The princess had barely slept since the day before when she found out Zuko's mistress, Mai, was pregnant. Although she was upset, it never stopped her from slipping out of her bedroom to watch the sun rise.

She was alone, sitting on the edge of the temple in deep thought when the bright, warm sunlight began beating down on her as soon as it appeared over the horizon line.

She slumped her shoulders and watched as the sun rose higher until it was fully in sight. When it was, Soana heard a voice interrupt her.

"You're awake too?"

The princess turned her head, seeing Sueh standing with a empathetic look on her face.

"Unfortunately, I didn't sleep too well." Soana sighed as her best friend joined her at the edge of the temple.

"Is it because of Zuko?" She questioned, taking a spot next to the princess.

Soana raised her brows.

Sueh cocked her head slightly.
"After we let Gato explain his innocence, he told us the news."

The princess humphed, rolling her eyes.

"I can't believe he's having a child with another girl. I would be extremely furious."

"Yes, but you're not me." Soana bowed her head.
"I feel so disappointed. I know I should be angry, but I'm past that stage. Right now I'm just upset, and I think we need space."

"You're married. You can't exactly get away from him so easily. The best you could probably do is to work through it and hope Mai's lying."

The princess frowned.
"Why would I work through it when there isn't a marriage worth saving anymore?"

"Because there's always the possibility of the truth and hope rising. You two have been through so much to let your relationship plummet like this."

Soana nodded.
"I understand, but you don't know how hard it is to know that the person you're married to is having a child with someone other than you."

Sueh didn't speak anymore. She felt terrible for the heartache Soana was being put through.

"You wanna fix up breakfast with me? Katara's been teaching me how to prepare the rice." She changed the subject.

The princess sent her friend a half grin then nodded.

The two stood from the floor and went towards the camp in the center of the temple. Everyone had been resting peacefully. Sokka drooled from his mouth. Katara, her father, Gato, Toph, Chit Sang, and Suki slept content on their backs. Teo, Haru, the Duke cuddled with their pillows while Reid laid on top of his mother with a sleepy smile.

Aang was resting on Appa who grunted when he heard Sueh and Soana's footsteps approaching them.

Aang groaned as he stretched himself awake.

"G'morning, Aang." The princess greeted.

Sueh chuckled as Momo took the opportunity to sit on Soana's shoulder and rub his jaw on the top of her head.

The princess then wore a smile as Sueh and Aang laughed.

Sueh cleared her throat.
"We're going to make breakfast if you wanna fetch more water?"

Aang sat up from Appa's thick fur and stretched his neck out.

The air bender bended himself from his laying position to stand and was about to take off on his staff before a piece of oval shape metal was thrown towards them from the valley below.

Aang quickly took action and swung his staff to bend the air, sending the container back over the edge only for it to explode.

Sueh and Soana's faces fell as everyone awoke from their slumber from the noise. Momo hissed and let the fur on his back spike up before he scurried away.

Aang went towards the ledge and peered over as more bombs were thrown towards the temples. Rising from the fog of the valley was a mass of blimps that Teo's father had invented except they had an obvious Fire Nation design to them, consisting of a deep red and black with gold dragon head for canons to launch the bombs.

The airbender then spoke with a tense face.
"Soana! You and Sueh need to go with the others! Now!"

Obeying, the princess grabbed ahold of Sueh's wrist and pulled her to the center of the camp that had been enclosed in a wind contraption used for Air Nomad training.

Aang swung his staff and bended the contraption to shield themselves from the incoming bombs that were being thrown at them.

Gato went to one of the metal walls that Aang had closed and beat his fists on it.
"Let me out, Aang! I can take them!" Gato demanded.

"Everyone has to stick together, Gato! We can't risk it!" Sueh scoffed.

"What's going on?" Yuri questioned, holding onto her son.

"We're under attack. They found us." Aang answered.

Reid whispered against his mother's side as Hakoda had an arm protectively around her and the boy.

The bombs never seized to stop. They only kept coming until the rock on the ceiling fell in medium size rocks.

Soana looked above to see the boulders about to hit her until she felt someone push her.
"Watch out!"

She fell to the floor and slammed her head on a piece of rubble as she looked to see Zuko leaning all of his weight onto her.

