
Later that night, once the sun had completely set, only to be replaced with the bioluminscent lights of the foreign plants in the forest, Jake was wrapping a stick in leaves before spreading it in a honey type substance.

"Jake, I don't know if we should be creating such a bright light." I murmured, fearful of attracting more predators. "Zen, they're already here." He argued, beginning to flick a match onto the pack, trying to get a flicker of fire. Both of our ears were turning, listening to the prowling creatures of the night as they circled around us.

Finally, Jake got the match going, quickly lighting his makeshift torch as the light covered the area, showing what was stalking us. Very similar to the Thanator in shape, but instead these Viperwolves were much smaller, also acting like a pack of dogs.

"Let's go." Jake ordered as he grabbed my wrist tightly, making me wince, as he dragged me through the foliage once again. The Viperwolves easily followed, climbing up in the trees and sneaking through the brush. A few moments later, we made it to a small clearing where they quickly trapped us. Jake used the torch to keep them off of us, but they were getting bolder.

"I don't have all goddamn night." Jake sneered at them as he kept turning around, keeping the flaming stick close to keep them at bay. Finally, one took a chance and leaped at Jake, only for him to push it back with the stick. Another one followed, but my brother stabbed this one with the non-flaming end.

Dropping it, Jake took out his knife, fighting off most of them. I was standing off to the side, not sure what I could do to help, since I had no weapons, when one jumped onto me. "Jake!" I cried as I held its head away from mine, its jaws snapping as saliva dribbled down in its hunt-crazed trance.

"Zen, no!" Jake yelled back as he tried to make his way over to me, but by then it'd be too late. Suddenly, an arrow came whizzing past as the Viperwolf fell off of me in pain. I quickly scrambled up, feeling sad for it. Yes, it tried to kill me, but all it wanted was to eat.

Looking up to where the arrow came from, I gasped as I saw the Na'vi girl from earlier shoot another one before beating another back with her bow. She clearly didn't want to kill them, only doing so when they got too close or kept coming. Eventually, they had enough and ran off, the female hissing at them as she made sure they really left.

Turning around, she scowled as the bright light from the torch bothered her. "Idiots, these sky people are. Making fire!" She mumbled to herself in Na'vi as she picked it up and threw it into a nearby pond of water.

"Hey, wait, don't!" Jake said too late. As Jake was whining, I saw the girl go back over to the Viperwolf she shot earlier, hearing its pained whimpers as I watched on sadly. Walking over with her, I knelt down on the other side as I gently pet the distressed animal.

The girl gazed at me for a moment before pulling out a knife and muttering a phrase in Na'vi I couldn't quite catch. She then shoved it into the creature's heart, saving it from its misery.

"Why... are you sad?" She asked me in English. I was shocked she knew it for a moment before answering. "I feel bad. I do not like killing innocent beings. I'm meant to save them since I am a healer-in-training. Even if it wanted to kill me, all it wanted was to eat." I said. This time it was her turn to be surprised since I knew her language.

She tilted her head, a curious look on her face. "Where did you learn to speak my tongue?" She questioned. "I have always been interested in your people, and I took it upon my self to learn how to speak Na'vi." I replied, giving her a soft smile. She stared at me, her tail swishing and her ears flickering as if she was trying to decide on something.

"Neytiri." Was all she said in return. Knowing it was most likely her name, I grinned. "Zen." I introduced as she nodded. We got up and went over towards the second Viperwolf she shot, Jake looking around in wonder at the glowing flora.

"Look, I know you probably don't... understand this... but, uh... thank you." My older brother told her as she said a prayer for the dead creature. "Thank you." He repeated, thinking she hadn't heard him. I gave him a pointed look and put a finger to my lips, indicating to let her finish. He stared at me strangely but kept quiet nonetheless.

However, it didn't last long because as soon as Neytiri stood up, he was already talking again. "That was pretty impressive. We would've been screwed if you hadn't come along." He told her but she just walked away. Jake stood up from his squatted position and went after her, me begrudgingly following.

"Hey, wait up! Where're you going? Wait a second. I just wanted to say thank you for killing those things-" He started as he grabbed her arm. Immediately, she whipped around and smacked him with her bow, making him fall to the ground. I snickered a bit, he kinda deserved it for not listening to me earlier.

Neytiri then held the tip of her bow to his neck. "Don't thank. You don't thank for this. This is sad. Very sad only." She warned him. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Whatever I did, I'm sorry." Jake apologized, but clearly not understanding. "All this is your fault. They did not need to die." She added.

"My fault? They attacked me. How am I the bad guy?" Jake asked her. "Bro, I love you, but you're an idiot sometimes." I shook my head as he stared at me, confused. "Your fault! You're like a baby, making noise, don't know what to do. Your brother is not. He understands what is needed and what is not and why." She frowned at him.

Jake slowly gets back up, cautiously pushing away Neytiri's bow. "If you love your little forest friends... why not let them just kill my ass? What's the thinking?" He asked. "Why save you?" She questioned back, trying to make sure of what he was asking.

