A God, A Goddess, and a Nymph Walk into a Party

Lore Olympus: Poly!Hades + Bi!Poly!Persephone x Bi!Poly!Reader

More Persephone x Reader for this one tbh

(There will be future ones (If people like this one, there may be a smut part two))

Reader is a Nymph who works at Underworld Corp and befriends Persephone. Persephone takes a liking to her and has her meet Hades to see if he likes her too. Reader has doubts they actually like her because they're gods and she's just a nymph. But they reassure her and end up asking her out.


You swiped your employee ID as you headed to your department at Underworld Corporation. You started working there a few months ago and by now you had settled into a routine of familiar tasks and familiar faces. However, on this particular day, you noticed a face across the entrance lobby that you didn't recognize.

She was not a Nymph like you or many of the others working there.

She was pink from her pixie cut to her toes, had absolutely perfect curves and was clothed in a white dress. Overall you found her rather cute. Especially with her big sparkly eyes that were looking right at you ...Wait. What!?

You did a double-take and realized you were correct, she was staring directly at you, and... were her pupils shaped like hearts!? Your face heated up as you blushed a darker shade of your (fave colour) skin, before quickly turning away and retreating to your desk.

Later that day, you were occupying yourself with your work when a head peeked over the wall of your cubicle. It was the pink mystery girl! You looked up at her incredulously, unsure of how to react.

"Derek is going for a coffee run, and was wondering if you wanted anything?" She asked, eyes sparkling, and grinning giddily down at you.

You uttered your order and before you could say anything else she had scampered away.

A bit later the girl returned and knocked on the wall of your cubicle to rouse your attention. She held your drink order and a small paper bag with the cafe's logo on it. She handed you your drink as you thanked her.

"My name's Persephone by the way, and I was wondering if you maybe wanted to have your drink in the employees' lounge with me? I also got some extra sweets if you want some!" She offered.

She was so bubbly, adorable, and had the cutest smile that how could you say no?

And so you ventured with her to the lounge, the both of you sat down at a folding table one you got there. She then pulled out all the options of sweets and made sure to keep them on the paper bag so that they wouldn't touch the tabletop.

With a variety of doughnuts and other pastries laid out before you, Persephone spoke, "You can choose first!"

You took a moment to look over your options before you choose your favourite out of the selection. Afterward, Persephone picks up a cinnamon roll and took a big bite. Her face lit up with a stuffed-cheeks chipmunk smile in delight of the sugary taste.

You giggled a little. "So you like sweets, huh, Persephone?"

She swallowed and reddened a little bit "Yeah, I've got a pretty major sweet tooth." She mussed with her hair a little " What about you-?" She froze suddenly and looked at you in sudden realization. "Oh my gods, you must think I'm so terrible! I never asked for your name! I'm so sorry!" She leaned across the table and grabbed both your hands.

You flushed at the sudden contact, the closeness of her face and the sight of her cleavage you could see down her shirt, but you snapped your gaze back up as quickly as possible to try to stay respectful.

"Oh, um, it's totally fine. My name's (Y/N)" You reassured her.

Her sad pouty face relaxed as she sank back into her chair. However, she had not yet let go of your hands.

You smile at her nervously "Um Persephone? I can't exactly eat or have my drink if you're holding my hands." You stated with a bit of an awkward chuckle.

Persephone quickly pulled her hands away and blushed heavily, "Oh! Sorry again!"

You continuously reassured her until her apologizing ceased.The rest of your lunch break with Persephone went very well. Before you knew it, it was over - much sooner than you would have liked it to be.

Persephone was just so easy to talk to! Other than, you know, her being so damn pretty - like goddess levels pretty - and making you nervous. Over the next two weeks, the two of you developed a routine of meeting for lunch and became good friends.. She eventually asked if you would like to hang out after work sometime, to go to a party with her.


Hades had taken notice of whenever Persephone would twiddle her fingers, play with her hair, or fiddle with the hems of her clothing. He could tell she was nervous about something.

