
Glitch Pov~
Mona Lisa, like the painting. Her cheeks and nose were dotted with freckles. She was much smaller than her brother, but she was oh so fine. Her eyes  were almond shaped and color.

She was fluent in 4 languages. Korean was her favorite. She was eager to speak to me in the language. I'm trilingual. Korean and English are my two more commonly used languages. Today her hair is straight.

It's ombré black to red. Not a bright red. A nice shade that compliments her skin. Her eyes a normal brown color. Not chocolate or cocoa or anything cliché like that, simply a very nice warm brown.

She never keeps eye contact long. Almost like she can't. Amelia and her cousin Camille are supposed to come and take her shopping later. Mo wanted her to make more friends here in Central City. He was super protective of her, but wouldn't answer why when I asked him.

Mona's POV
I hum along to music in the car as we drive to the mall. Camille has her legs in my lap. I'd known her since elementary school. Amelia, however, was new to me. She's very active. She surfs and is in a rival crew to my brother's. Her crew is called Riptide. They're really good from the videos I've seen.

However, being Mo's baby sister made me a little biased as to why I thought he was better. That, and his crew mates were very cute. Not model gorgeous, something that I disliked very much.

I've only dated one other model. Tanner. A self absorbed stereotypical model. I push back memories of our break up. My body has the scars, but that doesn't mean I have to live in fear.

I was going to get through this. I don't care how, but nothing is going to stop me. I can't let him see he broke me. Sadly, deep down, I know Tanner is watching. He won't leave me be until he wins.

Yet. I don't know why I don't let him. Why don't I tell Mo or Dad. I've only ever trusted this secret with momma. Is that a mistake.

Camille calls my name and I shake my head. Head high and a fake smile. I was a model. I have it mastered.
