Chapter 8

Ray's POV

I dashed up to the guest room as fast as I could after hearing Jasper yelling if he could get some help with Henry. Thoughts raced through my mind. What could be wrong with Henry? He was sleeping when I left him! When I got there, a pale looking Henry was sitting up and leaning over the side of the bed with vomit all down his shirt and the bed. Jasper was sitting beside Henry trying to help him calm down as he was completely out of breath. When Jasper saw me he explained what happened. "He threw up in his sleep." Jasper said. I walked further into the room and sat down beside Henry. "Jasper can you get Henry a change of clothes and some more bed sheets please?" I asked. He nodded and walked off to get the requested items. I patted Henry's back. "Come on, let's go get you a shower and wash all of this off." I said to Henry who had just caught on to his breath. He nodded and got up and walked into the guest bathroom shutting the door behind. In a couple of seconds I heard the water running. I sighed in relief and waited outside the door for Henry to get out. Normally I would just wait down in the main room, but I just feel like it's too dangerous to leave Henry by himself right now, especially in water. It wasn't long before I heard Henry turn the water off, and soon he came back with wet hair and a new set of clothes on that Jasper had brought him. I guided him back to bed, and sat down in the chair beside his bed waiting for Henry to fall asleep again. In about ten minutes Henry was out like a light, and unknowingly so was I . I guess all those hours of research really tired me out. Three hours later I woke up, and Henry was still sleeping, so I checked the time, and my eyes widened. It was already after 5:00 p.m. The plan was take Henry home well before then. I looked over at him, and he looked so peaceful sleeping, I hated to wake him, but Henry's parents are probably worried sick. I gently shook Henry's shoulder until he was starting to wake up. "Yeah Ray?" He asked. "It's time for you to go home. Your parents are worried about ya." I replied. Henry only nodded and closed his eyes again. I picked him up out of bed and decided it would be easier on Henry's stomach if we took the elevator. It's not like it goes lightning speed going up or anything. When Henry woke up from his three minute nap in my arms, he quickly realized where he was and his cheeks turned bright red. "I can walk myself Ray." He grumbled. "Oh really? Because the last time you tried to just stand on your own, you passed out and almost ended up in a coma." I replied,with a smirk on my face. Henry rolled his eyes at me and tried to avert his attention from the fact that he's literally being carried by his boss. (There are no ships in this whatsoever.) When I finally made it to the man van, I set Henry down in the back seat so he could lay down. I quickly got into the drivers seat, and started the van so I get Henry back to his own bed.


"Wake up Henry. You're back home." I said as I gently shook him awake. Henry mumbled something that I couldn't make out, but nevertheless I picked him up and set him down on his feet, and slowly guided him to the front door. I would just carry him seems how Henry barely has the energy to stand, but if his sister is in there which she most likely is, she would never let Henry live down being carried by someone let alone Captain Man. Henry kept almost falling over as he was so dizzy, I feel horrible for him. "Come on Henry, almost there." I said in a gentle tone. When we finally made it to the front door, I rang the doorbell, waiting patiently for someone to answer it. When nobody answered, I rang it again. Henry almost fell over for being so weak in the legs. 'What is taking them so long?' I thought to myself. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Henry's dad answered the door. "There you are Henry!" Jake said with happiness. He jerked Henry over and gave him a tight hug. I could see the look of discomfort on Henry's face. I can imagine it not being easy on his poor stomach with being jerked over and pulled into a tight hug. "What happened to you?!" Jake asked his son who was barely staying awake. "He, um, got kidnapped. I found him with a criminal known as, uh, Bad Guy." I said thinking back to that lame guy on rumblr who apparently couldn't find a better name than Bad Guy. "But don't worry, I captured that guy and took him to jail." I said with fake enthusiasm. "Oh, well, as long as you're okay." Jake said to Henry who looked like he was about to vomit right then and there. I decided to speed this thing up for Henry's sake. "Well, anyways, I'm glad that your son is okay, but I've got Captain Man stuff to do, so I'll be on my way." I said while backing up. "Well, thank you for bringing our son back." Jake called. I nodded and climbed into the van. I just hope they take care of Henry. He did not look well back there on the front porch. I just hope that Henry's parents take notice on their son's current condition.

