Spacey Beluga Whale

The writing prompt for this one was the pick a random picture and a random word from two seperate jars and write about them.

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I floated around aimlessly in the blue water. I was looking for people to play with. It was lonely here by myself. The only time people came here was when the trainers showed up with hoops and toys. I didn't like that. No one really likes me, and that makes me sad.

But I heard some footsteps approaching!! Maybe it was someone who came to see me! That would be so cool! I like people, and they normally like me. Hopefully, it would be good.

They wore red, and they were really small. Like very tiny. They came closer to me, and I realized that they were a kid! A very tiny kid.

"Would you be my friend?" I asked him, and he looked over at me. He tugged on a bigger person's arm and talked, but I couldn't understand his words. They sounded very shrill.

"Come play with me!" I call out to him pushing my head against the hard thing that was in this water. I still never knew where those things were, and I always bumped into them. He came over to me and pressed his hand against the hard thingy. I licked it thinking I could touch his hand, but nope. I tasted nothing.

'Maybe he can't get in the tank!' I thought to myself. "Don't worry friend, I'll help you!!" I went up to the tank and opened my mouth. The plan was to pick him up with my mouth and move him into the tank, but it wasn't working. "Get in my mouth!" I kept trying again and again, but it wasn't working. "Friend please!!"

He walked away, and I wailed.