"What are you doing!" She grunted, pushing his arms off of her.

"Keeping rocks from crushing you." Zuko answered in a low voice.

"Okay, I'm not crushed. You can get off me now." With ease, she forced the prince off of her back and got up, running away.

"I'll take that as a thank you." He narrowed his eyes, offended.

Toph and Haru bended an escape hole through the ground. They both turned and announced to the ground.
"Come on! We can get out through here!"

The group took the chance and escaped, leaving Zuko and Gato near the metal wall that was separating them from the danger outside.

Aang grabbed ahold of Appa's reigns and tried to pull him, but the sky bison was refusing to follow. The air bender struggled before he looked and saw Zuko and Gato standing side by side.

"What're you guys doing! Come on!"

Soana stopped in her tracks, looking to Gato and Zuko. The prince looked over his shoulder.
"You guys go. I think this is a family visit."

"More or less." Gato muttered, glancing at Zuko
"I'd rather have revenge."

The prince squinted at the earth bender, questioning his decision.

Gato blew a breath and cocked his head slightly with optimism.
"Just trust me. I got your back."

It wasn't until Zuko silently agreed with Gato when he took off by sprinting towards the air bending contraption that was breaking into pieces from the explosions.

"Zuko, no!" Soana gasped as the prince ignored his wife's pleas and hopped the metal opening as Gato turned.
"You guys might wanna steer clear."

Aang continued to struggle to pull Appa as Soana and Sueh watched Gato jump over the collapsing wall and make a running start to leap onto the next temple.

With success, Gato did a forward roll when he landed and brought himself to his knees only for him to slam his raised fists on the floor hard.

The ground started to shake violently around him before a loud bang sounded nearby and red liquid oozed out of the cliffside like a river and splatted next to the former Dai Li agent.

He smirked.
"Oh, it's on."

He swung his arms and bended streams of lava at the metal airship that was the closest, making most of the attention of the Fire Nation go to him.

Sokka and Katara went to Aang and spoke in a hurried manner to convince him to move faster but Appa wasn't having any of it. He let out fits of roars and rumbles as if he was refusing to go into the tunnel.

Soana released a shaky breath as she watched Zuko.
"We have to help them. They can't do this alone."

The princess tried to sprint but was jerked back but Sueh.
"No! You're not risking your life again!"

She scrunched her face and ripped her arm from Sueh's grasp before sprinting off. Soana leaped over the metal that had turned to ruins.

As soon as she heard an explosion go off nearby, she stumbled and saw Zuko standing at the edge of the temple with Azula standing on the platform of a blimp.

"What're you doing here?" Zuko glared.

"You mean it's not obvious yet? I'm about to celebrate becoming an only child!"
Azula kicked her legs out, sending an explosion of flames at Zuko, but Soana was quicker.

The princess bended a shield of water from the moisture in the air, to defend Zuko. The flames smacked against the water and although some turned into steam, an explosion had erupted, echoing amongst the temples.

As the explosion sounded, Soana groaned and let her body fall against the stone floor. Zuko not only noticed her laying there, but he also noticed how the stone floors were cracking from the explosions that were being sent.

He quickly sprinted to Soana and carefully went to her side.
"Soana! Get up!" He ordered, his voice full of fear.

She felt dazed when she looked ahead of her and heard nothing but ringing and Zuko's muffled voice and a pain in her right shoulder.

"Get out of here! Go with Aang and them! Go, now!"

She couldn't hear a word he was saying, but judging by how his mouth was moving, she knew he was worried for her safety, so she pushed herself onto her feet and attempted to go back to the others without falling over from the unsteady shakes of the temples.

As she continued to hobble herself towards where the group had been, she felt faint. She looked at her arm and saw blood. She then noticed a piece of metal nearly the size of her hand stuck in her shoulder. Before she could pull the giant shrapnel out of her body, she fell over the edge of the temple after closing her eyes for a mere second for rest.

She felt light as air and as free as a bird. The cool air blew briskly through her brown locks until she landed on a soft material.

She felt hands touching her arms and legs then a plush ball placed behind her head. The last thing she heard before blacking out with the rumbling growl of Appa.
