Jealousy's Remedies

Cassiopeia Nott


I'm in the infirmary. Please come. I need to see you.

- Antionette

About fifteen minutes later the doors burst open. Harry, still in his flannel pajama bottoms and fitted white t-shirt, scanned the room until his eyes landed on me. "Cass." He said in a sort of relief to see that I was ok. Little did he know I was far from it.

I instantly stood up as he made his way to me. His arms wrapped around my waist, one hand travelling to the back of my head as he pulled me into a tight hug. I buried my head into his shoulder. "Harry." I managed out, a small smile forming on my face at the familiar feeling of being wrapped in his arms.

He was first to pull away, cupping the side of his face in his hand as he looked over me. "Where have you been? Are you ok? What happened?" He paused a moment before asking. "Have you been crying?"

I had hoped the last half hour I spent silently sobbing wouldn't make it's way into our discussion. "Is it that noticeable?"

"What happened?"

"My father. And Draco."


I sighed, dropping my face into my hands. How am I supposed to explain something I can't even speak about without my life being threatened? Harry slowly pulled my hands away from my face. "Cass, what happened?"

He sat down on the infirmary bed I had been assigned. He beckoned for me to sit as well. I did and he pulled me, once again, into his arms. His back against the railing, my back against his chest. I felt his warm breath on the side of my cheek and I felt a sense of safety at his touch as he placed a kiss on the side of my head.

I took a shaky breath before trying to explain the unexplainable. "I don't even know where to start."

"How about with what happened to you six days ago?" He asked softly.

"Draco. I figured out he had been given an.....assignment. I questioned him about it and he took me to the Room of Requirement where he said he was going to explain. He told me the truth and that I had been right. And then he muttered some sleeping charm and I was out."

"What was his assignment?"

"I can't say."

"Why not?"

"That's the next part. He woke me up then brought me here. Then my father came in and pretended to be concerned while Dumbledore was here but the second he left he....he made me make him a promise. One I can't break."

"What was the promise?"

I made sure to be careful about my words but luckily, every time I seemed to almost slip up the red lines on my wrist burned, warning me not to. "I can't say. In the promise he made me swear not to speak about what I had figured out."

"Why can't you break the promise?"

"Have you ever heard of an...." I waited, stopping to see if the lines would burn again and when they didn't, I continued on. "An unbreakable bond?"

"No. Well, maybe. Ron told me a story about how he and his brothers almost made one once when they were younger."

"An unbreakable bond can't be broken, obviously. If you break whatever the bond said, you'd die on the spot."

He sucked in a sharp breath. "You could die if you try to tell someone?"

"Yes and what I figured out....Harry, the whole wizarding world relies on it. But I didn't have a choice. He threatened to hurt Theo if I didn't make the bond. I tried to stop him, I'm sorry-"

"Cass, it's ok." He gave my hand a squeeze. "All that matters is that you're alright. Whatever you figured out, I'm sure someone else can as well."

I perked up at that, a little idea lightbulb going off in my head. "Harry, what if I led you on the path that led me to finding out Draco's plans? And of course this time, since we already know they're true, he wouldn't find out."

He smiled. "How are you not in Ravenclaw?"

I shrugged, a prideful grin growing on my face. "It's my second house." The happiness slowly withered away though as I remembered the few details I left out. "There's more. I can't play in the qudditch game tomorrow. And..."


"And my father wants me to cover for Draco. He thinks if I found out, others might as well. He wants me to watch Draco's back." I swallowed the lump in my throat before saying the next part. My least favorite part. "By dating him."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "What? You can't be serious."

"I'm not breaking up with you. It's all pretend."

"Does Malfoy know that?" He asked, the jealousy seeping into his tone.

"I'll make sure he does."

He huffed. "If he lays a hand on you, I swear, I might actually kill him."

"I wouldn't put up much of an argument if you did."

Harry moved a strand of hair out of my face. I leaned back, resting my head in the crook of his neck. He wrapped his arms tighter around my waist like if he let go, I'd disappear again. "Did I miss the dinner party?"

"Fourtantly for you, yes."

