I Think

It's been three weeks and Beomgyu refuses to leave Taehyuns side. The younger had tripped in the corridors and ever since Beomgyu has stuck to him, not letting him go about the school without his supervision.

"I can take Taehyun and Huening Kai to school Beomgyu you don't have to, just spend time with your friends" Soobin said, he has been trying to convince Beomgyu that he can look after Taehyun for a while now and let's just say Soobin feels that his father role is being threatened. "But Soobin hyung-" Beomgyu said before Yeonjun had dragged him off, "Let Soobin take them to school Beom, he thinks he has some weird fatherly bond with them and he thinks you're trying to replace him" Yeonjun said. Beomgyu looked back at Soobin. "Soobin hyung, I'm sorry, I should just let you take care of Taehyun, after all you are his best friend" Beomgyu said, "I'll be with Hongjoong and Mingi if you need me", Beomgyu walked off towards Mingi and Hongjoong before slumping down onto the grass.

"Ah, he returns" Hongjoong exclaimed happily sitting down on the grass next to Beomgyu. "Been a while since we've seen the famous Choi Beomgyu" Mingi said sitting the other side of Beomgyu. "So what's this about you and Kang Taehyun then?" Hongjoong asked looking at the taller boy with curious eyes and crossed legs. "Oh yeah, Yeonjun said you got yourself a little boyfriend" Mingi said laying back on the grass.

"Uhm well he asked me out in History a few weeks ago after I confessed to him" Beomgyu said with an embarrassed smile. "You finally did it Beomgyu!" Mingi shouted happily causing some people in the area to turn their heads in curiosity before they turned back to whatever they were doing. "We're very proud of you Beom" Hongjoong said with a proud smile. "Our Beomie bear isn't single anymore!" Mingi shouted once again a bit too loud. This time a girl walked up to them. "You aren't single Beomgyu oppa?" she asked with a squeaky high voice and a sickening smile, "What's her name?".

"His name is Taehyun" Yeosang said appearing at the scene seemingly out of nowhere. "Oh so your little brother finally got what he wanted then?" The girl said angrily sending Taehyun a glare from across the football field. "Okay Lily I think that's enough now" Hongjoong said standing up and going to turn the girl around. "No no, let her say what she wants to say" Yeosang said staring her dead in the eyes. "I mean everyone knows Taehyuns had a thing for Beomgyu since freshman year, nasty little brat he is" Lily said with a venomous tongue.

"So my baby brothers a nasty little brat?" Yeosang asked before he burst into a fit of almost psychotic laughter. Jongho who had been watching the scene from afar decided to step in and drag Yeosang away.

Beomgyu was now on his feet looking at the girl with innocent yet curious eyes. "Kim Lily, pretty but absolutely no brain, thinks she can get away with anything by batting her let's be honest stubby and unattractive eyelashes. Has slept with most of the boys in Junior year" Beomgyu said in almost a mutter, "Your mother is trying to buy a new house because the one you live in is horrible but you spend all her money on trashy clothes and diets that honestly don't really work out for you. Your fathers company is on the brink of bankruptcy yet they believe that the company will make a comeback and he won't loose his job, but if you look at the statistics nothing can really save that company, no matter how far up your father is" Beomgyu stated confidently.

"How the-"

"I make it my business to know almost everything about almost anyone, that's the perks of having people come to me about their problems" Beomgyu explained still holding that innocent look. "I don't think your parents would be too happy to find out about your after school activities with the football and baseball team now would they?" Beomgyu asked again with a slightly more devious glint in his eyes. "You wouldn't dare Choi" Lily stated. "Wouldn't I? Well, I just might let this information slip, if you ever say anything bad about Taehyun, or any of my friends, okay Miss Kim?" Beomgyu said with a sweet smile.

"Beomgyu don't scare the poor girl now" Yeonjun said with a laugh, "By the way Lily, if you think that me and Beomgyu are all sweet and innocent, just remember your freshman year". Beomgyu chuckled, "Hyung don't threaten her like that, I'm sure she remembers what happened to her cousin when he got into that fight with me, and then the time you ended up with two months detention because of that incident with the chair".

"I hope you aren't threatening little bratty girls little brother" The unmistakable voice of Yeonjuns twin brother called out as he ran towards them. "Hyunsuk stay out of this" Yeonjun said huffing in annoyance. Yeonjuns identical twin stood next to him with a judgmental look on his face. "Did you call me little brother?" Yeonjun asked turning his entire body to face Hyunsuk. "Well I was born first" Hyunsuk said proudly. "Yeah by 5 minutes" Yeonjun stated.

"I'm an hour younger than Jongho" Beomgyu said, "Really a few minutes means nothing compared to that".

Lily cleared her throat. "Um I'm still here?" She said. "Go away then, your voice is annoying me" Hyunsuk said, shooing her away with his hands. Yeonjun laughed and high-fived his brother.

"I feel so lonely being an only child" Hongjoong said with a sigh. "At least you don't have an older brother like Bobby, honestly he's so annoying sometimes" Mingi said with a cute annoyed pout.

"Beomieeeee hyunggggg" Huening Kai called out as he ran towards Beomgyu with a skip in his step. "Huening Kai~~" Beomgyu said with a smile and Kai ran and jumped into his arms. "You've made Tyunnie hyung happy, thank you" Kai said hugging Beomgyu tightly. Beomgyu laughed and stroked Huening Kai's hair, "I'm glad he's happy".

"Yah! Kai Kamal Huening! Beomgyu hyungs my boyfriend not yours" Taehyun said crossing his arms over his chest. Beomgyu turned his head to his smaller boyfriend, "Taehyun ah where are your crutches?" Beomgyu asked.

"I don't need them, the doctors said I could stop using them a week ago, I just forgot about it" Taehyun said with a small laugh. Beomgyu slapped Taehyuns shoulder lightly, "Yah! So you have been hobbling around in crutches you didn't even need for an entire week?". Taehyun nodded laughing even more. "I like you a lot hyung, you mean something to me" Taehyun said with a smile.

"Mh, I like you too Taehyun ah, you mean something to me too" Beomgyu said patting the smallers hair.

"Cutteeeee" Wooyoungs voice squealed. "Wooyoung shut up" San hissed. "Make me!" Wooyoung said with a giggle.

Taehyun rolled his eyes, "Come on Gyugyu hyung, let's go to history!" Taehyun said dragging Beomgyu by the hand away from the argument that was about to happen.

"WAIT FOR US!" Mingi, Yunho, Hongjoong and Seonghwa shouted running after them trying to avoid the conflict as well. "YOU DONT EVEN HAVE HISTORY TODAY GET BACK HERE!!!" Wooyoung shouted.

"I'm sorry about him, he's been like this ever since he was a kid" Yeosang said. "Don't worry hyung, Wooyoung hyung is quite entertaining" Jongho said with a laugh.


"Hey Taehyun?" Beomgyu said as he looked down at the younger who was resting his head on Beomgyus lap. Taehyun hummed. "I like you a lot" Beomgyu said. Taehyun smiled. "Hey Beomgyu hyung, you know what?" Taehyun asked. "What?" Beomgyu said looking at Taehyung with a loving smile. "I like you a lot more".

A/N awwww they're so cute 🤧🤧🤧

Taylor out ✌️
