
Y/n pov

"SANS IT SEEMS THE HUMAN HAS AWOKEN!" Papyrus yells in his usual loud voice. "Huh? Oh...the human that's great Paps" Sans looked distant. I ignore it and realize I'm not back in the snow. "Where am I?" I ask "You're on the couch kid" Sans replies. I look that I was on the couch. But with my amazing powers of clumsiness fall off cause why not! "Woah kid, looks like you're already falling for me" Sans winked. "Woah sorry I did not planet" I reply laughing. "NYEH! SANS WHY MUST YOU BE SUCH A BAD INFLUENCE TO THE HUMAN!" Papyrus. "Comet me bro!" Sans replies. You could almost here an "OOOHHHH!" In the background, but that would break the fourth wall. Papyrus leaves out of frustration with the puns, leaving Sans and I alone. At first we were laughing at Sans's pun, but then it turned into an awkward silence. "Do you remember what you did, kid?" Sans asks coldly. I shake my head. "Sans, I-" "Cause I sure remember" Sans interrupts me. "I only acted buddy-buddy because you fell before Frisk, but get it through your dense head that I'm not your friend" Sans continues. Wait Chara said something about a last timeline? But what does that mean?! A time line and that Reset button, are they connected?? Papyrus then enters the room, seeming to have calmed down from the puns. He had made some spaghetti it seemed. "AH HUMAN! I MADE SOME SPAGHETTI!" Papyrus confirmed. "Sorry bro, she's leaving" Sans says without looking at me. "OH, I SEE, YOU MUST GET GOING THEN BUT PLEASE TAKE SOME WITH YOU!" Papyrus offers. *You receive some of Papyrus's Spaghetti "Thanks Paps" I thanked him. "Welp the human must get going now" Sans says as he practically pushes me out of the door. "OH OKAY! GOOD BYE HUMAN!" Papyrus waves goodbye and we step outside. "Look y/n just stay away from Papyrus and don't kill ANYTHING, I am watching you. Also don't try coming back here to Snow din or you're going to have a BAD TIME, got it?" Sans threatens. I nod with tears filling my eyes, but I turn away so he won't see me. I walk and don't look back, but I sorta wished I did.
I make my way out of Snow din as soon as possible, I had a feeling that I was being followed. I wonder why. Why would Sans do that, just out of the blue? Was it because of the reset? And what did I do last timeline? What even is a timeline?! A hundred questions and no answers. I go up to a lake surrounded by blue flowers and do what any emotional teenage girl would do, cry and throw rocks endlessly at the water. I should have stayed with Toriel, why didn't I? A stupid voice telling me to continue... Well you know what, I'm going to stay here! No more progress! I'll find a good hiding spot and stay there until I die a lonely, gruesome death! I run through a path and find myself in a place called "Temmie Village" Perfect! I can die here surround by cute little cat-dog things! Which I learned where all names Temmie, except for Bob of course, Bob was named Bob. I felt like Bob right now, if Bob was accepted by a Temmie and then kicked out by that same Temmie two seconds later! Or Maybe that's just me. It didn't matter because nothing beats an emotional, determined teenage girl! Girl power woo! I stayed in the Temmie Village for a couple of days, I tried eating the Temmie flakes but they were just pieces of colored construction paper. Papyrus's spaghetti was they only thing that kept me alive. But when the need of food became too much, I ran out of Temmie Village bumping into an unsuspecting person. "Owww! I'm so sorry!" I apologize. A small child with a striped sweater lay on the floor. I then start to ramble on about how I came out running from Temmie Village because I was basically starving to death, but then I feel a small hug. "Y/n! I thought you were gone for good after last timeline! I'm sorry! I didn't want to do it it was the only way to stop you! You were going to kill Sans and I know that you loved him, especially since you got married the timeline before that but I'm sorry!" The child says really fast, I don't understand any of it. "Wait, slow down! What?" I ask. "Oh right! You don't remember, wait that means Sans! No wonder I didn't see him, he must be crushed..." the child rambles on. They realize this and introduce themselves, "Heh, sorry! I'm Frisk!" The child says. "I'm Y/n, though it seems you already knew that!" I smile. Frisk? It sounds so familiar. But I can't quite put my finger on it. "Anyways we should go before Undy-" A fish-lady? Approaches us. "Humans!" The fish lady yells at us. I did not want to mess with her. "Run!" Frisk grabs my hand and runs like there's no tomorrow which there might not be if she catches up to us! We turn a corner around Temmie Village and we lose her. "Phew! That was close Undyne almost caught us!" Frisk relaxes. Undyne? She must be the fish lady! That could have ended badly... luckily Frisk saved us! "Thanks Frisk!" I smile at them. I would probably not survived that encounter! "No problem, Y/n!" Frisk smiles back. We were in a pretty dark place, but Frisk seemed to know