I laughed. "Was it that awful?"

He smiled against my hair. "I've missed that sound. And it wasn't awful, per se, just excruciatingly boring. A good part of it was just a bragging contest between some of the purebloods."

"Please tell me Theo did the Nott name some justice."

"No. He was pretty quiet for most of dinner. It kind of seemed like he couldn't function right without you."

"I miss him." I can't imagine how the past week has been for him. We haven't been apart a day in our life and then I just go missing out of the blue....if I were him I'd have lost my mind.

"Do you want me to go find some way to let him know you're here?"

"No, let him sleep." I wrapped my arm over Harry's. "I just want to stay here with you. Speaking of, I mean only if you want, could you maybe stay?" I asked, scared of him saying no. I just can't imagine another night alone especially when this is one of the few nights we'd be able to spend together.

And thankfully, he smiled. "I couldn't imagine even trying to leave you right now."


When I woke the next morning, Harry had already left. I know it's for the best considering that Madam Pomfrey and a few other students have already filled the infirmary, but it's hurts just the same. Will we ever have to worry about time and how little of it we have?

Now, I stand beside Daphne, Pansy, Draco, Athena and Astoria in the bleachers. I pull my jacket tighter around me, the freezing winds turning my nose pink. Two Gryffindors whiz by us on their brooms as they follow after a Slytherin beater.

I hate to say it, but without me being there to help out this past week, Slytherin is not looking so good. Every lead we get, Gryffindor just gets ahead again.

"Pansy, you're messing up the color!" Daphne whined. I looked down at the smudged pink on her nails.

Pansy rolled her eyes. "It's not me, it's the bloody wind. Maybe this wasn't the best place to give each other manicures."

"Well, qudditch is boring. Nails are fun." Daphne glanced over at me. "No offense, Cassie."

"None taken." I wiggled my fingers in front of Pansy. "Don't forget you're doing me next."

Pansy turned to Athena, who was watching the game rather intensely. Due to the fact she's never payed much attention to qudditch, I'm guessing it has something to do with Ginny. "Athena, you want to join the line while I'm still taking offers?"

"Hm? Oh, no." She beckoned her polished red nails.

"Too busy watching the game?" I grinned. She blushed as she realized I wasn't referring much to the game, rather than Ginny. "Just a little more than usual."

I turned back just as Theo passed a quaffle into the goal. He turned to me with a wide smile. I sent him a thumbs up, matching his bright expression. I didn't have much time to see him before the game but in the moment we did have, he nearly knocked me to the ground with a tackle of a hug.

He then turned to smile at Blaise. Not an unusual occurrence, but something in his eye was different than when he looked at me. I nudged Athena. "What's up with Blaise and Theo?"

"Oh my god. I keep forgetting you haven't been here!" She exclaimed as she turned to me with an excited look lighting up her face. "While Theo was all sad and missing you, Blaise was there for him. He checked up on him, helped him with homework, and brought him candies. Then yesterday morning, right before Draco found you, they were snogging on the common room couch!"

"It's true." Astoria piped in. "I, somewhat unfortunately, was the one to walk in on them."

"Finally!" I laughed. "I was beginning to think Theo'd never get over his crush on Ginny and realize his feelings for Blaise."

Athena hummed in agreement. Her expression dropped after a minute. She turned to me. "I'm sorry, by the way."

"Well, number one, for what happened to you. And secondly for what Ginny said after the whole Katie Bell thing. I talked to her about it since she was being totally hypocritical because I'm also a deatheater's daughter and she seems to like me despite it. She wanted to apologize then you went missing."

"It's ok, Athena. It's not your fault. Thanks for talking to her about it." I smiled even though now I'd probably have to talk to Ginny again.

After that, I really tried to focus on the game but all I could focus on was Harry, who was looking right at me. He smiled, when he caught my eye. I blew a small kiss and had to stifle a laugh as he pretended to catch it.

Two arms wrapped around my waist from behind. I felt minty breath at my ear. "He has been staring at you this entire game, Cassie." Draco said quietly.

