Step 1: Contract

In the hospital, on that day, one girl would learn the meaning of life.

"Even if I had one more wish...I wouldn't change a thing."

"Umeko! Umeko, you can't!" a young girl of only nine and a half years shouted at the bedside of her younger sister. A flat tone played as the soundtrack of the moment.

"Tsuruko...there's nothing else we can do," a warm hand on her shoulder, her father assured her.

"No!" she shouted, shaking away from his grasp and collapsing on the hospital bed.

"Momoe-san...sometimes it's best to leave children alone for a bit. If I could have you two come out here with me for a moment," the doctor turned off the machines and shooed the parents out, seeing that the girl wouldn't quiet her wailing. The loss had already been called and the adults had already regained their composure. But the young girl, confused, still couldn't grasp the situation even as her parents stepped away.

" have gotta," she said between sobs. "Wake up! Just wake UP!" she pounded the bedside.

After no movement from either party, the girl collapsed onto the bedside again and quietly hid her tears in her arms. "Why won't you open your eyes?" she questioned.

"See? Over here," a voice called from outside the window. It could just faintly be heard, but the girl hadn't yet taken notice of the conversation.

"Hm. So you're right. You've got a real knack for this," the small snow-white figure stated, approaching the window. The only thing that set it apart from a white house-cat were its bright pink eyes and the lop-like "ears" protruding from its feline ears. "You're not going to have any problems meeting your quota."

"Hope not," the other figure replied, this one more resembling a small, black jackal with three tails.

"Let's go. You're new, so just watch this time," the white figure said as it walked through the glass window, October sunrise at its back, and hopped onto the sister's bed.

"Roger," the other followed.

By this time Tsuruko had noticed her company, though hadn't followed anything they had said. Astonished that they suddenly appeared in front of her, all she could think to quietly say was, "Who are you?"

The white one spoke up first. "Nice to meet you. My name is Kyuubey, and this is Hachibey."

"Hachi...kyuu?" she mumbled, wiping the tears from her eyes and midnight-purple hair from its place stuck to her cheek.

"She's not gone quite yet, you know," Hachibey said, looking to her sister through bright blue eyes.

"That's right. If you act quickly, it's possible for you to save her," Kyuubey informed.

"Save her?"

"Yes. If you make a contract with me and become a Puella Magi, I can grant you a wish."


"Of course. You can make her open her eyes again, if you wish for it."

"Just like that? I'd...just have to become a...pwel ah maggie?"

"If you make a contract with me, I can grant your wish and you will become a magical girl. But you would also have to fight witches, who unleash curses on this world, just as Puellae Magi release hope."

"Then-!" the girl stood up with a determined look on her face, fists clenched at her side. "Just let her live! Let her live again!"


"Really? You're not going to get any more specific than that?" Hachibey interrupted.

"Hachibey," Kyuubey started, not breaking its stare from the girl.

"Oh..." the girl dropped her gaze. She could wish for anything. She had to take the time to-

"Well, even though I said that, if you wait much longer this girl will be beyond saving," Hachibey chimed in.

The girl closed her eyes shut tight for a few seconds. Upon opening them again she said, calmly, "I wish for Umeko to be alive again. With the power to overcome any sickness or medical condition that attacks her. Including death."

"That's more interesting," Hachibey almost smiled.

"Understood," Kyuubey confirmed. "The conditions of your wish are attainable. Now, accept the contract."

The girl clutched her hands at her chest and doubled over in struggle. A midnight purple light appeared from under her palms. It slowly rose, and she clasped it. Once the light faded to a faint glow, an egg-shaped, dark purple gem embellished in gold lay in her cupped hands.

"The contract is completed. Your wish has improved entropy," the two messengers said simultaneously as the white one turned to leave and his partner stood.

"Wait!" Tsuruko called. " do I fight witches?"

Kyuubey turned back around. "With your magic, of course. That's what it's there for."

"What happens if I don't fight witches?"

"Your soul gem will darken over time or when you use a lot of magic, until it's completely black. When that happens it could break and you won't be able to use magic anymore. Witches are dangerous, but they can also help you because they drop grief seeds, which can purify your soul gem, thus letting you not worry about how much magic you use," Kyuubey explained.

"You should fight witches to keep your soul gem clean, but they also prey on normal humans, if that's any motivation for you. You can stop them by defeating them," Hachibey added.

"Oh...But what if I can't beat witches?"

"Shouldn't you have worried about this before making the contract?" Hachibey asked.

"You'll either despair or be consumed by them. Either way, it won't be good for you, so try your best. Your soul gem can track witches, so you'll know when one is near, and once you're in the witch's barrier, fighting will come naturally to you." his partner explained.

"...Are you leaving?" she asked, as her sister stirred and opened her eyes to see the girl talking to the empty windowsill. "What if I have more questions?"

"We'll be around town for a while longer seeking out more wish makers. If you need anything, I'm sure we'll run into each other every now and then. Just try shouting out to me in your mind. I'll be able to hear it through telepathy if I'm nearby. But I don't think you'll need any more information. It's pretty self-explanatory," Kyuubey explained, and then was off.

"You may also run into other Puellae Magi. If you do, be careful. Not all of them are friendly," Hachibey warned, and then also disappeared off the windowsill leaving Tsuruko starring in silence.

"Onee-chan...?" a light voice called, snapping the newly contracted girl out of her daze.

Tsuruko's eyes lit up at seeing her little sister staring back at her once again. "Umeko!" she called and embraced her, crying once more.
