Extra: How long he knew

AN: Just an extra I forgot to cross post from Fanfiction. Mainly cute Saitatsu fluff.Enjoy~

The two were sitting on the couch in front of the TV. She kept flickering between channels using her powers, trying to find something they'd both enjoy. Or at the very least, not get bored by. She glanced over at him and noticed his eyes were becoming unfocused. She gently nudged him and he began blinked rapidly to regain his focus on the screen. Satisfied, she continued channel surfing until she felt a weight on her shoulder.

"Sai." She poked his cheek "Saitama." She sighed. "You're kind of heavy." Failing to get him off her shoulder, she decided to lean against him as well. She shut off the TV, and moved closer.

It had been a while since the two began dating. The two both agreed on having smaller dates, like the one they were currently on, more frequently. It gave them a chance to relax and it allowed them to keep their relationship low profile.

She was considering falling asleep, but one thought kept her from doing so. "How'd he know? I mean, ' wig and eyes, but he didn't say anything else." She poked his cheek again, hoping to wake him up. " Hey Sai I need to ask you something." "Hm?" "How'd you find out?" "Didn't I tell you already?" She grumbled, then flicked him on the forehead. "You barely told me a thing!" With that, Saitama sat up and placed a finger under his chin. "I guess I left some things out."

Four Months Ago

When her hand slipped into his, he felt  as though the gentle touch was familiar. Confused by his own thoughts, he quickly brushed that thought aside when they reached a large and shady tree.

Her company was different from Genos', in that both were considered friends instead of (partially one-sided) student and master. She was also not involved in the hero world, which while a small detail, was comforting to him.

A loud inhuman screech rang in the distance and he decided to answer the call. After a minute, he returned to see if Tamaki was alright.

He wasn't expecting to see her with boulders floating mid air with a bright green glow. The way the rocks whirled around her reminded him of a human tornado. A deep scowl marked her face.

And like the touch beforehand, this sight also felt familiar.

He didn't know when he started staring at the sight, but knew he had to stop it. "Tamaki!"

She turned around in shock, but the expression was quickly replaced with pain as the debris fell along with her.

"Are you alright?" He asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. He watched as she slowly placed her hand over his, and bringing it up to her cheek. A sudden warm feeling replaced the confusion of earlier, as he rubbed his thumb across her cheek. He smiled when he saw her calmly nuzzle into his palm. "I'll take you back to my place to bandage them." He could hear himself mumble. Gently pulling away, he signaled for her to get on his back. Her hands wrapped around his neck reignited the warmth within him. 


With Tamaki all bandanged up, he went to go put away the first aid kit. Confusion came back as he remembered her glowing form."Nothing wrong with having powers, and I honestly don't blame her for not registering."

"Hope she doesn't use them to throw Genos like a ragdoll." He thought with a small chuckle, recalling an encounter with the green haired esper.

He came back to hear a string of rushed words from her, followed by her leaving his apartment. He blinked, then shrugged off the shred of confusion and bent down to pick up the headband she left behind. He noted the condition, and brushed off the hairs before realzing what they really were.

"Fibers..I haven't felt these since the last time I..Is Tamaki wearing a wig?" Genos closing the door to the apartment with takeout in his hands snapped him out of any further thoughts.

"Hey Genos, I think Tamaki might be wearing a wig." Genos stiffened at his words. "What makes you think that, Master?" Not really focusing on the tone of his words, Saitama handed him the torn headband. Genos apprenhensively felt the hairs. "Yes, these are certaintely fibers. Does it bother you that she is wearing one?"

"Nah. But I'm wondering where she got it. Its pretty soft." Genos stared at him. "Is there anything else you wanted to tell me,Master?" His eyes narrowed slightly.

"Not really." He shrugged. "Can we eat now?"

"Of course."


The next day, Genos had to go to work. Saitama stayed behind and decided to scroll through the S-Classes on his phone, since he had finished his latest manga. Additionally, Genos sent a link to him a while back as a way of showing him that he was improving.

He reached a picture of a frowning green eyed woman. "Hm." He thought for a moment. "If you changed the hair color, she'd look like a crazy haired Tamaki." He chuckled, scrolling down to the next hero on the list.


He scrolled back up, the picture of the frowning woman warping into a smiling one.

"Tam?" He glanced at the bio next to the picture. "No, Tatsumaki."

He sat in silence for a while, gears slowling turning his head. He was surprised to find out that the girl he liked didn't exist, at least in the way he initially thought.Yet, he wasn't disappointed. Hell, he wasn't even put off by her true identity.

"Tats, I don't know why you're running around in a wig under a different name, but.."

He grinned at the picture of her on his screen.

"I think I really like you."


In the first few days after discovering a possible theory of Tamaki, he ignored it. He didn't want to insult her if he was proven wrong, after all. The closest he had ever alluded to her about his theory was him making a passing mention about her wig. 

Over the course of the weeks that followed, Tatsumaki and him got closer. He often times doubted his own theory, but he found it hard to ignore small clues. 

"The Sticky Note Incident", as he called it, was when Tatsumaki began giving him sticky notes she supposedly found on the floor, but when pieced together gave the message of wanting to spend time with him. He knew that this could be a possible motive for her doing this, considering Genos would've mentioned  the Hero Association wanting to improve his reputation by involving Tatsumaki. Or HA would've approached him about the idea directly. 

He found her method to be cute, albeit a little weird. 


Another incident that stuck out in his mind was also mildly related to the Sticky Note Incident, but was labeled as: Phone Aversion. 

"Genos told me that you called him yesterday. You can just text me, if you want." She stared at him, fumbling with his phone. He stared intently, waiting for her next action. 

"Maybe another time." She said softly, handing his phone back to him.

"Its cool." He felt a bit disappointed that they wouldn't be able to contact each other directly, but chuckled and put his phone away. 

He didn't mention to her that he knew her number thanks to Genos, in addition to it being identical to Tamaki's. 

He added this piece to the puzzle.


A part of him wanted to tell her that he knew, a smaller part of him continued to doubt his theory. But a majority of himself  just wanted to be with the woman he cherished, no matter how long it would take for her to confide in him her secret. 

He teased her, in hopes of her moving one step closer into telling him . 

He dropped hints at a minimum, concerned with scaring her off if she felt he was coming on too strong. 

As they spent more time together, no matter how badly he wanted her to tell her:

He would wait ,letting her take her time.

He would wait, because he knew it would be worth it. 

"Aww, Saitama!" She nuzzled her cheek against his, making him blush a bit from her affection. "Thank you. I know you don't really like telling stories."

"Well, you wanted it." He wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on her head. She nuzzled into his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. 

"By the way, who's cuter: Tamaki or me?" She asked, a trace of deviousness present in her voice.

"Well, who's the one I'm dating?" He retorted, stroking her hair.


"You asked, now let me go back to sleep."

She pouted, but wrapped her arms around him. "..Love you." She whispered, a light giggle present in her voice.

"Love you too,Tats." He whispered back, giving her a quick peck on the cheek. 

"What do you wanna do tomorrow?" She mumbled.  "Go on an actual date."He replied. She looked at him with one eye open. "Just don't be late picking me up." 

