care of him.

Because the members of the team were all personally brought up by Nie Jun, they had deep feelings for Nie Jun. Naturally, they would not turn down when called upon for such a matter.

Because the case had already fallen into the hands of the second team, He Feng could not intervene too much. He could only circle around as a guest to understand the situation.

According to the information that could be provided, there had been no known conflict between the deceased and Wu Wei. The two people barely even met at work.

The deceased had been beaten to death on the way home.

Wu Wei said that during that time, he had called Shao Xiang and said that he would go to Fang Ya's house for dinner.

Because the case had happened a month ago, the police could indeed obtain the phone records from the public phone booth that Wu Wei had allegedly used to make a call to Fang Ya's house.

But whether the two sides had communicated, only Wu Wei and his family knew.

On the other hand, Wu Wei's wallet was found close by the deceased.

This was the most important evidence!

According to the police, Wu Wei could have accidentally left his wallet when he committed the crime.

He Feng always felt that it was a little strange.

Wu Wei did not know that person, so there was no reason for him to go and beat that person to death.

Moreover, since Wu Wei said he was going to eat, it was indeed suspicious that he did not go to Fang Ya's house for other reasons. However, as long as Wu Wei's whereabouts were confirmed, it would not be difficult to solve.

However, the fatal flaw was that Wu Wei could not even tell where he had gone that night!

This was also the reason why the police were heavily suspicious of him.

He Feng calculated in his heart that there were still many things that remained shrouded in mystery.

However, the case was not in his hands, so it was difficult to investigate.

And with his current relationship with Wu Wei, he reckoned that even if he wanted this case, he could not give it to him.

He Feng thought about it for a moment, called Fang Ya and briefly explained the situation.

Fang Ya listened to He Feng's words and tried hard to look for clues in her memory.

However, because she had too little contact with Wu Wei in her previous life, she could not find any clues that could help Wu Wei.

Fang Ya was inwardly anxious, but there was nothing she could do.

Shao Xiang saw Fang Ya's eagerness and was very touched in her heart. "Don't be anxious. I believe that Wu Wei has never done it. He will be fine."

Hearing Shao Xiang turn to comfort herself, Fang Ya felt even more useless.

This was the first time after her rebirth where her past experiences would be of no help at all!

A night passed just like that.

When the sky had just brightened, He Feng suddenly received a phone call.

He picked up the phone, and a loud shout came from the other side, "Captain! Chief Nie is in trouble!"

When He Feng heard this, he jumped up from his chair.

He asked into the phone, "What happened?"

From the other end of the phone came a frustrated cry, "Early in the morning, I went to make breakfast for Chief Nie, but when I came back, he was gone!"

"I looked all over around!" The more the person spoke, the more anxious he became.

"Don't worry, I'll be there right away!" He Feng said and hung up the phone, waking Li Tong Up.

Li Tong, who was sleeping soundly on the table, looked at He Feng in a daze. "Brother Feng, what's wrong?"

"Something happened to Chief Nie! Hurry over and take a look!" He Feng said as he was about to run out.

"Brother Feng, wait, I'll send you there!" Li Tong woke up in a second, grabbed her clothes and keys, then rushed out with He Feng.

Li Tong stepped on the gas all the way and drove to the hospital in less than 20 minutes.

The two rushed to Nie Jun's ward and saw the empty bed with Xiao Wei pacing anxiously beside it.

"Xiao Wei, what's going on?" He Feng rushed forward and grabbed Xiao Wei's arm.

"Brother Feng, I really looked for him! I don't know either..." Xiao Wei was already panicking.

Li Tong rushed to the consultation desk and asked.

However, because the hospital did not have enough manpower during the shift change in the morning, no one had noticed the situation in this ward.

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Chapter 136: Kidnapped?

"How could a person disappear into thin air?!" He Feng paced back and forth anxiously in the ward.

Xiao Wei was also panicking.

His negligence had caused Nie Jun to disappear without a trace, and Xiao Wei was so frustrated that he was about to die.

When Fang Ya rushed to the hospital, He Feng was anxiously making calls to various departments.

The news of Nie Jun being injured and hospitalized had just been announced to the public, and the higher-ups had been especially concerned.

However, they had not expected him to suddenly disappear like this!

"How is it? How did he disappear?" Fang Ya looked at He Feng, whose face had turned green, and asked.