"Yeah, why save me?" He replied. She stared at him for a moment. "You have a strong heart. No fear. Zen has a compassionate heart. Sympathy for living beings. But you are stupid!" She added towards Jake at the end, getting in his face. "Ignorant like a child." She muttered and began walking away.

"Well, if I'm like a child, then, uh... maybe... you should teach me." Jake suggested as he ran after her. I went after them, not wanting Jake to make a complete and utter ass out of himself. Even if he'd do that anyways. "Sky People cannot learn; you do not see." She argued as we began to walk along a giant tree branch. "Then teach me how to see." He persisted.

"No one can teach you to see." Neytiri denied. "Look, can't we talk? Say, where'd you learn to speak English? Dr. Augustine's school?" Jake asked before he lost his balance, dropping his precious stick as he tried to keep from falling off.

Both Neytiri and I grabbed one of his arms, pulling him back up. "You're like a baby." She hissed at him. "This guy is ridiculous." She mumbled as I chuckled to myself. "I-we need your help." Jake told her seriously, gesturing between him and me.

"You should not be here." She warned him. "Then take us with you." He replied. "No! Go back." She whispered harshly, nodding her head behind us. "No." Jake ignored her, walking after her. Neytiri quickly stopped and turned around, jutting him backwards with her bow. "Go back!" She ordered before freezing, looking up in the sky.

We both followed her gaze to see the floating white things I saw earlier. There was a whole lot more now, though. They came down towards us and hovered around Jake and I. My brother, being the idiot he is, swatted one away. "Don't!" She shouted, holding his arm.

When another one came closer, he just used his other arm to hit it. "Jake, stop." I told him sternly, giving him a pointed stare. Thankfully, he listened to me and let them land on his arms. More followed and were on his shoulders, chest, and head as well.

The rest came over to me, and I willingly let them land on my body. I smiled almost childishly as I stared at them, feeling the calming energy wafting off of them. "What are they?" I heard Jake ask the Na'vi.

"Seeds of the Sacred Tree. Very pure spirits." Neytiri answered him, in awe of the beings just as much as we were. After a moment, the gathered seeds took off, floating away to somewhere none of us could guess. "That was amazing. But what does it mean?" I finally ask a question.

Neytiri looked off to the side for a moment before staring at us again. "Come." She ordered softly. "Come." She said again, taking my hand and pulling me along behind her. Jake quickly followed, not wanting to be left behind. We passed some large plants that lit up when you touched them as the forest floor lit up with every step we took. We then began running over large branches again, going only Neytiri knows where.

However, something tied around my ankles, making me trip as my hand was ripped out of Neytiri's, my body falling onto the ground below. Jake had the same thing happen, from what I'm guessing was his body falling with a loud thump.

"Zen!" Neytiri gasped, running back over as Jake and I untied the things around our ankles. Then, huge horse-like creatures I recognize as Direhorses appeared, Na'vi men seen riding them as they got closer to us.

Jake took out his knife and began running the other way when more men appeared out of the brush, bows knocked and ready. I stood in the same spot, my tail flicking fearfully. Neytiri jumped down and stood in front of me, obviously more worried about me than Jake. I was no warrior, so I appreciate the help.

"Calm people, calm." She told the other Na'vi. One got off of his horse, catching my attention easily. And to be honest, he was kinda hot. I quickly shook my head from that thought, now was not the time, Zen!

"What are you doing, Tsu'tey?" Neytiri asked him. "These demons are forbidden here." He told her, like it was stupid she even asked. Though, I did notice his gaze drifted towards me and that scowl he wore softened before going back to Neytiri. "There has been a sign. This is a matter for the Tsahik." She tried to argue to him.

"Please do not harm my brother. He is a fool, but he would never harm anyone innocent. Do what you want with me, but leave him be." I pleaded with Tsu'tey as his eyes widened slightly. I could see him thinking before he looked to the others. "Bring him." He pointed at Jake. "You. Come with me." He then said to me as he jumped onto his Direhorse.

I hesitated as I saw the other Na'vi hold Jake's braid and held a knife to it. If they severed that, no good would come of it. "What's going on?" He asked, confused. "Jake, just go along with it." I hissed before walking over to Tsu'tey who was watching me expectantly.

He held out a hand as I took it, pushing myself onto the horse, sitting in front of the male Na'vi. "Now, little flower, why were you so ready to risk yourself for that idiot?" He asked me as I blushed slightly at his nickname for me.

"My name is Zen. And he is my brother. I've already lost one, I can't bear losing another. Jake's gone through enough, he deserves a new chance to be happy." I answered truthfully, seeing no reason not to. Tsu'tey hummed, but ended the conversation there as we made our way to wherever they were taking us.

Eventually, we made it to the biggest tree I've ever seen anywhere. I didn't know it was even possible for them to get this big. Tsu'tey gracefully jumped off of his Direhorse's back. I was about to as well before I felt hands on my waist as the owner of them set me down on the ground gently. I gazed at the other male in confusion. However, he didn't say anything, grabbing my hand and leading me inside the tree.

