Kong's POV

I woke up feeling fresh and far better than the last couple of weeks.. I hugged P'Forth who was laying down beside me... 
"You are awake my little brother.. How are you feeling..?" He asked me as he hugged me back
"Khab P.. I am awake.. and I feel better." I said.
"Now freshen up.. Ma is cooking for us.. Em.. May and Beam are already here." P'Forth said.
"What time is it P.?" I asked..
"Near lunch time.. you slept happily so we let you sleep.." P'Forth said.
"I know I will sleep peacefully.. I had my brother beside me.. and I now my brother would protect me from everything.." I said.. He smiled widely and kissed my forehead..

"Now get ready.. let us have lunch.. I am really hungry.." P'Forth said. I went in to brush my teeth and take a bath.. Em already kept a pair of dress for me outside which I wore before going out. Though it was like a oversized shirt.. it was comfortable for me.. 

I went directly into the kitchen and hugged Ma from behind as she was cooking something.. 
"It smell delicious Ma.." I said as I inhaled the smell.. 
"Really.. then let me feed you more today.. I will make you more chubby.." Ma said making me chuckle..
"Khab Ma.. I will eat everything you feed me.." I said and tighten the hug..
"Now.. wait for me near the table.. I will come there with food." She said as she ruffled my hair. I kissed her cheek before joining others near the table.

"Kong.. I never thought you can be like a kiddo.." May said suddenly making everyone chuckle.. 
"Oh.. May.. you saw nothing.. he is the most spoiled.. I can understand Uncle and Aunty spoiling him.. but more than then P'Forth spoils him.. I never saw a brother who would be like P'Forth.. he never fights but are always close.. also.. you still haven't seen how spoiled he acts with P'Forth." Em replied.. and I could clearly understand that he is teasing me..

"P.. Look.." I said as I pouted and pointed at Em..
"Nong Em.. you won't like if I deal with you.." P'Forth immediately said as he smacked Em's head with a spoon. I stuck my tongue out at Em..
"See.. I told you na.." He whined to May.. I was about to say something but Ma came..

"Okay.. Kong.. Em.. you have a lot of time to tease eachother.. but first.. we will eat." Ma said. All of us started eating.. Ma was feeding me while P'Forth kept on placing food in the plate..
"Ma.. it is really delicious.. I miss your hand cooked food." I said..
"Aw.. then who asked you to take over as a head hazer.. you could not even come home for the whole semester.." Ma complained..

"So, tell me how was it to be a hazer..?" Pa asked me.
"Oh.. he must love it a lot Uncle.. I swear the freshman all are blind.. They do everything he says and even praise him a lot though he is the who shouts orders to them. They are all behind him with heart eyes.. while they get scared of me and other hazers.. They even run away if they see me or others.. but if they see Kong they would run to him and greet him.." He complained.
"What can I do.. they can't look away from my handsome face.. and accept it Em.. I am the best." I said and shurgged my shoulders to which Em rolled his eyes while others chuckled.

Though I felt my heart clenching remembering about one person.. I pushed it aside and smiled with the people whom I love.. After lunch.. all of us sat down.. P'Beam gave me some vitamins tablet along with a couple of more tabletsand asked me to take them regularly from now on.. 

"Kong.. We want to talk to you.." P'Forth said.. I know we will have a discussion soon.. so I nodded my head.
"Son.. what are you planning to do now..?" Pa asked me. I have already thought about it..
"Pa.. Can I transfer.." I said..
"Okay to which university..?" he asked.
"To another country.. preferably  America.." I replied. Everyone looked at me with wide eyes..

"Kong... you can't go to other country.. who will take care of you..?" Ma asked me..
"Mom.. Dad.. I think Kong going to America is good.. because.. There are specialists there who dealt with male pregnancy cases.. and here in Thailand.. we did not yet solve any such case and it would be risky..." P'Beam said.
"Than all of us can go.. and return after Kong giving birth." P'Forth said.

"No P.. that won't happen.. Pa.. you have a company you need to look after.. and P.. did you forget that you are going to take over the CEO position of one branch in another 6 months.. you can't neglect those duties.. there are thousands of families who are surviving through the company.. you need to responsible for them.." I immediately denied that option.
"But Son.. how can we let you go through the pain alone.." Pa asked me.

"Uncle.. Aunty.. P'Forth.. Kong won't be alone.. I will go with Kong.. I will look after him.. just help me with the transfer.." Em said suddenly making me look at him.. 
"Even I will go.. My parents already know about Kong's condition.. and I am sure they will accept it.. and Since Em is also there.. it won't be a problem." May added which made me feel dumb..
"But.. I don't want to burden you.." I said with a low unsure voice..

"Shut up.. you are never a burden to us.. you are our friend Kong.." May snapped at me.
"And Aunty you can visit us when ever you can while P'Forth.. P'Beam and Uncle can visit us monthly once or twice when they are free or when you can manage." Em said.
"This is better idea.." P'Beam said.

"P'Forth.. please accept na.. I will video call you daily.." I pleaded him.. he sighed and then looked at me..
"Promise me that you will take care of yourself.. if you fall sick trust me.. I will hunt down your lover boy.." P'Forth warned me..
"He is no longer mine P.. and I will surely take care of myself." I said. I smiled a little though I felt like crying. He must have felt it as he hugged me..
"Okay.. now let us see which university is good for you all.. and Kong we will also make sure that you can attend online classes for a some months.. Okay..?" Pa said.
"Khab Pa.." I said. 