Xiao Wei, who was at the side, hurried over. "Sister-in-law, it's all my fault. I, I don't know. I made breakfast and came back, and Chief Nie had disappeared."

"Have you looked for him? What did the hospital say?" Fang Ya looked at Xiao Wei's sad face and asked helplessly.

"I've looked for him! But I didn't see anyone! It would be fine if someone at least found some clues!" Xiao Wei said and thumped his head heavily.

Fang Ya could not help but sigh. In the latter part of her past life, there were cameras everywhere!

At least, by pulling up the surveillance cameras in the vicinity, they would be able to find out how this person had been transported out!

However, it was useless to lament about this now. It was more important to find someone.

Fang Ya thought for a moment and said, "You said that when you went to get breakfast in the morning, you came back to find him gone?"

"Yes!" Xiao Wei nodded. "I went out for less than 20 minutes."

Fang Ya walked to He Feng's side and gently pulled him to sit down.

She patiently analyzed He Feng. "It won't be so easy to transport a seriously injured person out of the hospital in 20 minutes."

He Feng, who had been in a tumultuous state, raised his head to look at Fang Ya.

Fang Ya's calm gaze allowed He Feng to regain his rationality.

He took a deep breath quietly and followed Fang Ya's words. "You're right. It's impossible to transport people away quietly."

"Even if the people at the information desk didn't notice during the shift change, that should be under the condition that the other party didn't have any other special tricks up their sleeves," He Feng continued to analyze.

"In other words, someone pretended to be a medical staff and took the old leader away?" He Feng felt that it was a little strange.

"That's not normal! It can't be so smooth. The old leader he..." He Feng said with a strange expression.

Fang ya looked at He Feng with a strange expression in her eyes. "What if the secretary willingly went with them?"

He Feng's eyes widened and looked at Fang Ya in disbelief. "Impossible! It's impossible for the secretary!"

Fang Ya shook her head. "He Feng, don't let your emotions affect your judgment."

He Feng gritted his teeth and said, "He hasn't recovered from his injuries yet. Where could those people take him?"

Fang Ya thought for a moment before saying, "I don't know where they will go, but I might know who they are."

When He Feng heard Fang Ya's words, his eyes lit up. "You do?"

Fang ya nodded and then said to Xiao Wei who was guarding at the side, "Xiao Wei, can you go and call Li Tong up?"

Li Tong had been continuously inquiring about the situation from the various departments of the hospital and had not gone upstairs yet.

Xiao Wei quickly responded and ran out.

Fang Ya looked at He Feng and asked, "Can Xiao Wei be trusted?"

He Feng nodded solemnly. "I believe in My Brothers!"

Fang Ya nodded in understanding and said, "The other party should be Taifeng Construction. However, this particular one should not be the person behind Taifeng Construction."

"You mean..." He Feng looked at Fang Ya strangely.

Fang Ya sorted out the information in her memory and said, "This person should have no intention to hurt the secretary. He just needs the secretary to be his witness."

"Witness?" He Feng was a little surprised.

Fang Ya nodded and said, "I think this person will contact you soon."

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Chapter 137: Alone

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

He Feng was not sure if what Fang Ya said was true, but as of now, he was completely out of options, so he chose to believe Fang Ya.

Fang Ya was not 100% sure that her judgment was correct.

However, in her memory, there seemed to be a person involved in the Taifeng Construction case who once kidnapped a government official to protect himself.

At that time, the case had been very popular in a small area, but it did not spread widely in the media.

That was because at that time, the kidnapped official seemed to already be involved in another case.

Fang Ya knew this only because she worked in a restaurant and heard the news by word of mouth.

Fang Ya was not sure if the kidnapped official was Nie Jun, but judging from the current timeline, it should be him.

What Fang Ya could not figure out was how Nie Jun could be involved in the Taifeng fiasco.

Most importantly, the current Taifeng construction should still be a rising star.

As many leading cadres cared about the growing private enterprises, Taifeng Construction was now the light of the citizens.

Fang Ya could not understand. was the reason for Nie Jun's kidnapping really as the rumors said, that he was needed to testify for someone else?

The more Fang Ya thought about it, the more confused she became. However, she had no way of explaining this to He Feng.

He Feng looked at Fang Ya's frustration and raised his hand to gently grab her hand. "I believe you, so we'll wait for the news first."

