Chapter 12

Alessandra's hair, make up, and dress for the engagement party.

* The dress is an emerald green color not white.* 


Sampson and Alessandra's tour has finally come to an end. 

They are currently minutes away from arriving at the Versailles court. 

Sampson could not be any more happy to return to his home. 

Alessandra is feeling a little bit nervous about seeing Sampson's childhood home since we would be on his own turf. 

However, she is looking forward to seeing her father at the second engagement party tomorrow night. 

The two had pretty much repaired their relationship through the letters they had been exchanging. 

The blonde never thought her father and her could get to such a good place but she is thrilled nonetheless. 

Jasper has made her feel safe and loved by assuring her that no further harm would come to her as long as she married Sampson. 

"You ready to see Versailles?" Sampson states smiling at the blonde. 

The pair have continued to get along well over their time on the road together. 

"Yes. I'll get to see your childhood home. Your gardens, Your ballrooms, and your bedrooms." she smirks at the last word wanting to get a rise out of him. 

Sampson laughs loudly at her. 

"I'll be sure to give you a personal tour of my bedroom." he smirks. 

"Sampson!" Alessandra pretends to scold him as she too laughs. 

The pair continued to joke around with each other until the carriage came to a slow stop.

 Realizing they were here Sampson helps Alessandra out and holds onto her hand as they come face to face with his parents.

 "Sampson! My boy! How have you gotten taller?" Margo questions bringing her son into a bone crushing home.

 "Mother, I've been away from court before. And you are imagining things. I am still the same height." he teases her.

 She rolls her eyes before releasing him from the hug. 

"Son, it's good to see you." King Hudson now says also bringing his son in for a hug. 

Alessandra watches on with a light smile wishing she could have grown up in a household where both of her parents loved and supported her.

 "Alessandra, dear, welcome to our home." Margo greets. 

Alessandra bows in respect. 

"Thank you." she states. 

"Tell me, how was the tour?" Margo gushes as they all make their way inside the palace.

 "Wonderful. We were able to meet so many amazing people. Our two countries have the most loyal, hardworking subjects." Alessandra informs the king and queen. 

"I wouldn't expect anything less." Hudson beams. 

"I have prepared everything for the party tomorrow. I cannot wait for you to have a chance to meet some of the most important people here in our court." Margo tells Alessandra. 

"I'm looking forward to meeting everyone too." Alessandra voices. 

"Mother, father. While I have missed you both dearly, Alessandra and I are quite tired. We will go to our separate chambers for some rest and will see you all at dinner?" Sampson commands.

 Margo rolls her eyes once again at her son while Alessandra silently thanks him with her eyes.

 These last few minutes have been a little overwhelming and she is quite tired from their time on the road.

 "Of course, please come see me in my office once you have woken up." Hudson tells his son.

 "Yes father. I'll show Alessandra to her room." Sampson informs his parents. 

He extends his arm out for Alessandra to put hers through his. 

Together the pair head off in the opposite direction as Sampson's parents. 

They eventually arrive at a large wooden door accompanied by some guards standing out front.

 The guards open up the door. 

Alessandra's eyes widen as she takes in the scene around her. 

She was not in her chambers but in Sampson's. 

"I promised I would show you my room." Sampson smirks. 

"Do you like it?" Alessandra walks over to his desk running her hand along the smooth wood.

 She then walks over to his bookshelf observing the titles on his shelf. 

"I love it." she smiles at him. 

"Good, I'm glad. If you see a title that looks interesting you are free to take it." he informs her.

 Upon hearing his words Alessandra picks up a book that had caught her attention. 

"I shall start it before bed tonight." the blonde tells him.

 "Please do. Let me know what you think of it." he tells her sincerely.

 "I'll see you at dinner." she gives him one last smile before leaving the room where Grayson stood ready to show her to her own chamber.

At dinner Hudson, Margo, Sampson, and Alessandra were getting along just well. 