He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her from behind. She squeaked in surprise and looked over her shoulder at him with a pout.

He chuckled, "What's wrong, Sweetness?"

"What do you think!? You gave me a heart attack!" She said in a tone of exasperation, in all of her adorableness.

Hades snickered once again. "Yes, I could see that. Let me rephrase that, dear. What's been on your mind? You've seemed anxious lately." He explained, nuzzling into her neck and breathing in her scent.

Her pouty expression changed to a shocked one, with a flush spreading across her face before she hastily turned her head to try and hide it. However, Hades had already noticed. He loosed his grip only to turn her around, attempting to get her to face him. However, she still avoided his gaze, looking away.

"Nothing's wrong," she mumbled, unconvincingly.

He gently took her chin between his thumb and forefinger and tilted her head towards him. Resting them on her face as he reassured her with a kiss. After they had separated he spoke again. "You trust me, don't you?"

She nodded.

"Then please tell me." He begged.

She gave out a small sigh of defeat. "There's this girl at work..."

Hades instantly went into protective mode, "Is she harassing you? Just tell me and she will be dealt with-"

"No, no, no, no..." Persephone interrupted. "It's not like that at all! It's like the complete opposite! We're really good friends!"

He looked confused, "Then.... What's the problem?"

Persephone avoided his gaze once again. "Well, um, it's just..... She's like SO pretty, and funny, and amazing to talk to, and likes a bunch of the same stuff we like, and it's amazing hanging out with her and-"

Sniggering, Hades pressed a finger to her lips and shushed her. "Ah, I see. You LIKE her." He said in a mocking purr.

Perspone's blush deepened immensely and she pounded a fist harmlessly on Hades chest. "SHUT UP!!" She exclaimed, embarrassed, before burying her face against him.

Chuckling, he kissed the top of her head, "It's quite alright dear, there's no need to be embarrassed. It's not like we haven't talked about doing this before."

"I know, I guess I'm just nervous you won't like her as much as I do..."

Hades pondered for a moment. "Well, the only way to find out is for me to meet her, right? How about inviting her to Zeus' party next weekend? That way I could meet her and if you'd like you could introduce her to your friends too."

Persephone's face lit up at the suggestion. "Yea! That would be fun!"

Hades smiled softly down at her. "Alright, then it's a date."


You felt a mix of emotions when Persephone had invited you to this party: Excitement, nervousness, and confusion.

Persephone attempted to reassure you, "Don't worry (Y/N)! Everyone there will love you! You'll get to meet Artemis, and Hermes, and-"

You zoned out as she excitedly rattled on, getting into your own head and worries. This party was being thrown by ZEUS. THE ZEUS. And almost everyone there was supposedly going to be a god or goddess, or at least demi-god. You were just a Nymph. A lower-class citizen. You didn't belong there. As you delved deeper into your self-doubt a question suddenly came to mind.

"Persephone, why were you invited?" You blurted out without thinking. Then suddenly realizing how rude that sounded you stammered to explain yourself. "I MEAN, JUST YOU SAID ABOUT HOW EVERYONE THERE IS AT GOD LEVEL, I KNOW YOU LIVE IN OLYMPUS, BUT I GUESS I WAS JUST WONDERING HOW A NORMAL UNDERWORLD CORP EMPLOYEE GOT INVITED???"

Persephone looked at you slightly shocked for a second before giggling, though you couldn't tell if it was genuine or awkward. "Well I guess I can't really blame you for not knowing. I am pretty new, and I guess a lot of people don't really know... But, I am actually a goddess, the Goddess of Spring."

You looked at her in astonishment, jaw agape. You felt like the BIGGEST idiot in the WORLD. How could you not know that!? You were so embarrassed that you buried your face in your hands as a blush consumed your visage. "I'm so dumb..." You muttered.

Persephone was quick to reassure you while she rubbed a soothing hand over your back. "Hey! Don't say that! Like I said, a lot of people don't know!"