Fang Ya nodded and kept searching for other relevant information in her mind.

He Feng stayed in the hospital for half a day. Together with Li Tong, they asked around all the departments in the hospital.

As expected, no one found anything unusual.

Just past three o'clock in the afternoon, He Feng received a strange phone call.

The other party directly asked He Feng to meet at nine o'clock in the evening in the woods, at the eastern section of the moat.

He Feng did not ask any questions and directly agreed.

He did not tell Li Tong and the others about the news but only told Fang Ya about the situation.

Fang Ya was worried about He Feng, but she knew that it was useless to persuade him otherwise.

At 9 pm, He Feng went to the rendezvous alone.

Fang Ya nervously held her phone and paced back and forth in the room.

She did not know if she was doing the right thing, but now she felt that her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

Fang Ya stared at the clock on the wall, her hands clenched tightly.

Shao Xiang just happened to bring in the freshly boiled tong sui. When she saw Fang Ya's dazed look, she found it a little odd.

"What happened to you today?" Shao Xiang looked at Fang Ya.

When Fang Ya saw that it was Shao Xiang, she took a deep breath and said, "Nothing. I was thinking about how to handle Wu Wei's matter."

"Drink something sweet first. The police have already come to look for me regarding Wu Wei's matter today." Shao Xiang said and pulled Fang Ya to sit down at the table.

"What did the police say?" Fang Ya looked at Shao Xiang and asked absentmindedly.

Shao Xiang poured a bowl of tong sui for Fang Ya and said, "The police said that although all the evidence now points to Wu Wei killing people, as long as Wu Wei refuses to admit to killing people, they won't have any conclusive evidence at the moment."

"Then will they continue to investigate?" Fang Ya scooped a mouthful of tong sui and asked.

"Yes." Shao Xiang nodded. "They said that if we can verify Wu Wei's whereabouts that day, we can prove that he didn't kill anyone."

Shao Xiang said with a faint smile on his face.

At least, they could prove that Wu Wei is innocent!

After Shao Xiang said that, she looked at Fang Ya and saw that Fang Ya's expression was a little strange.

"Is there something on your mind?" Shao Xiang asked again.

Fang Ya glanced at Shao Xiang and sighed slightly. "He Feng went to the rendezvous alone. I'm worried about him."

"Rendezvous? What rendezvous?" Shao Xiang looked at Fang Ya strangely.

"It should be the person who abducted Secretary Nie.." Fang Ya said with uncertainty.

Chapter 138: He Was Found

"Kidnapped?" Shao Xiang cried out in surprise. "How could such a thing happen?"

"Will He Feng be okay?" Shao Xiang was even more worried. It was obvious that she was nervous.

Fang Ya seemed to have regained her confidence. She seemed to be comforting Shao Xiang and herself. "Don't worry, he will be fine."

Shao Xiang was still worried. She sat in the room with Fang Ya and waited for the news.

At twelve in the morning, He Feng suddenly called.

Fang Ya quickly picked up the phone. "He Feng, how is it?"

He Feng briefly described the situation to Fang Ya and quickly hung up.

Shao Xiang looked at Fang Ya from the side. "How is it? Is He Feng okay?"

Fang Ya smiled at Shao Xiang. "He's fine. They've already brought him back to the police station."

"Then your secretary, is he..." Shao Xiang followed up with another question.

Fang Ya's face revealed a peaceful smile. "That person didn't make things difficult for the secretary. He brought him back himself."

Shao Xiang nodded. Only then did she finally relax.

For Shao Xiang, He Feng and Fang Ya's well-being was more important to her than the matter with Wu Wei.

Fang Ya was very touched when she saw her expression.

Shao Xiang smiled at Fang Ya in a placating manner and said, "Since He Feng is fine, you should go to bed. It's getting late."

Fang Ya nodded and followed Shao Xiang out of the door.

Shao Xiang turned around and said to Fang Ya, "Don't need to see me off. It's just by the side."

Fang Ya shook her head and said, "It's no trouble at all."

Although the house was not big, it still took a few steps to get to Shao Xiang's room from Fang Ya's room.

Fang Ya held a small flashlight and accompanied Shao Xiang all the way back to her room.

It was a few steps away, but the two of them seemed to have walked for a long time.

