1. Lily Marie Potter

Lily Marie Potter is the elder twin sister of the famous Harry Potter, and the star of my fanfic, The Loved Series. The twins were born to James Potter and Lily Evans, the secret princess and heir to the throne of the Wizarding World kept hidden via adoption through a muggle family. At age eighteen, Lily becomes the Queen of the Wizarding World, restoring the line of succession after her late grandmother Anastasia Gregory, believed to be the last member of the royal family. She marries Draco Malfoy, and the couple has three children: Anastasia Marie, Scorpius Remus and Ella-Rose Minerva Malfoy. In her early years as Queen, she also worked alongside Harry as an Auror, helping reshape the Ministry of Magic. 

Albus Dumbledore recognised the mage magic Lily Potter (I) had used to protect the twins from Voldemort that fateful night James and Lily met their end. Knowing Lily (II) would most likely develop the same magical abilities, he decided to leave Harry in the muggle world under the protection of his mother's love charm with the Dursleys, but placed Lily with her distant relative Madame Maxime, who was sworn to secrecy about her existence. Lily grew up under the alias Lila, in the magical world, able to learn and control her outstanding powers without the fame and attention her real identity would attract. The entire wizarding world, including Harry, believed her to be dead until Dumbledore invited her to learn at Hogwarts when she was thirteen, reuniting the long-lost twins.

Lily's fame and talents grew as she excelled at Hogwarts. Her main talent was Potions, a skill and appreciation she gained from her mother as a genuine interest and hobby of her own. Due to the enhancement her mage powers granted, she is also exceptionally good at spell work, acing at subjects like Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts. Her earliest notable achievement is wandless magic. Being a mage, Lily also has an affinity towards animals. Her primal magic allows her to connect with them and form trusting bonds of understanding. Other achievements that added to her reputation are her ability to conjure a full corporeal patronus at an early age, winning the Triwizard Tournament, leading Dumbledore's Army, and participating in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries.

At the start of the Second Wizarding World War, Lily tricks everyone, including Voldemort, into believing she is a Death Eater. This plan was conspired by herself and Dumbledore behind everyone's back with the aim of gaining Voldemort's trust, enough to believe her switching loyalty. She helped Draco Malfoy fix the Vanishing Cabinet at the school that allowed the Death Eaters to enter Hogwarts freely and was the one who disarmed Dumbledore before Snape killed him. She turns spy for her and her brother's army, passing along information and working hard to keep them safe. While staying at Malfoy Mansion, she and Draco get engaged.

During the Battle of Hogwarts, Lily witnesses the death of Severus Snape, and discovers numerous loved ones, including Remus and Tonks to be dead. Her and Harry sacrifice themselves to Voldemort, knowing it's the only way to destroy the pieces of Voldemort's soul living inside them. 

While in limbo, Lily visits Beauxbatons, the place where her life began. She seeks advice from her parents, Sirius and Remus who prompt her to return to the land of the living. The twins return and together destroy Voldemort, ending the Second Wizarding World War.

Lily is also the true Master of Death, after reuniting the three Deathly Hallows, with the help of Harry. This will later have major consequences...