They had been informing each other of their lives over the past month and half. 

"While you were in Medina did you happen to run into Catherine?" Hudson questions causing Margo to give him a sharp look.

 She could tell Alessandra had developed feelings for her son despite Alessandra failing to realize this herself so the last thing she wanted was her husband bringing up an old flame of Sampson's right in front of the blonde. 

"We did." Sampson states simply. 

"And? How is she? Her father was here a few weeks ago but we never got to talk in person." Hudson questions. 

"She's doing well. Alessandra and her got started on the wrong foot but were able to quickly move past their differences once they realized they have more in common with each other than they thought." Sampson explains resting his hand on top of Alessandra's under the table.

 "Well that is great news. So Alessandra tell me, have you selected a gown yet for tomorrow?" Margo speaks wanting to change the topic. 

"No, your grace. Not yet." Alessandra informs her.

 "Well, I will make sure to have my maids send some of the best dresses to your room in the morning and you can pick one out then." Margo states.

 "Yes, thank you." Alessandra smiles.

The following evening came around rather quickly.

 Eliza is helping Alessandra put on her dress and straighten her hair when a knock is heard at her door. 

"Aly, it's me." Sampson's voice can be heard from the other side of the door. 

Eliza leaves the room using the back door so that Alessandra and Sampson could have some privacy. 

"Come in." she calls out to him. 

Sampson's eyes widen like they often do when he sees her, completely awestruck by her beauty.

 "You look beautiful." he says blushing slightly.

 This causes Alessandra to blush as well.

"Thank you." she tells him. 

"I just wanted to see you before we are both busy all night talking to everyone." he explains his reasoning for showing up at her room unannounced. 

Alessandra hums in understanding and then moves to her desk to grab a necklace to put on. 

She unfortunately struggles with locking it around her neck so Sampson rushes over before she even asks and assists her. 

The blonde shivers at his touch along her neck. 

Sampson smiles to himself knowing he had this effect on her since she too had an effect on him if you know what I mean. 

"If you get tired at all and need a breather tonight, tug on the necklace and I'll stop everything I'm doing to join you outside the ballroom for a couple of minutes." he informs the blonde.

 "Thank you, Sampson." she smiles up at him and turns around so she can look over herself in the mirror to make sure she is ready to go. 

"I'll see you soon." he smiles, placing a soft kiss on her cheek. 

Alessandra blushes once again before calling for Eliza to return.

When Alessandra enters the ballroom she is immediately greeted by various individuals who want to have a word with the future queen of Versailles. 

After speaking to about five members from the clergy and two noblemen she feels a tap on her shoulder. 

She turns around to identify who tapped her just to come face to face with Uncle Niall, King Jasper, and Queen Adelaine. 

"Uncle Niall! Father!" she states excitedly bringing them each in for a hug while Adelaine awkwardly stands off to the side. 

"You look wonderful darling." Jasper says once they pull apart. 

"Yes, a true sight for sore eyes kiddo." Niall grins.

 "How was your trip?" Niall questions. 

"Oh, amazing." she starts as she, Niall, and Jasper walk over to the drinks. 

"Adelaine." Margo states, causing the brunette to stop watching them walk away from her.

 "Queen Margo." she greets.

 "Alessandra is truly a wonderful girl. I'm so glad she could reunite with her family and that you all could make it to our court." Margo states observing the woman closely. 

"Yes. She is." Adelaine states through clenched teeth. 

"Are you sad?" Margo questions her. 

"Sad about what?" Adelaine questions not sure what the queen was referring to. 

"That you are losing favor with Jasper. Now that his relationship with Alessandra has improved you will be a mere afterthought in due time, especially considering you have yet to get pregnant." Margo states the obvious. 

"He loves me, Margo." Adelaine says trying to remain polite. 

"Are you sure about that?" she smirks before leaving to find her husband. 

"So how are things with you and Sampson?" Jasper asks his daughter. 