It was not until they entered the room that Shao Xiang turned around and looked at Fang Ya. "I don't know how to thank you..."

Fang Ya looked at Shao Xiang and smiled. "I also want to thank you! So, we're even!"

Shao Xiang wanted to say something but hesitated. After thinking for a while, she sighed. "I still owe you.

"I hope I can make it up to you with the remainder of my life," Shao Xiang said sincerely.

Fang Ya gently hugged Shao Xiang and said, "Don't worry. You'll be very healthy and live a long life. You'll also have to watch Tang Tang get married and help her take care of her child."

Hearing Fang Ya's words, Shao Xiang burst out laughing.

Seeing Shao Xiang laugh, Fang Ya did not stay any longer. She helped her close the door to her room and walked out.

When she returned to her room, Fang Ya looked at her phone and hesitated calling He Feng again.

At that moment, a text message came through.

Fang Ya hurriedly opened it and saw that it was indeed from He Feng.

"Are you asleep?" He Feng had asked.

"Not yet!" Fang Ya immediately replied.

He Feng's phone call immediately came.

Fang Ya was afraid that it would affect Tang Tang's sleep, so she hid in the small hall and picked up the phone.

"How is it? Are things going well on your side?" Fang Ya asked in a low voice.

"As you said," He Feng immediately replied, "The other party did not harm the old leader. They just wanted to pass on some information through him.

"This information will be very helpful for our next case!" He Feng sounded a little excited.

Fang Ya smiled and nodded. "It's good that it's helpful."

"Fang Ya, I really don't know how to thank you!" He Feng said sincerely.

"Didn't you say that helping the police to solve cases is the duty of every citizen?" The corner of Fang Ya's mouth curled up. "As a police wife, I naturally have to lead by example."

Hearing Fang Ya's words, He Feng's face cracked into a wide grin.

Then, he said to Fang Ya, "Try to spend more time with the old leader these two days. Although he hasn't been hurt, a wounded old man was still forcibly carted about...

"I just sent him back to the hospital. The doctor said that he needs to extend the treatment period," He Feng said in a helpless tone.

Hearing that, Fang Ya agreed without hesitation.

Chapter 139: Nie Jun's Ire

The next morning, Fang Ya brought some food to the hospital to visit Nie Jun..

Because he had been abducted straight out of the hospital bed, He Feng had specially sent people to take turns watching over of Nie Jun this time.

Although Nie Jun could not be considered a high-level government official, he had many disciples. There were also many who were willing to go to the hospital to take care of him during their free time.

As soon as Fang Ya walked into the ward, she saw Nie Jun looking at her bitterly.

Fang Ya immediately found it odd. "Secretary, is anything the matter?"

Nie Jun curled his lips and said, "These people have been staring at me."

As Nie Jun said that, his gaze swept across the two young men who were leaning against the window frame with a smile.

"These unfilial sons, now that their wings have hardened, they actually don't listen to me anymore!" The more Nie Jun spoke, the grumpier he got.

Seeing this, Fang Ya did not know whether to laugh or not.

She lifted the jar in her hand and said, "I brought some breakfast over. Have a taste."

"Hey, I can't miss out on your cooking! I can't let He Feng take all the good stuff by himself!" Nie Jun said somewhat indignantly.



Fang Ya smiled embarrassedly. "I'm not a good cook. This was made by my mother. Have a taste."

Nie Jun said to the two young men who were still smiling at him, "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and help your sister-in-law!"

The two young men immediately accepted the order. They set the table and chairs and helped Fang Ya tidy up the dining table.

Fang Ya laid out a few simple dishes and said to the two young men, "I'm sorry, I didn't know there were two people today. I only brought this set of bowls and chopsticks."

One of the young men immediately said, "Sister-in-law, we've already eaten."

Fang Ya looked at the two young men and smiled apologetically. Then, she began to serve Nie Jun some gruel dishes.

Nie Jun held the bowls and chopsticks and ate the gruel dishes. He kept nodding his head in approval.

Fang Ya looked at his appearance and the corners of her mouth rose slightly. "If you like it, I'll bring it a lot more frequently."

"Then I'll have to trouble your mother!" Nie Jun said dismissively.

Fang Ya shook her head and said, "My mother said that you're He Feng's and my leader. It's only our duty to take care of you."

"Your mother is an open-minded person," Nie Jun said as he drank the porridge.

