Chapter 2 - Reichenbach

My eyes take in the greenery around me, the sun filtering in through the leafy canopy high above. I furrow my eyebrows and look around. Okay, so I'm in the middle of some forest, but where?

I begin to walk along when something sharp stabs into my foot. I hiss and stop, reaching up and looking at it. A small rock is lodge in the flesh and I sigh, pulling it out. Great. I'm trapped in the woods in a long ass dress and no shoes, this should be fun. I carefully walk forward, not really sure if that's where I should be going.

As I walk along, I wonder how the hell I got here. The last thing I remember is laying on the ground of the abandoned building with a fatal wound to my stomach. I look down and see the flat stomach and close my eyes, tears forming in the corner. I can't believe I lost her.

It was stupid of me to go in there, thinking that I would only play long enough to distract Metatron so that Dean could deliver the final blow. But I couldn't just let him go in there alone. Even though he's been acting stupid and rash lately, he's still my brother and I have to protect him.

The sun is setting slowly through the trees and I feel like I'm lost even more than I was before. I'm dying of thirst and I feel the sun stroke beginning to kick in. When it feels like all hope is gone, the soft, leafy texture under my feet becomes hard and pointy. I open my eyes and look down, taking in the asphalt.

"Oh thank god." I whisper, kneeling down on the surface.

It's still warm from the day's sun, and I close my eyes for a moment for rest. I've found a road, which means one way or another it leads back to civilisation. Which means it leads me back to Sam. As I walk along, I begin to long for the softness of the forest floor for my aching feet.

I wonder what happened after I died. The last thing I remember was Metatron driving his angel blade through Dean's chest, meaning that he had to have killed him. But what about Sam? Did he wake up and run to the encampment, only to find the ones he love murdered so viciously? Or worse, did wake up in time and came in just as the blades entered our bodies?

I have to get back home to him. He has to know that I'm alive. I have absolutely no idea how I am, but I'm here, alive and in some weird ass white dress. I feel like I'm missing something, something incredibly important. I just cannot remember what it was.

It's night time by the time someone comes up behind me, the first person I've since I got on the road. I turn and hold a hand up to cover my eyes from the bright headlights. It pulls up beside me, the windows winding down. A younger man, around the age of twenty or so looks back at me.

He has dusty blonde hair, with whisks of a beard. He looks at me slightly confused, taking in my long white dress and lack of shoes. He turns and meets my eyes, "You alright lady?"

"I'm a little lost." I state and he glances at the road, "I can see that."

"Where is the closest town?" I ask and he looks back at me, "Bout ten miles or so down the road. Heading that way myself now."

"Would you mind if I tagged along. I'm trying to find my way back to my fiancé. I'm not sure how long I've been gone." I state.

He raises an eyebrow, weighing up whether to help the crazy lady on the side of the road. But he eventually reaches over and opens up the door for me. I smile and walk forward, climbing into the truck, "Thank you so much."

"Well what kind of person would I be leaving a woman on the side of the road." He states, looks over his shoulder as he pulls the car out.

"Thanks." I state, settling into the seat and looking forward, "I don't really know where I am."

"We are in Michigan right by the border to Canada." He states and my eyes widen, "What?! How the hell did I end up in Michigan?"

"You don't remember anything?" He asks and I shake my head, "Not a lot. I'm so far away from home."

"Where's home?" He asks and I sigh, "Lebanon, Kansas."

He let's out a whistle as he looks at the road, "You are a long way from home."

"You're telling me." I murmur, leaning my head against the window.

I can feel his eyes on me, but I ignore it. We drive the rest of the way in silence, soon pulling up in the diner of a small town. He stops the car and I turn to him, "Thank you so much for the lift."

"You're more than welcome." He states.

I climb out and feel the cold air brush over me. I shiver and wrap my arms around myself. The sound of him climbing into the truck bed causes my attention. I turn and see him rummaging through a trunk before pulling out a blanket and some boots.

"Take these." He states, handing them over to me.

"Oh no-" I begin, but he cuts me off, "It's freezing out here and you ain't gonna be warm in that dress. Plus your feet have got to be killing after that walk."

I look at it for a moment before nodding, reaching over and taking the blanket. I wrap it around my shoulders and lean down, pulling the boots onto my feet. Once the laces are tied, I pull the blanket tight around me as a car pulls up beside his truck. A younger woman gets out and eyes us both, "Uh... Tim?"

