Goodbye 1-A, for now

When Class 1-A was leaving, the cram school were there. They all gathered their thugs and lined up in front of the door where Yukio was stood.

"Miss (Y/N), are you coming?" Midoriya asks innocently.

Walking over, you stopped before him and shook your head, placing a hand on his hair you ruffled it a little.

"No, I'm sorry kiddo. I'm not coming back to UA."

"What the hell! why not?!" Bakugo roared.

Padding over to him, you did the same to him before swiftly hugging him and letting go.

"It's better if I stay here, True Cross is where I'm meant to be. I'll miss all of you, but you all have my number so you can of course text me."

Walking up the line, you hugged each and every student. Making sure to spend more time with those who started crying, wiping their tears and reassuring them.

"I'll come to every tournament you guys have, I promise."

"You can't go yo! It won't be the same!"

Hizashi dramatically hugged you making you laugh and hug him back.

"I'm sorry Hizashi, it's for the best I stay here."

Yukio opened the door, which lead straight to UA where the other teachers were waiting, the students reluctantly went through, followed by a sniffling Hizashi.

"Train him well Toshinori."

"I will." He nodded.

He left and it was just Aizawa, he seemed a bit lost.

"They'll miss you..." he muttered.

"I'm sure they will, but I'll visit them often."

Aizawa looked like he wanted to say something else but he but it back and walked through the door. You gave them one last wave before Yukio closed the door.

"Shit that was hard..." you muttered.

You felt your eyes water but you blinked them away. Crossing your arms, you bit your bottom lip absentmindedly.

"Don't be sad little sister, look I have something for you!"

Directing your gaze to your green haired brother, you laughed gently when he held out a lollipop. Taking it, you unwrapped it and stuck it in your mouth.

"Thanks Ami, let's got play some of Mephisto's games."

Amiamon liked that idea and off you both were, to play games for who knows how long.

Day slipped into night and then day again, you and Amiamon never moved, the only time you moved was to text your students, and Mephisto had finally had enough. Snapping his fingers he console turned off making you and Amiamon whine in protest.

"Mephisto!!" You complained.

"You need sleep little one, you're still human remember."

Wiggling your tail a little, you lit yourself on fire and nodded your head with a straight face.

"Hm, yes, very human. Because humans have sharp teeth, pointed ears, a fluffy tail, can burst into blue flames, and have blue flaming horns and a flaming crown."

"You are impossible."

Mephisto walked over, swept you into his arms and carried you to his room, dropping you on the bed, you pulled out some night clothes and chucked them over, the. Marched over, took your sword and phone and left the room.

"You better be in those clothes and under the blankets before I come back!" He yelled.

"You're not my mother!"

"I most certainly hope I'm not!"

Snorting, you quickly changed and climbed under the warm covers, closing your eyes with a gentle smile.

Mephisto walked back in, lifted the blanket behind you, someone climbed in and you were both tucked in. Mephisto kissed the top of your head, closed the curtains and headed to the door.

"Goodnight my little demon."

"Night night Mephisto." You yawned.

The door clicked shut softly, flipping over, you ruffled Amiamons hair and then clutched his shirt lightly.

"Night Ami..."

"Goodnight little sister, sleep well."

It didn't take much for you to fall asleep, you were exhausted.

Mephisto was content with the peace and the fact that you were now sleeping, he sat at his desk to work, the day slipping past pretty quickly, it was around 2pm and he was about to check on you when an exorcist barged through his door.

"What is the meaning of this! I asked not to be disturbed!"

"I'm sorry Sir Pheles! But there's an army of demons surrounding Musutafu, the man in charge appears to be a demon tamer, and he's threatening to attack if we don't bring him Miss (Y/N)."

"That bastard!"

Mephisto grabbed your sword and laid it on the desk.

"Gather as many exorcists as you can, go to UA, I'll alert their principal of what is happening. Be ready for a full scale attack, I shall be joining you, (Y/N) and Amiamon are not to hear of this, make sure everyone knows that."

"Yes sir!"

The young exorcist ran out and Mephisto scowled. So this is what the tamer was planning, his ultimate move to try and get to you once and for all. Mephisto wasn't having it, grabbing his keys, he walked to the door, leaving for UA knowing you'd be safe at True Cross