The two young men also took in the fragrance of the porridge. They sniffed and said, "It smells really good!"

"That's right! It's really good! It's much better than the porridge Director Nie cooked himself!" One of them could not help but complain.

"Hah, you don't say! I even ate stones in the porridge last time!" The other person echoed.

"Ah! I had stones too! And there were also fried eggs with eggshells inside!" The person from before followed up with another stab.

Nie Jun listened from the side, and his face gradually sank.

The two young men did not notice him at all, still poking holes at Nie Jun's cooking.

Fang Ya noticed the change in Nie Jun's expression, but quietly looked on.

Finally, Nie Jun shouted at the two men, "You two little bastards! Don't come to my house to leech off me in the future!

"You don't even know how to learn from your brother Feng to bring me some good things, you only know how to get free stuff from me!" Nie Jun said, snorting endlessly.

When the two young men saw Nie Jun getting angry, they immediately rushed over and comforted Nie Jun on both sides.

One of them gently smoothed out the anger in Nie Jun's chest.

The other squatted on the ground and massaged Nie Jun's legs.

Fang Ya saw this and held back her laughter.

Nie Jun's face was taut as he stared at the two young men.

Finally, after the two young men coaxed him for a while, Nie Jun finally could not hold it in anymore.

He burst out laughing.

The two young men immediately let out a deep sigh of relief, as if they had been in a drought for a long time.

Fang Ya stood at the side and watched their interesting interaction with an envious expression on her face.

Chapter 140: Confession

When He Feng arrived at the hospital, Fang Ya was washing fruits outside.

The two of them bumped into each other. He Feng quickly walked up and asked, "How is it? Is the old leader better?"

Fang Ya smiled and said, "He was almost angered to death by your two colleagues."

He Feng was stunned for a moment before saying, "It's good that you're used to it. It's always been like this."

"The old leader has never put on any airs. He always treats us like his own children," He Feng said with a smile on his face.

"The old leader's injury this time has made these bastards anxious." He Feng said and sighed.

"How is that person?" Fang Ya asked as she walked to the bathroom.

He Feng turned around and followed beside Fang Ya. He said, "We interrogated him last night. There are many things that match what you said."

"However, that person revealed a piece of information yesterday," He Feng said as he turned around to face Fang Ya.

"There should be someone hidden within the government, but this person is very well-hidden," He Feng said as he shook his head. "They don't know who the other party is either.

"We are stuck on all fronts. Once this person appears, everything would be resolved," He Feng said through gritted teeth.

Hearing He Feng's words, Fang Ya grew a little absent-minded.

In her impression, there were quite a number of people from the government who were involved in this. However, if she were to speculate, the one who could really make the final decision was not here.

Fang Ya did not know how to explain this situation to He Feng. Her gaze became a little erratic.

He Feng stood at the side and looked at Fang Ya. "Fang Ya, sometimes I think I have come to know you, but sometimes you surprise me out of nowhere."

Fang Ya turned her head and smiled at He Feng. "Why do I have such a Feeling?"

"I can't explain it clearly. I just feel that sometimes you seem to be particularly experienced, like an old soul who has experienced her entire life." He Feng expressed his feelings.

Fang Ya smiled at He Feng and said, "Maybe you are right."

"Sometimes I also feel that I seem to have experienced a long life." As Fang Ya spoke, she raised her head slightly and looked at the white wall in front of her.

"However, that you may have experienced too many regrets in that life, so I don't want to leave any regrets in this life," Fang Ya said as she lowered her hand and looked at the fruit in the basin in front of her again.

He Feng looked at Fang Ya's appearance, and a hint of heartache flashed in his eyes.

He did not know how to describe Fang Ya like this.

She seemed to have been through a lot, but she seemed to always be missing something.

Fang Ya sighed slightly and turned to look at He Feng again. There was a faint smile on her face. "Do you remember how you said you saw me standing under the old pagoda tree?"



He Feng nodded in a daze.

"Old people often say that the pagoda tree is a thousand years old, and that a spirit dwells in it," Fang Ya said softly. "Perhaps I am that spirit."

He Feng looked at Fang Ya in surprise. He had not expected her to say such a thing.

Fang Ya looked at He Feng's stunned expression and the smile on her face deepened. "What? Did I scare you?"