Henry's POV

My dad took me up to my room where I immediately crawled into my bed. "Yell if you need anything." My dad said as he was walking out the door. I guess this is it until tonight. I rolled over and tried going to sleep as I was incredibly tired. I guess my swirling stomach and pounding head had decided that I've slept enough today, because I could not fall asleep at  all. I groaned in frustration as I sat up and readjusted my pillows to try and get more comfortable. When that didn't work, I decided to just play on my phone for a bit to try and distract myself from the pain. After awhile my eyes started drooping, so I turned my phone off and closed my eyes. I was deep asleep in a matter of seconds.

I woke up two hours later to my stomach churning. I knew what was about to happen next, so I dragged myself out of bed, and walked to my bathroom and kneeled in front of the toilet. Just looking at the water in the toilet sent my stomach over the edge and before I knew it, I was hurling my guts up. After multiple painful rounds of violent retches and a now disgusting toilet, I picked myself up off the ground and flushed the toilet, then making my way back to bed. I took my temperature before falling asleep and groaned at the numbers on the thermometer. 102.4. Great, my temperature is going back up. Note the sarcasm. I groaned and rolled over and went back to sleep not wanting to deal with a fever. I slept the whole afternoon and part of the evening. To be exact, I woke up at 10 p.m. Surprisingly, I was still exhausted so I just went back to sleep.

*the next day *

It was after nine in the morning so I decided to go check on Henry since I knew his parents were at work by now. Charlotte agreed to keep watch on the man cave and keep search on the criminal while I was out.
I quickly drove over to Henry's house and was pleased to see that Henry's parents were in fact, already gone. I climbed up to Henry's window, found that it was already unlocked, and went inside Henry's room. I looked around and saw that he was sound asleep, but definitely did not look comfortable.
He was shaking so hard that the bed was shaking with him, he was sweating up a storm, he had his arm protectively wrapped around his middle, and he was whining and whimpering in his sleep. I walked over and placed a gentle hand on him and carefully tried waking him up. It took a few tries but eventually, he shot straight up with his eyes wide and he was breathing heavily.
In two seconds, he jumped out of bed, and ran straight for the bathroom. I knew what was going to happen next, so I quickly followed him and found Henry sitting on the floor leaning over the toilet, with a few tears sliding down his cheeks. I walked on in, and sat down beside him and rubbed his back. "Just let it out Henry. You'll feel better after." He shook his head with his eyes squeezed shut. If he didn't let it out now, it would be much more painful later. I contemplated some options that I could do. In the end, I decided that I should do what needed to be done. "Henry, I'm going to press on your stomach gently to help you get it out."  He shook his head, and continued to rock uneasily back and forth. I sneaked my hand over his stomach, and began pressing ever so gently. He yelped out at the sudden pressure, and it took all of my willpower to not pull away. It took ten seconds before sick came barreling up Henry's throat and causing him to throw himself over the toilet. In a matter of seconds his stomach contents were pouring into the toilet. It actually took Henry about five minutes to stop vomiting. When he did finish, he leaned back on me. "Come on Henry, let's gets you in bed." I said. After all that, I knew he was tired and he didn't need to sleep on the cold hard floor. "No, I'm not done." Henry protested. "Henry there's no way that you've got anything left in you. I think you're just nauseous." I said quietly knowing he had a banging headache now. Henry hesitated, but decided too, that he didn't want to spend anymore time on the bathroom floor. I helped him up, and guided him back to bed.

"Go to sleep Henry. I'll be here when you wake up." I reassured. He bummed in response and fell asleep just after. Truth be told, I'm getting really worried about Henry. It's been a week, and he still has not shown any improvement. Maybe I should call the nurse. I quickly decided that that was the best thing to do. I need to make sure that Henry hasn't gotten worse.