"And Kong.. I know a person there.. his name is Ohm.. he is four years elder than you and he deals with male pregnancies mostly.. He will be your doctor and will look after you.." P'Beam said.. 
"Okay P.." I said. P'Beam and P'Forth went to speak with P'Ohm.. Em and May went to speak with May's parents while I laid down on Ma's lap while we went through different universities.. 

I don't know when I fell asleep but when I woke up.. I was still in Ma's lap while Pa.. Em and May were looking into colleges I guess.. while P'Forth and P'Beam were looking into something..
"You are awake..?" I heard my Ma asking me and looked at her.
"Khab Ma.. do your legs hurt..? Did I sleep long..?" I asked her..
"No.. My legs don't hurt.. you slept for 2 hours.. how are you feeling..?" She asked me as she caressed my hair. 
"I am feeling better Ma.." I said as I sat down.
"I will get you some juice.. till then look into the list.. those are the colleges your Pa.. Em and May liked till now.." Ma replied. She kissed my forehead before going to prepare some juice.

I looked into the list of universities.. they were really good one.. and all of them were going to accept transfer students in between the academic year.. 
"Son.. another possible university you can chose is Stanford University... we spoke to the administration.. they are okay to accept three of you.. in the same department.. you can also transfer you credits from this college.. you will have to take a exam for sure day after tomorrow. They will support you with online classes when your due date comes near." Pa said.

Stanford University.. it was really a good university.. and it will be our lucky chance to get in.. I looked at Em and May who were also ready to give it a try..
"We will give it a try Pa.. we will take the exam day after tomorrow and then see.. we will also take exam for a couple of other colleges.. for safety and then decide." I said.
"Okay.. and all your colleges are in California only.. Ohm is a doctor their.. so I chose the colleges in and around.." Pa added.

"And.. we also searched for the places you can stay.." P'Forth and P'Beam said.. I was about to ask about that same thing.. 
"Okay P.. we will choose based on the college we get into.." I said.
"And Son.. the result will be out within 12 hours except for the Stanford University.. it would be released after the 3-4 days.. and also you will need to leave in another week which ever college you get into.. I will make the arrangements but one of you will have to go to college for sure at least once." Pa said.

"I don't want to go there Pa.." I denied immediately.. I did not want to even get a glimpse of that university as of now.
"We will go uncle.. we will look into Kong's details and other things also.." Em said.
"Okay.. then.. three of you stay at our home.. we will help you to prepare and also it would be easy to look after you all.." Ma said as she bought the juice for us.. 

Em and May shared a look before saying okay.. We had our juice.. Em and May were packing their things.. I asked P'Forth to get my books.. laptops and some dresses from my dorm.. He said he would take them and join us at him..  even Pa and P'Beam went with them..

After Em and May were done packing.. we went to my home.. Em and May went to settle down in the guest room which was beside my room.. I sat down in the sofa along with Ma and started looking at the pattern of exam conducted by Stanford university.. 

Soon Pa.. P'Forth and P'Beam returned.. they have nearly bought 90% of the things in my dorm.. There was a box which I felt weird.. I asked P'Forth to show me.. it had all the gifts and letters I and P'Arthit exchanged since the start of our relation along with his gear.. I took the gear and held it in my hand tightly as I felt my heart clenching again..

"A gear represents the heart of an engineer.. if we give it to someone and ask them to take care of it.. we mean to ask them to take care of our heart." P'Forth explained to Ma and Pa who were confused looking at me holding the gear.. 
"It is time to return his gear Son.. for him.. for you and for everyone.." Ma said as she hugged me.. 
"Khab Ma.. I will.. I will ask Em to return it when he goes to university." I replied.. Though it was making me feel breathless.. it was the correct thing to do since he has someone now.. someone he can openly love unlike me.. whom he can't love openly.. I buried down the bitterness I felt.

"P.. please don't throw away those.. they are my memories with P'Arthit.. and I will keep them with me.. my children deserve to know about those for sure.. and it would be me who would throw them away the day I move on from him.." I said though I am sure that there won't be such day in my life where I can move on from him.

I.. Em and May started preparing for our exam with the help of P'Forth.. P'Beam was also helping us with the English.. Ma and Pa were making sure that we would eat.. rest and drink some juices.. as well as I will be taking the medication.

Three of us gave our best in the exams.. Even May's parents visited twice and gave us their support and blessings.. May's mother and my Ma bonded well as they became friends now.. We were going to write four exams in all.. we already made it into two universities with a full scholarship offer.. we had to write the last one today and by the time our exam would be done our result for Stanford University would be out.. 

But before the exam I felt somewhat dizzy and felt like sleeping.. I tried my best to focus but I could not.. P'Beam was the first one to understand I was not feeling well.. I told him how I was feeling when he asked.. 

"Son.. you already have two chances in your hands.. and they are better colleges than the current college which you are going to write exam for.. so rest.. it won't be a problem if you skip the exam." Pa assured us.
"Yes Kong.. we can skip this exam.. " I heard Em saying.. I held P'Beam who sat beside me while speaking before the blackness took over.. 

Does Arthit really not love Kong..? 

What do you think is actually happening..? 

Will Kong really leave..? Will he be safe..??

Please comment your opinions..! and do vote..!

Thank you.. stay safe and stay happy..!