He Feng shook his head and said, "That's not it. It's just that I did not expect you to describe yourself like so."

Fang Ya smiled helplessly. "Sometimes, do you think it's strange if I tell you something from my consciousness?"

He Feng thought about it for a moment and shook his head. "No, although I don't believe in ghosts and gods, I have seen enough in my line of work to know there is more out there than we know.

"I think that the thing in your consciousness might be an existence of supernatural nature." He Feng tried his best to explain to Fang Ya that his trust was not groundless.

Hearing He Feng's words, Fang Ya's expression seemed to relax a little.

She had held her breath nervously earlier.

Although she wanted to tell him the full truth, she was still worried that He Feng would treat her like a monster.

Fang Ya knew that it was too absurd to tell He Feng about her rebirth, but she did not want to lie to him too much.

Lu Ping appeared again.

He Feng and Fang Ya chatted for a while. Seeing that she had seemed to relax a little, the two of them returned to the ward.

Nie Jun glared at the two young people, as if something had happened again.

He Feng was about to speak when his phone suddenly rang.

He picked up the phone, but after a while, he frowned. "Why do you have my number?"

The other party seemed to have said something again.

He Feng's expression turned even colder. "I'm warning you, don't harass He Peng, or I won't hold back!"

After the other party said something, he directly hung up the phone.

Fang Ya was a little surprised when she heard He Peng's name. She looked at He Feng.

He Feng's brows were deeply furrowed. He had not thought of how to tell Fang Ya.

Nie Jun saw this and said to He Feng, "Your wife has been taking care of me lately. She's tired. Take her out for a walk."

Nie Jun's words made He Feng nod in agreement. He brought Fang ya out of the hospital.

When the two of them reached the park outside, Fang Ya held He Feng's hand. "Who was on the phone just now?"

He Feng turned around to face Fang Ya. "I won't lie to you. It was Lu Ping."

"She wants to take He Peng away," He Feng said, his expression turning ugly.

"What's her motive for doing this?" Fang Ya asked He Feng.

He Feng shook his head. "I don't know."

"To be honest, I'm also very confused." He Feng sat on a stone chair at the side.

"A few days ago, she went to the police force to look for me and said that she wanted to remarry me." He Feng looked at Fang Ya, his eyes full of calmness.

Fang Ya looked at He Feng in surprise, not understanding why Lu Ping would do this.

"Of course I won't agree to it," He Feng said seriously, as if he was not trying to comfort Fang Ya.

"I know." Fang Ya looked at He Feng and nodded.

She trusted He Feng and would not divorce her because of Lu Ping.

He Feng actually valued marriage very much.

For him, marriage was a very serious matter.

Even though they had married for the sake of their two children, He Feng had always been trying to take care of the family as Fang Ya's husband.

Fang Ya looked at He Feng and walked over to sit next to him.

"What did Lu Ping Say?" Fang Ya asked softly.

"She said that she knew she was wrong and wanted He Peng to have a complete family," He Feng said and sighed.

"It's not enough for her to hurt He Peng the first time round. Now, she wants He Peng to be hurt even more?"He Feng said as he pounded the stool at the side angrily.

Fang Ya quickly pulled He Feng into her arms and said, "Did she have the same goal when she came to snatch the child?"

He Feng shook his head and said, "She is a person with a strong sense of purpose, so she definitely isn't doing it for He Peng."

"He Peng is living a good life with us. I won't let her influence the child again!" He Feng said solemnly.

Fang Ya looked at He Feng and said after a long while, "I think you'd better find some time to have a good chat with Lu Ping."

He Feng nodded and said, "I hope you don't mind."

"I won't betray you!" He Feng held Fang Ya's hand and promised solemnly.

Fang Ya nodded and smiled. "I trust you!"

The next night, Lu Ping came looking for her.

This time, Lu Ping was acting oddly and did not make a big fuss.

"Fang Ya, I want to talk to you." Lu Ping looked at Fang Ya.

Fang Ya was surprised by Lu Ping's change. She said a few words to Shao Xiang and walked out with Lu Ping. "Let's talk outside."

The two of them walked to a small river nearby. They stood by the river and looked at the gurgling water in front of them.

"What do you want to say?" Fang Ya was the first to speak.

Lu Ping looked at Fang Ya and said after a long while, "You should leave He Feng!"

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