"Liv, this is..." He turns and looks at me, "I never got your name."

"Avery." I state and he turns to Liv, "This is Avery. I found her lost on the road a few miles up the road. She seems bit lost."

She brown hair sways as she turns and looks me over with a sharp eye. I'd be wary too if my who I assume boyfriend turned up with some random chick.

"Why are you wearing a night gown in the middle of a Michigan cold streak?" She asks and Tim frowns at her, "Olivia."

"It's fine." I murmur, turning and looking her in the eye, "I woke up in the middle of the woods, with no recollection of how I got here from Kansas. I'm just trying to make my back home to my fiancé."

Her tense shoulders relax slightly at the mention of Sam, her knowing that I'm not trying to steal her boyfriend. She nods and reaches into her pocket, pulling out her phone. She holds it out to me, "Call him."

"Thank you." I whisper gratefully, taking the phone and stepping away.

I open up the call screen and type in the familiar number, pressing the dial button. I lift it to my ear and close my eyes. Come on, Sam. Pick up.

Instead I get his message bank, "This is Sam Winchester, please leave a message after the tone."

It beeps and I sigh, hanging up. There's no way I'm going to leave a message for him. How the hell would I even explain how I'm alive when I don't even know. I turn and hand the phone back to Olivia, "Thanks."

"No answer?" Tim asks and I shake my head, "No."

"So what're you gonna do?" Olivia asks and I shut my shoulders, "I got no idea. Guess I gotta try and catch a bus or something back to Kansas."

"Closest bus station is thirty minutes away." Tim states and I groan, closing my eyes, "Great."

"Well maybe we can drive you to the station tomorrow?" Tim suggests and Olivia turns, looking at him with wide eyes.

He looks down at her and frowns before looking to me, "It's freezing, all the buses are gone by four and you're hungry. You can come back to mine and Olivia's. Crash for the night, get your bearings before making your trip back to Kansas."

I look to Olivia, who looks incredibly uncomfortable with the situation. I turn and look at Tim, shaking my head, "It's okay. But I appreciate the offer."

"Don't be stupid, what're you gonna do? Walk there?" He questions and I go to answer, but I don't have a response.

I close my mouth and look to Olivia, "I don't want to intrude. You don't know me and I understand that I must seem like some crazy woman. If you don't want me there, I respect that."

She looks at me for a long moment before glancing up at her boyfriend, who frowns at her. She sighs and shakes her head, opening her eyes and looking to me, "Its fine. Just for one night."

I let out a breath of relief and nod my head, "Thank you."

"All good. Now come inside and let's get you some food." Tim says, reaching down and taking Olivia's hand.

They turn and make their way inside of the diner and I stare after them, awed by their generosity. Most people ignore strangers and to these people, I must seem loopy. But they're taking me in anyway and I really appreciate it.


Looking at myself in the mirror, I feel like I'm different. I mean, dying will do that to you. My eyes drift to my now empty stomach and I close my eyes, resting my hands on it. What I wouldn't give to feel the hard surface that was there just before.

There's a knock on the door, "You ready to go?"

It's Olivia's voice, reminding me that I need to get to the bus station. She was generous enough to give me some of her old clothes that she donated. They are a bit tight, but I'm grateful for them anyway. They paid for my meal last night and allowed me to shower and sleep on the couch.

"Coming!" I call out.

I hear footsteps walking away and I turn to the mirror, examining myself once more. But something about it feels eerie, but I can't quite pin point why. Instead of dwelling on it, I turn and make my way out of the bathroom.

I take the steps quickly and soon come to a stop at the bottom where Tim and Olivia wait. They stop talking at my presence and look my way. Tim smiles kindly at me, "Ready to go?"

"Yup." I state.

He leads the way our out to the truck and I climb into the back seat, Olivia getting into the front passenger seat. We soon make our way to the bus station, it being a half an hour drive. My eyes keep glancing at the clock on the dashboard, me waiting impatiently.

I just want to get home and see Sam. Let him know that I'm alive. And I need to know what happened to Metatron and Dean... Last time I saw him, he had a blade in his chest.