"Great, we get along really well." she answers. 

"Well that's wonderful because I was going to propose to Hudson tonight that we move the date up for the wedding one more time." he informs her.

 "Why? I thought the attacks had stopped with the French. I need time to prepare for a wedding." Alessandra informs him. 

Jasper was not pleased with her response.

 He was hoping she would be more than ready to tie the knot with Sampson by now.

 "Look -Aless." he begins but is cut off as King Hudson appears with Margo by his side. 

"Jasper! Friend! It is time for us to make a speech." Hudson informs him, smiling. 

 Both royal families make their way to the front of the room so that the two Kings could make a toast. 

Sampson and Alessandra steal glances with each other throughout the speech, smiling to themselves when they were almost caught by the other. 

Growing tired of listening to her father and Hudson speak Alessandra looks at Sampson waiting for him to look at her. 

When he finally does she tugs on her necklace indicating that she wants to see him. 

He discretely lifts his hand up by his side indicating that he would need about five minutes afterwards to talk to some people he had promised he would speak to before he would join her in the hallway. 

She shakes her head in understanding. 

Finally the two kings are done with their speech so everyone lifts their drink up to raise a toast.

 After Alessandra finishes her drink she excuses herself claiming she needs to use the restroom.

 Once she is outside in the hallway she tells Eliza and Grayson that they can return to the party since she would be gone for only a couple of minutes. 

Grayson looks hesitant but eventually nods his head and goes back to the party.

 Alessandra walks to another hallway admiring some of the art along the palace walls. 

She slows her footsteps upon hearing the sound of her father whispering harshly to someone.

 She peaks her head around the corner trying to hear him better. 

"So you have everything set up in her chambers? Everything has to go according to plan."

 "Yes, your grace. We have placed a dead deer in Alessandra's room as you have requested." the guard replies. 

Alessandra's eyes widen and she brings her hand to cover her mouth from making any noises.

 "Good. This is how I keep her on my side. She'll be scared so shitless she'll do whatever I say. If you speak a word of this to anyone I will cut your head off. Understood?" Jasper orders. 

"Yes, your grace." the guard assures him sounding fearful. 

Their steps get quieter indicating the two had left. 

Alessandra could not believe it. 

Her father, her own father had been the man behind Bishop Richard's death, that poor boy, and now an animal. 

All so that he could manipulate her into some type of twisted power dynamic.

She is sick to her stomach and is greatly angered by this news. 

How could he put her and those that she cares about in harm's way time after time. 

He is a twisted man that she wants nothing to do with. 

Their entire relationship that they had been rebuilding was a lie.

 Her feet are moving before her mind is but she ends up approaching Sampson's door waiting to meet him in his room so she could find comfort in his arms. 

However, for the second time tonight she has entered into a conversation she is not supposed to hear. 

"And you are sure she and father are on good terms again?" Hudson questions.

 "Yes, they've been writing to each other throughout the entire tour." Sampson assures him.

 "That's a problem son. We need her to still hate him that way when we inevitably kill him she won't be so distraught over his death and want to look into the specifics of it." Hudson paces his room. 

"Father, it's a bit late to be discussing this tonight, okay. We can discuss this tomorrow morning." Sampson states. 

He had promised he would meet up with the blonde so he is trying to hurry this conversation along so he can go see her. 

"Fine. I will continue mingling with the guests. I expect you to return to the ballroom in thirty minutes." Hudson commands as he leaves Sampson's bedroom. 

Alessandra quickly moves to stand behind a pillar so King Hudson would not know she had heard everything. 

Turns out the blonde has been lied to by everyone she knows. 

She lacked any real control over her life and that troubled her greatly. 

Once Hudson is gone she storms her way into Sampson's bedroom. 

"Aly?" he questions, surprised to see her in his room. 

"I want in." is all the blonde states. 

"In on what?" he further questions raising an eyebrow. 

"On killing my father. Let me kill my father." she states with confidence. 