"So has Roger Davies. If you haven't noticed, I look great today."

"Hm." He hummed in response. He glanced back at Harry, a mischevious smile forming on his face. "I'd just like to test a theory out real quick."

He placed a long kiss on my cheek and I watched as Harry grew visibly angry. His jaw ticked and the grip on his broom tightened. I wasn't the only one to notice. "Interesting." Draco murmured, seeming happy with his theory's results.

"Just because my father says we need to fake date, doesn't mean I'm going to let you kiss me." I whispered sharply. I elbowed his stomach so he would drop his arms. "I thought last night made it clear that I hate you."

"Yes, the slap added some much needed dramatic effect. Half of my face is red now." He backed off, moving to stand beside me, still too close for comfort. "Seems like Potter's got a little thing for you, Cassie."

"Who wouldn't? I'm quite the catch."

"Oh, I know. But this," He pointed towards Harry. "works out well in my advantage."

"How so?"

He smiled proudly. "Because I just found out how I'm going to piss off Potter for the rest of the year."


So throughout the game Draco would find every excuse to touch me, hold me close to him, and make it look like he was flirting with me. And every time, he'd make sure Harry noticed. Turns out, it was quite the motivator for Harry seeing as the more he watched, the more aggressive he was in the game. Gryffindor won by a landslide.

Theo went to go say his goodbyes to my father who was more than disappointed in Slytherin's loss. Theo's taking it hard, I would too if I didn't have much bigger problems at the moment. Like how I'm going to explain Draco's behavior to Harry.

Finding time to see him would be a good start.

I wait beside the locker room doors, waiting for all the Gryffindors to leave. Harry is the captain, so it makes sense he'd be last out. After I count the sixth person to leave, I slip into the locker room. "Harry?"

"Back here!" He called.

I made my way through the rows and leaned against the one beside Harry once I got to him. "That was some game today." I started.

He his head to face me while continuing to move stuff in his locker around. "Was that a compliment, Nott?" He asked in a mocking tone.

"No. You did play well, but I prefer my compliments to be a little more straight forward."

"May I hear an example?"

He shut his locker and I slid into the space between it and him. "Harry, you are the most selfless person I have ever met, and the most handsome, and the best kisser." I added for good measure.

"Am I really?" He teased, putting one finger under my chin to point my lips towards his.

"Most definitely, but maybe you could remind me? Just to make sure I'm right."

"Of course. But only so your judgement can be accurate." He leaned down, tilting his head slightly so our lips could meet. I leaned into it, letting one hand slide up his chest and to the side of his face. He pressed his body to mine and against the locker as the kiss deepened slightly.

And just before it was about to get intense, he pulled away. I didn't try to hide the obvious disappoint on my face. "So you and Malfoy? You're a very touchy couple."

"Correction, he is very touchy. I hated every second of it, don't forget that."

"You won't believe how hard it is to just sit there and watch him run his hands all over you and not do anything." He cocked his head to the side slightly. "A good motivator, though. I don't think I've ever knocked another player out of the way faster to get the snitch and let the game be over with."

I smiled. "Glad I could help. And you really did do well. My jaw must have dropped a few dozen times."

"Still, now that I can't just knock into the nearest Slytherin, I'll just have to kiss you until you forget you ever even knew his name."

"Please do." I said before his lips were on mine again, and in a much rougher manner the last time. My hands slid up to tangle in his still-damp-from-shower hair while his moved down to rest firmly on my hips.

He let out a breath as I began to kiss down his jaw and towards his neck. His grip on me tightened. He moved a hand to my face to redirect my lips back to his. Then his hands travelled down towards my thighs as he lifted me effortlessly.

He led me over to another wall, moving closer to the showers as I shrugged off my coat. He pulled away only for a second to ask. "You still remember his name?" I bit my lip, pretending to think. "Drake-Draco, wasn't it-" I didn't even get to finishing my teasing because he kissed me again.

And then clothes were being removed and his lips were on my neck know, I think you can picture the rest for yourself.


(2262 Words - Published April 30, 2021)


I think, I don't know. I'm not good at judging my own spice.
