To Be Honest...

So people do this thing on Facebook where they post "Like for a TBH", or "Like for a rate out of 10", TBH means "To be honest" if you don't know. So I made a combo of the two since I was bored, most people make one when they're bored on September 21st. I didn't expect many likes, but by the end of the day I had a little over fifty likes. Most people that liked it were my friends, and it was easy for me to give them a high rating and a cute TBH.

Like, Fairy liked it and I gave her a good TBH about how I missed her. There's this kid from Icarus who's dad is a director, so he gets to be in some movies. His name is Aro and he's really cool. He makes me feel bad. He's accomplished so much and he's only in the eighth grade. Anyway, he liked it too. Then Salazar liked it too, again another easy tbh.

But then there's these people from school who I've never met that liked the post, and I had no idea what to say. I hate when people do that. They're so desperate for people to say good things about them. And take another step forward, remember Mary from 7th Grade Tuitions? We'll call her Fighty Mary since she's one of those people who hits a little when they're hyper. She's British. So she liked it, and then I posted a nice rate and TBH on her wall, and Dane commented on it.

So then Fighty Mary replies saying she knew he would appear. Basically, the conversation went down like this:

Dane: I like it

Mary: I freaking knew you would appear somehow

Dane: Aaron's my friend, not yours, so fuck off

I don't know why they were so hostile to each other but it was kinda entertaining at first.

Mary: He's been my friend since grade 7, so please.

Dane: Aaron tell this bitch ass snake

Mary: Aaron tell this shit head

Okay, so they involved me. Kinda unnerving but I felt, umm, I don't know...kinda popular actually.

Dane: Ok easy bro

Mary: Don't get senti

Dane: I'm not *cough cough*. Everyone loves Aaron.

Okay, that felt real good since Dane was one of the popular kids and I've been trying so hard to fit in. I'm glad they stopped after that, it could've gotten serious. Overall not a bad day for my social life.

Then I had to TBH this kid from Icarus, George's best friend Majrat, who's really weird and tells lame jokes all the time liked it too. Apparently he's one of the "cool kids" in Icarus. Ugh, don't even get me started on them. They think they're all that because they overdo how popular they are even though they're just like everyone else.

So I posted on his wall, "4/10. Your jokes are kinda lame and I don't know you too well."

You tell me, is that "insulting"? It's called a "To be HONEST". He liked it for the truth. I gave him the truth. And he totally flips out, and another "cool kid" named Arlen pops out of nowhere acting like he's involved arguing with me on the post. Another conversation coming up...

Majrat: The only person who thinks my jokes are lame. You should take a hard look at yourself and see how you're insulting everyone.

Umm what? Who did I insult?

Me: The funny thing is, I never insulted anyone.

Majrat: I can post five screenshots right now but I'm not falling to your level

Umm you're not falling to my level because there's no screenshots to post.

Me: That's nice

Arlen: These kind of people can only insult on Facebook

Me: I have to agree, you know since we don't ever see each other anymore in school so logically yes, I can only talk to you on fb.

Arlen: Oh so you weren't in school before? You didnt ever insult us there..

Me: Because we never talked.

Which is true, since they're assholes. I don't associate with people like them who don't fit in with me socially. I'm not saying they're bad people, I'm just saying they're not the kind of people I hang out with. A man is known by the company he keeps, after all.

Majrat: You never had the balls to come up to us and talk, we were good friends back in grade 7 I expected a good tbh hence but you disappoint me in the name of a so called friend.

There are so many things wrong with this.

1. What the fuck does he mean by balls? As if he's some sort of elite lord who I need to suck up bravery to talk to. As if.

2. Since when were we good friends in 7th grade? Did I mention him ONCE in my story?

3. I don't even understand the ending.

Me: You act as if it's an honour to talk to you.

Majrat: I think you should change your negative attitude towards other people and for once see what's the fault in you.

...Said as if he has no faults. Brilliant, round of applause please.

Me: I fail to see what negative attitude you're talking about.

Majrat: It's best you change this attitude, stop hurling insults at anybody who liked your tbh and apologize to them.

Me: I didn't really insult anyone, for some reason you're acting like a 5th grader and taking it in the worst way possible.

Majrat: You're hopeless.

Me: Nice to know

As you can see I tried my best to piss him off for the laughs. I can finally say whatever I want to these jerks, and it feels good. I feel so liberated.
