Moving out

Through the mirror, Natalie glimpsed a box in the corner of the room. Her dusty youth was haphazardly piled among the toys. She crawled over and carefully lifted the lid to find a magazine from her pre-retirement days. Turning to the last page, she found a number written there - it was Kate Woodburg's, her former agent, the one number she knew by heart.

She snatched up her phone and dialed urgently, "I want to make a comeback!" Her eyes shone with determination.

"Where are you? I'm on my way," Kate snapped off the TV and rose from the couch.

Natalie had to get out before Sarah and Charlotte returned. She disarmed the pistol and tucked it behind her back. If they discovered the gun missing, they'd think twice before troubling her.

She pressed the button to open the manor's gate and hurried back to tidy up. Slipping into a white T-shirt and skinny jeans - her most respectable outfit post-pregnancy - she snatched her son's comfort blanket on the way out.

A white Bentley was parked steadily at the front door.

Kate stepped out from the driver's side, her heels clicking rapidly as she opened the passenger door for Natalie. With a sheepish glance at Kate, Natalie slid into the car.

"SEVEN YEARS," Kate's voice was still so full of emotion. "And you FINALLY call."

Natalie noticed how vibrant Kate remained, dressed immaculately as always. She then saw her reflection in the rearview mirror: frizzy hair, drooping eyes, and pale, bloodless lips.

"Forget it all. You'll stay at my place for now; your room is all set up, just how you like it. We can start plan your next moves until you feel ready. Is that okay, my princess Natalie?" Kate winked at her and started the car.

Natalie chuckled, "Whatever you say."

Being with Kate was such a relief.

Kate, the same age as Natalie, was the daughter of the owner of Woodburg Agency, Natalie's previous agency.

One visit to her father's company led her to Natalie's sweet voice in the practice room, captivating her on the spot. She stood transfixed until Natalie emerged, then hugged her tight, overwhelming Natalie who had never experienced such enthusiasm before.

From that moment, Kate ditched school to listen to Natalie sing and convinced her father to let her manage Natalie's career.

The atmosphere in the car was relatively silent all the way, until when Natalie's phone rang - it was Sarah. Without hesitation, Natalie removed the SIM card and tossed it out the window.

About forty minutes later, they pulled into the driveway of a mansion designed in a contemporary architectural style.

"Wait, how did you get ready and to my house in twenty minutes?" Natalie asked.

"A few speeding tickets is all, come on, let's get inside," Kate gestured towards the door.

It was Natalie's first time at Kate's personal home, a purchase and decoration that occurred after her retirement. Kate led Natalie upstairs to a room at the end of the hall, styled in vintage courtly fashion, precisely Kate's dream decor.

"How could she have done all of this in an hour?" Natalie wondered, filled with doubt.

"There's a terrace out here for you to enjoy the flowers and sun during the day," Kate pointed to a door on the left. "Bathroom and walk-in closet to your right." The walk-in was already filled with clothes, shoes, and bags, and the bathroom had a bathtub filled with water, candles lit beside it, and Swiss cheese plant's leaves swaying in the warmth.

"Oh, one last thing," Kate nudged Natalie out of the room to another door. She knocked, and a neatly dressed woman answered. "This is Rose, she arranged your room. Anything you need, ask her. From now on, she's here for you."

After introductions and a handshake with Rose, Kate patted Natalie's shoulder, "make yourself at home. If you want me, find me upstairs" and went upstairs.

Natalie requested some milk from Rose, placed her son's blanket beside her pillow, and hid the pistol in a drawer.

She bathed, longing for nothing more than a good night's sleep.