I dialed her number, and soon, she picked up. "Hello, Ray. How's Henry doing?" She asked kindly. "Not so great. In fact, I think he's gotten worse." I replied. "Do you want me to come over and check on him?" She asked. "That would be great, thank you." I replied with a smile. She said that she would be right over, and with that, I hung up letting myself relax. I looked over at Henry who was barely recognizable anymore. He looked like one of those hospital patients that didn't have much time left, and that did not help my worry at all.

Soon, I heard a knock at the front door downstairs and instantly ran down there to let the nurse in. "Hey Ray." She greeted as I let her in. "Hi." I said nervously. I led her upstairs like I did last time, and as soon as she saw Henry, she immediately went rushing over. "Have you been following the guidelines I gave you to take care of him?" She asked quietly. "Um, well, I don't usually get to see him since I'm only his boss at work, so I don't usually take care of him unless his parents aren't home, and I have no idea what his parents do." I replied. She nodded and took out her stethoscope and listened to Henry's breathing. Judging by the frown that appeared on her face, things aren't looking to good. She ran a few tests, then asked Henry who was barely awake, a few questions. When she was finished, she looked up at me with worried eyes. "Okay he's definitely not improving, which worries me. I can switch his antibiotics to this one, which are usually more affective, but it can be hard on the stomach. I'm leaving the choice up to you." She said. I thought about it for a little bit. Henry is already nauseous enough as it is, and he really wouldn't like it if he had more pain added, but I'm sure he's also ready for this sickness to be over with. I thought about it some more, before deciding to try the new antibiotics on Henry. The nurse handed me, the new bottle I put it on his bedside to give him when he wakes up. "If you notice any worse changes tell me immediately. And if you think the antibiotics are too hard on him, go back to giving him the original one." She said before leaving. I nodded with a smile and shut the door.

I went back up to Henry's room, and saw that he was already sound asleep. I smiled and sat down waiting for him to wake up. I just hope that this new medication works. Henry can't afford to get any sicker.

Within the next hour Henry woke up, but didn't look happy about it. "Hey Henry, you feeling up to watching a movie or something?" I asked hoping to help Henry find some entertainment through all this. "Sure." Was all he said. I helped him get down the stairs and to the couch. "I know this isn't going to sound pleasant but you need to eat something." I said just hoping he wouldn't argue this. "No thanks." He replied. "Henry, you've thrown up everything you've eaten in the past few days, you're completely empty. You need to eat something. What about soup?" I asked. "Fine." He grumbled. He wasn't happy with me now, but he'll thank me later.

I went to the kitchen and started a can of soup for him, and it was done in about fifteen minutes. I brought it back to Henry who stared at it like it just murdered his entire family. "You can eat it Henry, it's not going to hurt you." I chuckled. He hesitated before bringing a spoonful to his lips. After one bite he decided on taking another and so forth. When we finished the movie, I noticed he had actually finished the whole bowl of soup. "Wow, that's good that you were able to finish the whole thing Henry, that means you're improving just slightly. Henry moaned in response as I took his bowl to the kitchen. I gave him his new medication, and sat down so we could watch another movie. Henry made it about halfway through, before falling asleep again. I smiled, and turned down the volume so it wouldn't wake him up.

The next following days consisted of the same things. I wasn't as lucky to be getting him to eat another entire bowl of soup, but at least he's eating half bowls and I take that as a win. So far the new medicine doesn't seem to be hurting Henry's stomach so that's a good sign. I just have to hope that Henry doesn't start to get any worse. He's sick enough as it is.

I had just returned to the man cave when Charlotte called me over.
"The vice mayor sent you message and said to listen to it ASAP." Charlotte said. I nodded. "What did he say?" I asked. "I haven't listened to it yet." She replied. "Then let's listen." I said while turning on the message. "Hey Captain Man, it's about Kid Danger. We need to talk...

Boom! Cliffhanger! Sorry it took me so long to update guys, I have been busy lately. Anyways, here it is, hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next chapter! Happy Labor Day by the way! Anyways, Byeeeeee and stay safe!❤️💙
