Arriving back at the airport

Eleanor is a 14 year old girl lives with her mum dad and 3 year old sister who is still using diapers and when there driving back from their holiday Eleanor falls asleep and has a little accident in the car...

Eleanors family arrive back on the plane and Eleanor is very tired from the plane as she didnt sleep and says to her mum "Mum i need to go to the bathroom really bad" in a tired slow voice and her mum replies saying "Eleanor we need to pick up our bags first darling then you go ok" She says ok and they all start walking towards the bag pickup and have to wait 20mins for the bags to come round and once they pick up the bags they all head towards the car park and get their car and her dad says "Eleanor we will stop down at the petrol station and you can go to the toilet there as its a 1hour 30drive to your aunties from here" She nods her head and jumps into the back seat and her mum grabs the toddler booster seat and clips it in on the other side and places her asleep baby sister next to her and then her mum gets in the front passenger seat and they start driving and her mum whispers to everyone "everyone be quiet as mia is asleep" The family start driving out of the airport all in silence and Eleanor says "Dad i really need to go how long till we get to the station" he says back "Els we are stuck in traffic just hold on and please be quiet for mia" Eleanor relaxes her head against the window and starts to drift off into a deep sleep...

10 mins later...

mums pov

"Aww sweetie look at our two baby girls asleep there so cute" her dad says back "I dont want to wake her as she looks very tired lets just skip the petrol station and head straight for the motorway" They keep driving and 20mins passes. her dad says "Hey honney do you smell something it smells like wee maybe mia needs a change ill pull into this mall as i think weve ran out of diapers for her" They pull into the mall and park up and her mum gets out of the car and opens mias side of the door and unbuckles her seatbelt and pulls back her diaper and says "You mustve smelt something else dear shes fresh and clean" she then looks over to check if eleanors ok and sees that her light blue leggins have a large dark patch running from her crotch all the way down to her knees and says "Oh my looks like our little baby has had an accident then" "ill get the diapers out the boot for you" her mum stops him and says "we might need a bigger size honey" He looks confused and turns round and sees his 14 year old daughter has wet herself in her sleep and says "i dont want to wake her what do you reckon we do" "I have an idea honey just wait here ok" he nods and her mum gets out of the car with her purse and walks towards the mall...