Gathered inside were all the other Na'vi in his and Neytiri's clan, and each and every one of them was looking at me like some kind of alien, which I technically was, but it still made me uncomfortable. As some of them reached out their hands to touch me like some kind of object to study, Tsu'tey growled and glared at all of them, making them back off as he led me up towards the main area the Na'vi were all gathered around.

Still grasping my hand in his, I faintly heard Neytiri and Jake, who was still being held at knife-point, following a little bit behind us. Finally getting to where Tsu'tey wanted me and him to be at, he stopped, but didn't let go of his grip on me. I noticed an important looking older male Na'vi in front of us, wearing some sort of feathered piece that draped over his shoulders.

The other ones pushed Jake up beside us. "Father... I see you." Neytiri greeted the older as he stared at Jake and I harshly. "These creatures... why do you bring them here?" Her father questioned, circling around us before going back up front where he faced everyone.

"I was going to kill them... but there was a sign from Eywa. Especially the younger one, the Sacred Seeds seem to favor him greatly." Neytiri answered as she turned and smiled lightly at me. "I have said... no dream walker will come here. Their alien smell fills my nose." The older Na'vi scolded.

"What's he sayin?" Jake asked no one in particular, very confused by the whole situation. "Her father is deciding whether to kill you." I replied. "Just me?! What about you?" He exclaimed. "I'm not sure yet." Is all I said, cause I really wasn't sure.

"Do not worry, little flower. No harm will come to you. The same goes for your brother, if he behaves. I'll make sure of it." Tsu'tey whispered to me as I raised an eyebrow. Why was he being so nice to me? Earlier he seemed very against the Sky People.

"Wait, did you say this is her father? It's nice to meet you sir." Jake greeted the apparent leader Na'vi. "Jake, you dumbass!" I yelled, yanking him back as I slapped the back of his head, hard. "What the hell?!" He shouted back at me.

I glared, getting in his face. "You don't just walk up to a clan leader like that! They could've thought you were threatening him and killed you!" I explained. His eyes widened as he looked sheepish. "Oops..." He muttered. I sighed and ran my hand down my face. "You're going to have to learn Na'vi etiquette." I told him as he slightly nodded in agreement.

I heard a deep chuckle and looked back to see a very amused, smirking, Tsu'tey. I blushed a little, embarrassed at my loud outburst. "Step back! I will look at these aliens." A woman in a red and yellow shawl came down the winding steps behind Neytiri's father as she walked over to us.

"That is mother. She is Tsahik - the one who interprets the will of Eywa." Neytiri whispered to us as the Tsahik ran her hand over Jake's braid and tail. "What are you called?" She asked him in English. "Jake Sully." He answered before she took out a small dagger and pricked him, licking the blood off of it.

"Why did you come to us?" She asked another question. "I came to learn." Jake told her. "We have tried to teach all the Sky People. It is hard to fill a cup which is already full." The Tsahik said in return, seeming skeptical. "Well, my cup is empty. Trust me." My brother answered as I snorted, catching the older woman's attention.

She studied me for a moment before she walked closer, taking my hands in her own before gasping. "Child, tell me your name." She urged, seeming a little frantic. "Zen Sully." I answered, wondering what was happening. She gazed into my eyes as something clicked before she moved back to Jake.

"What are you?" She questioned. "I was a Marine. A, uh, warrior... from the Jarhead Clan." He tried to explain as I rolled my eyes, of course he would come up with some bullshit lie. The 'Jarhead Clan', I'm not letting him live that one down ever!

"A warrior? I could kill him easily." Tsu'tey started, his body tense as if he wanted to charge at Jake. But his eyes connected with mine and he quickly calmed down, sighing. "This is the first warrior dream walker we have seen. We must learn more about him." Neytiri's father stated. "My daughter... you will teach the ignorant one our way... to speak and talk as we do." The Tsahik ordered Neytiri as the girl huffed, upset.

"Why can I not teach the other one? It is not fair..." She began to argue, only to be interrupted by her mother. "Tsu'tey... you will take on the favored one of Eywa. It will be easier for you, as he already seems to know more than the warrior." She continued as Tsu'tey nodded, not seeming bothered by it.

The Tsahik then looked back at me. "Child, Eywa has given me a great vision of you. You will be very important to this Omaticaya clan. I will advise you ahead of time to follow your heart." She told me, placing a hand on my chest gently. "What about my brother?" I ask her, wanting to know what happens to him.

"You and your brother will be essential in different aspects of the coming challenges. However, I do not quite know what said challenges are myself... but for now, learn how to be a Na'vi." She answered, pushing me towards Tsu'tey.

"It is decided. My daughter will teach you ours ways, Jake Sooly. Then we will see if your insanity can be cured." She then said to Jake. I snorted a little at her pronounciation of our last name and his awkwardness, knowing he wasn't going to get used to this for a while.


The Soolys are back!

Hope you've enjoyed 💜💜💜💜💜
