A white lie

"Nanami why are you not up yet?" Shouted Tomoe pulling the duvet off her. It had been four days since he and Hikari had confessed to each other and Hikari had been working day and night to get a hold of her powers. However her efforts seemed to be going to waste as nothing was really working. Nanami rolled over and Tomoe saw her face was bright red and her breathing was different than usual. He panicked that something was wrong with her. He bent down and took a closer look at her. He didn't understand what was wring with her. "Hikari!" He called as he woman he loved came rushing into the room.

"What is it?" She asked him tucking her un tided hair behind her ear.

"Something's wrong with Nanami." He said making her rush over very quickly. She bent down and looked at Nanami's face just as Mizuki and the shrine spirits came into the room.

"What is wrong with Lady Nanami?" Onikiri is a worried manner.

"She has a fever. She cannot possibly go to school today. She needs to stay home and rest. If she sleeps today she with be okay by tonight, hopefully."

"Then I will stay home with her." Said Tomoe.

"But you and Hikari have school." Said Mizuki.

"Nanami's health is more important than school."

"I agree. We should all stay home today." Hikari said agreeing with Tomoe.

"No..." Said the weal voice of Nanami.

"Nanami? Do not speak you are ill." Said Hikari stroking her friends forever trying to sooth her back to sleep.

"Hikari I want you and Tomoe to still go to school today."

"But Nanami you are sick, we cannot possibly leave you alone."

"I won't be alone I have Mizuki, Onikiri and Kotetsu. He will look after me just fine. Tomoe...I need you to go to school as me...I have to keep up my attendants record and Hikari I need you to go with Tomoe to make sure that he stays in line."

"I do not need a babysitter." Shouted Tomoe.

"Nanami why do you insist on us going?"

"Because I want you to go I will be fine. Please just do it for me." Hikari wasn't happy about it but she nodded and stood up.

"Okay I will go. Mizuki, Onikiri and Kotetsu please take good care of Nanami while I am away." She said bowing to them. Mizuki felt himself blush a little and waved his hands at her.

"It's fine you don't have to do that." He said. Tomoe glared at him, he had seen the blush that formed on his cheeks. He better not be thinking about trying to take her away from him. Now that he thought about it he was going to school with only Hikari...the two would be alone together all day. That had never happened before, he might be dressed as Nanami but Hikari will still know that it was him. He suddenly could wait for the day to begin.

"Alright see you later." He said grabbing Hikari by the hand and pullung her out of the room. Nanami smiled as she watched her frien be dragged away.

"Mizuki get the incense burner." Nanami said sitting up after a few minutes.

"What, why?"

"Because I wish to travel back into Hikari's past and find the God that gave her that human form. She is un happy with the way she is currently and she is struggling more than she let's on. I want to do everything I can to help her and I know that finding the God that placed such a spell on her is the best way that I can do this. If we find out who it is then we can return, visit and ask him to place the spell on Hikari again."

"But you are sick."

"No, I'm not I faked the whole thing. I'm perfectly fine."

"Nanami I understand what you wish too do but what you ask of me is the impossibly. Hikari's past is a mystery to me. I do not know when she met the God that gave her that form therefore I do not know which time era to travel too."

"That's fine. Just take us back far and we will go from there. I understand that Hikari travelled alone killing Yokai for quiet some time, then she met Ryuu and the two feel in love. After he died she tried to kill herself and that was when she was found by the God. If we know her story then whatever point in the line we land in we will know wether or not we need to go forward or back." Mizuki smiled.

"That is very smart of you Nanami but I will remind you again that messing with the past is looked down on."

"I do not plan to mess with it. I only wish to spectate what is happening...for Hikari's sake I will do this..."
