Chapter 4 : Let's do this

I groaned and stopped the alarm. I battled with myself whether should I sleep more or wake up but ended up awake. I left my bed and went to brush my teeth and took a quick shower. I packed my stuff and took my phone from the charger and went downstairs. I was instantly greeted with the smell of eggs and bacon and I directly went to the kitchen and met my mum. "Good Morning mum."
"Good Morning Haz did you sleep well?"
"Yeah I did."
"Alright go and sit down I'll get breakfast ready."

I went and sat at the table and frowned to see that gems wasn't there. "MUM WHERE'S GEMS?" I asked mum from the table.
"Oh okay" I said.
I was on my phone looking through insta when mum came in with breakfast. "Here you go" "Thanks mum." We both sat and started eating. I sighed at the delicious taste of eggs and bacon filled my mouth. "This is delicious." I complimented
"Thanks honey, Are you excited to go to uni?"
"Well I'm a bit nervous but mostly I'm very excited"
"It's going to be okay honey and I'm sure that this time it will be better."
"I hope so,thanks mum." We mostly ate in silence and chatting here and there about the place and the around atmosphere. I finished breakfast and checked time it was 8:45 and I have my lecture at 9:30 so I grabbed my stuff hugged my mum and strolled down the street.

I have a car back home but since we decided to come here by truck it's still in Holmes so sooner or later I will have to go and pick it up. I was walking across the street and it was lovely out here. I walked down the street and reached the uni gate in about 15 mins. I went inside the gate and mumbled to myself "Let's do this."

Ik this is short but bare because the next chapter is a whole lot!

Alsoooooo Harry's new song is out in a few hours!!!! I can't wait for life!!!!

He looks so damn good in that red outfit!!

-banana ;)
