
She got into our car, I can tell this girl is really nervous.

"What's your name?" I ask her trying to get her comfortable. 

"My name is Lily but I prefer getting called Lulu. Please call me Lulu." She says shaking.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Jack, Jack Johnson." I answered her question.

"What's his name?" She pointed at G.

"Oh hi I'm Also Jack , Jack Gilinsky" Jack kept his eyes on the road.

"Wow you guys are both named Jack?" She was shocked as mainly everyone we meet is.

"Yeah!" I answered.

"Wow that's cool! Are you guys brothers? Cousins? Uncle,nephew?"

"We are Best friends !"

"Woah that's crazy!" I could feel her starting to get comfortable.

"How old are you?" I asked her.

"I just turned 19 a couple weeks ago."

"Work? College?" I asked curiously.

"I work at urban outfitters. You guys? Work or college?" She ask us.

"Uh we are actually Viners!"

"Oh wow really? What do you guys do on vine?" I was surprised she knew what vine was there's only a small amount of people we meet that know what vine is or a small amount of people know what vine is for.

"Well we gained a whole lot of supporters/fans through these skits we would do! But growing up Gilinsky liked singing and I liked rapping and we created a career out of that !"

"So you guys are technically famous?"

"Sure you can say that!" I laugh. Cocky thing to say huh?

She stops replying and out of nowhere I hear 'like that' play on her phone and she's vibing to it. I get so embarrassed for some reason.
The song is over. "Wow you guys are good! Pretty cool I'm riding with Jack and Jack !"

"You'll be riding Jack G soon!" Gilinsky saids.

"G, Gilinsky, or Jack whichever you prefer. Imagine being that conceded, can't blame you though." She laughs defending herself.

"We're here!" G changes the topic in embarrassment.

We get out of the car. I bring down her backpack helped her with whatever she needed. G knocks on the door and Nash opens it.

"Oh you guys brought someone home I see" Nash fools around

"Nash, this is lily but call her lulu. She's gonna be staying with us for a bit." I introduce lulu to Nash.

I set Lulu's things down as Nash locks the door.

"Hey I think I recognize you from vine! Nash Grier right?" Lulu said to Nash

"Yup that's me."

"Hey Lulu would you like a water bottle?" I interrupt their conversation.

"Yeah sure!" She told me.

I took out my phone got onto snapchat and recorded "alright catch!" I threw the water bottle at her and she catches it I flipped the camera to me and said "water equals good skin!" And posted it on my story.

"What was that for ?" She questions

"I do this a lot on my snapchat I also go to drive thru's and ask if they have baby Daquan's." I laugh at how stupid I just sounded.

"Oh, let me see your phone." She comes up to me. I handed her my phone and she started to record.

"Water is good but knowing how to catch is bettter!" I go behind her and rest my chin on her shoulder and said "what's it like to think catching skills is better than water?" She posted it on my story. "What's it like to be dumb?" She fools around and adds herself on snapchat and hands me my phone.

I go on Twitter and tweeted "I feel like I did a very good thing today ♥️" and I did what G is not good at and started to reply to fans. I see screenshots of me and Lulu and captions as "I ship."

A fan tweeted me "do you like her ;) I know you do ;) admit it ;)"

I don't know do I? I think to myself... she ain't bad so far.