After a long, agonisingly long trip, we eventually pull into the parking lot of the bus station. The three of us climb out and make our way over to the front desk. Tim leads the way, tucking his car keys into his back pocket. We reach the desk where an older man dressed in the bus company uniform looks bored down at a magazine.

"Hello." I say, reaching the desk and drawing the man's attention away from the glossy pages.

His eyes lazy draw up to my face, his tone equally deadpan as the look in his eye, "Yes?"

"Hi, I'd like to purchase a bus ticket to Lebanon, Kansas." I state.

"Last bus left twenty minutes ago." He mutters, looking back down at his magazine.

My mouth drops open and my eyes widen. Oh no. Tim walks forward and looks at the man, "When does the next one leave?"

"In about a week." He clarifies and I lower my head, closing my eyes.

"Well what can we do?" Olivia asks, coming up behind me. The old man looks up frustratedly and looks between the three of us, "Come back in a week."

He looks back down at his magazine, indicating that our conversation is over. I turn on my feet and walk over, taking a seat on one of the benches. I lay my head in my hands and close my eyes, thinking of what I can do next.

"Well, I guess we gotta think of some other options." Tim states and I look up at him, "No."

He raises an eyebrow in confusion up at me and I look between them, "You both have done enough for me. I'll find a way home."

"That's ridiculous." Tim begins, "You can't just go, how are you even gonna get there?"

"Hitchhike." I state and they both look at me with wild eyes, "What? That's dangerous."

I chuckle at the thought of their idea of danger, knowing their minds would be blown if they really knew what monsters hide under the bed.

"I can't stay here, I have to get back home. Sam will be worried about me." I state, rising to my feet, but Tim shakes his head, "This is crazy."

"Really, thank you to you both." I state, looking between them, "Anyone else would have had me committed once they saw me on the side of the road. I really appreciate the food, clothing and shelter. But I have to get back home."

They look at me for a long moment before exchanging a look. Something passes between their eyes, the type of communication only a couple can get across. Eventually, Olivia gives a small nod of her head and Tim nods, turning back to me.

"Look, if you're going to do this-" Tim begins, reaching into his back pocket and Olivia finishes his sentence, "You're gonna need some money."

He pulls out a small wad of cash and my eyes widen, causing me to shake my head, "No, I can't take that."

"It's not much." Olivia states, shaking her head, "But you can't just go on the road without something backing you."

Tim holds his hand out with the money in it, "Here, take it."

I look between them, feeling myself getting choked up. They literally only met me yesterday and they are looking out for me. With the world I've been introduced too filled with angels, demons and vampires, I generally forget about the compassion of humanity.

Reaching forward, I take the money and sniffle, "Thank you."

"Okay, well I can get you as far as the next town over. I have work that I have to get too." Olivia states.

I nod and she turns to Tim, "We better get going then."

I rise to my feet and step forward, giving her a hug. She is taken aback by the gesture, but eventually returns the hug after a few moments. I pull away after a moment and turn to Tim, giving him a hug as well. He returns it instantly. I smile to myself, my heart full of faith. I think of Sam, and I can't wait to be back in his arms once again.


The van pulls up out front of the bunker, causing my heart to pound profusely inside of my chest. It has taken me a week to get home, having to hitch hike and camp out in random places. The money from Tim and Olivia only made it so far, enough for me to buy a backpack, some food and water.

People were generous and offered me lifts across the country so I could get home. Some expected something from me, which I quickly shut down. But mostly they were all just willing to help a lost girl. I turn to the man in the driver's seat and smile, "Thank you."

"You sure you want to be dropped off here? There's nothing here but an old abandoned factory." He states, taking in the perfect facade of the bunker.

I nod my head, "Yeah, I'll be fine."

He looks at me warily before shrugging. I undo my belt and smile gratefully at him, "Have a good day."

"You too." He states.

I climb out and shut the door, giving him a wave as he turns around and makes his way back into town. I turn slowly and take in the bunker, letting out a shaky breath. I've been thinking about this for the past week. I've been ringing Sam, but there's been no answer which has worried me.

Pulling the strap of the backpack across my chest tighter, I walk towards the door. I go to open the door, but it's locked. Of course. Reaching my hand up, I rap on the door to the bunker.

I take a step back and nervously rub my hands together, hoping that he is home. It's takes a long time before I hear the sound of the bunker door opening. My breath hitches in my throat as it swings open, revealing the man that I love.