where we were. "...Hmm...yeah if we turn there then..." Frisk tumbles off. By the time I realize they are gone, I'm lost myself! Great job Y/n! You had one job! Stay with Frisk, but noooo you just had to- My thoughts get interrupted when I see Sans next to a telescope. Oh it's him. Well that jerk is going to get a piece of my min- "Sup kid" Sans greets. "Hello Sans" I reply almost biting my tongue. Sans notices this and his face softens. "Listen kid, I just got spooked with the reset- and I said somethings that I wish that I could take back and- look I'm sorry okay?" Sans explains. Oh so now he's going to apologize! Well I don't- wait!! Reset?? It DID have something to do with it! Maybe he can explain all these timelines things! "I will forgive you if you explain all these time line things AND if you buy me some nice cream!" I reply. "Sure" Sans smiles. "Come on, I know a short cut" Sans grabs my hand, making my face grow warm, and we're suddenly in front of the Nice cream guy. "Two nice creams, please" Sans orders. The Nice Cream guy happily gives him the nice cream and Sans pays. He grabs my hand once again and we arrive at the lake with the blue flowers. I stare at them, they were sure pretty. "They are called Echo Flowers, they repeat the last thing they hear" Sans explains. I whisper something to one, and Sans puts his ear- or whatever he has to it, "I'm still mad at you, but explain the timeline things" it said. Sans sighs and grabs both my hands. "A long time ago, there was a child named Chara. They went to space and fell here, but they were found by the King's son Asriel. Chara was adopted into the royal family and they treated them like if they were real family after all. But, Chara had a special soul. A soul red, with DETERMINATION. It granted them the power to reset time every time they died. Chara did this until the King got sick. Ariel and Chara had mistaken Butter Cups as Buttercups the flowers. The king, being as strong as he was, recovered. But Chara had a plan, what if they died giving their soul to Asriel and killed 6 other humans to break the barrier, which keeps monster locked inside the moon unless broken by 7 human souls. Everything went according to plan, Chara was sick. After all, they could just reset if anything went wrong right? What was the damage? But when Asriel took their soul and passed through the barrier and into Earth. But, Asriel did not kill. Not a single human. Oh boy but they sure did attack him. And no matter what Chara did, Asriel did not fight back. Worst of all, with their souls fused Chara could not reset, killing them both forever. 6 other humans fell, they were killed by the king. But then you fell, it was the only other time you fell first, I don't think even Chara or Frisk remember but I do. It's when I first fell in love with you. You fell and you spared everyone and everything. We fell in love and even got engaged. Frisk fell and only joined the happiness. But your determination had awoken Chara and Chara angry at the monsters for not completing the plan, killed everyone by completely possessing Frisk. And you, you saved everyone by resetting for the first time. After that many timelines trying to reach a Happy ending continued. Frisk usually fell first, but even if we got back with the humans or if everyone was alive. Something always went wrong and reset after reset. Sometimes we fell in love, sometimes we hated each other. Last time line was one of the worsts, Chara almost succeeded in killing everyone and erasing this world. But Frisk killed you right before you killed me, the world reset and here we are now. I remember all timelines, Frisk remembers most of them, Chara more than Frisk, but you, Y/n you remembered nothing. You fell first, you spared everything, it was just like the first timeline, I was so happy, but when you passed out I realized, Chara is going to get you again, you were going to kill everyone again, if not now then sometime else, but it would NEVER end. It filled me with hatred and sadness, I almost wanted to kill you, not that I haven't tried before, in the bad timelines where I kill you instantly with Frisk resetting. Sometimes you have the power to reset, sometimes it's Frisk, sometimes it's even both! But it's an endless cycle with a happy ending never possible. I'm sorry Y/n, it's just too much" Sans is probably sobbing in my arms at this point and I'm sobbing too. I wouldn't remember anything, no matter what I do. And Sans has it even worse, being in love with someone who will forget you time and time again, you having to kill them again and again. How could someone live like that?

"I will show you, Y/n I will show you how bad it can really be"

Welp! Cliffhangers are nice! Hope you enjoyed this 1825 words chapter! Sorry I haven't updated! I WILL continue this book! Unless my hands, eyes, and mouth are chopped off! It might take time but I REALLY appreciate your support! You guys are amazing! Hopefully I'll update soon! Anyways, Till the next chapter my Skelly Friends!
