Falling Asleep on a Stranger

Vic P.O.V
"This is the art room and your last class." Kellin seems to bored. Well maybe it's because I haven't said a word to him, just nodding or shrugging my shoulders. It's weird, this whole time we've been walking, he used a tone like he was a robot, nothing else. We just finished walking around the school and it's time for lunch. This is my most dreaded time of the school day. As soon as we walk in, Kellin leaves and is greeted by a group of guys. This, for any new student, is the worst part of the day. As I look around the room I spot Mike and head towards him.

"Hey Vic." Mike smiles widely as I sit next to him. I just nod and look at the people who are sitting with him at the table. Jamie is sitting across from me then there is another guy. He has long hair, tattoos and a SnapBack. Kinda the same as Mike.

"Hi I'm Tony." He stretches his hand out for me to shake it.

"Vic." I shake his hand then quickly let go. He seems nice. Jamie and Tony start a conversation and I take out my lyric book. Mike and I used to be in a band, just the two of us but then we need more people. Nobody wanted to be apart of our band so now have this book full of ideas for songs.

"Vic I was thinking why not have Jamie and Tony be apart of our band. Jamie plays the bass and Tony plays the guitar. We need those players. What do you think?"

"I think it could work but we need to hear them play." It would be great to start our band again. Music is all I have that's special to me. Music is the reason why I haven't done anything stupid. Mike nods and tells his two friends the plans. Looks like we'll have people over after school. Yay (sarcasm).

Kellin's P.O.V

"Dude who is that guy you were just with?" Matty asks from beside me at the table.

"His names Victor. New to the school. Nothing big," I shrug and eat the food that was provided. Vic doesn't seem interesting if you ask me. The way he wouldn't say anything just a quick nod or shrug.

"Who's he sitting with?" They a look towards Vic and the table he was sitting with.

"Jamie, Tony, and I think his brother, his name is Mike. You see the one with tattoos and red basketball shorts on?" Matty nodded and turned to look at me,"what?"

"Nothing. You just seem uninterested by them."

"Cause I'm not interested." I practically snapped at what he said. Of course I'm not interested in a low life such as Vic. "Can't we just drop it, damn."

They seemed surprised at my outburst. Why? I have no idea. I act like this almost all the time they're around me. We finish lunch and head towards the library. Next class is free period so we usually just hang out. What surprised me was the laughing I heard from the door.

I turn around and see Mike and Vic laughing. Weird. I turn back around as an idea pops into my head. I smirk and stand up looking at Matty,"Uh hey Matty wanna have some fun?"

Matty laughed and looked at me,"Dude no I will not have fun with you!"

Everyone is laughing including myself. I really should've worded that better. When I look at Matty again, it finally clicks in his brain about what I meant. I look at Vic and Mike quickly giving him the hint. He smiles and stands up walking to my side.

"Next victim, Victor." I smile evilly and walk towards them.