You peaked through your fingers at her. Well, you guessed that explained why she was so gorgeous. And well, since a literal goddess had invited you to this party with her, you felt that you had no choice but to go. It couldn't be that terrible if you were there with her, right?


This was terrible.

You stood at the front entrance of the devastatingly beautiful mansion and began to doubt all the things you had said to yourself earlier to encourage yourself to go. You didn't belong here!

Gods and goddesses entered the mansion wearing the most amazing outfits you had ever seen. You self-consciously fiddled with the edge of your favourite dress (Or fave fancy clothes, if you wanna rock a pantsuit, you do you bb), as you watched them, still not moving from your spot.

"(Y/N)!!" Persephone called your name. As soon as you turned you were taken off guard as she suddenly hugged you. After collecting yourself you hugged her back. Pulling away, Persephone's eyes lit up asshe examined your outfit. "Woah! You look amazing (Y/N)!!"

You flushed softly. "Thanks." You looked down to her outfit and your blush erupted on your face, 10 shades darker.

She was wearing a dress that would very much break the workplace dress code. It was incredibly revealing, short, and low cut. It put her cleavage on display and hugged the curves of her body perfectly.

"YOU LOOK GREAT TOO!!" You said, louder than expected out of panic.

"Aw, thanks!" She said in appreciation. She leaned in and gave you a kiss on the cheek and you absolutely froze. The only thing that broke your spell was seeing Hades. He was tall, and had a nice physique, he also had a strong jawline and Roman nose. His red eyes that were both alarming and alluring stood out against his blue skin and white hair. He was breathtaking. In a different way than Persephone was.

Hades was technically your boss but you had never seen him before. Well, there was one time you saw him down the hall, and your eyes met. It was the single most terrifying experience in your life and-.OH, GODS, WHY WAS HE WALKING TOWARDS YOU!?

While your panic increased, Persephone waved at him. . "Hi Honey!" She said, cheerily as ever.

You turned to look at her with wide eyes.

Was ... was Persephone with Hades???

"Hello dear." He swooped down and gave her a peck on the lips and your heart was crushed.

You realized that you read the situation all wrong - Persephone and you were just friends. She was just an affectionate person and there was nothing more. You kept your disappointment internal as you greeted the God of the Dead.

"Um, hello Mr.Hades," You say with a mix of awkward and nervousness.

Hades chuckled "Oh, there's no need for that, 'Hades' is just fine. And you, Love?" He asked, making eye contact with you

"Oh, uh, (Y/N)." You stammered, feeling dumb compared to how eloquent he just was.

"She's my friend from work I was telling you about!" Persephone added with her normal happy disposition.

You saw Hades give her a knowing smile. What was that about?

"Okay, well we should get into that party (Y/N). We'll catch up with you later Hades!" She called the last part as she started to drag you inside.

You heard Hades calling back, "I'll see you two later!" Then your ears were filled with the almost overwhelming sound of music.

Persephone dragged you all over the party, introducing you to her friends. Some, like Artemis and Hermes, were nice and pretty fun to talk to. You even had some pleasant conversations with Hades. But you still felt the disappointment of your recent discovery of Persephone and Hades being together weighing down on you.

And it didn't help that you could hear people talking behind your back about you being Nymph trash, or how they were trying to get into your pants. Even Zeus seemed a little too interested in you. You were trying to ignore it but it was slowly starting to get to you.

Eventually, it was time for the dinner portion of the party and Persephone brought you to sit at a smaller round table with her and Hades.

....It was pretty awkward.....

The awkwardness level increased when suddenly, while Persephone was flirting with Hades, you felt her hand on your upper thigh! Looking at your with the same flirty look she was giving Hades, she bit her lower lip.

You shot out of your seat and exclaimed, "I, uh, gotta go to the bathroom." And without waiting for a response you scampered off.

You became lost and ended up on a balcony out-back that viewed over the magnificent garden. You sighed and ran a hand through your hair and you leaned against the balcony.

This was all just so much. You were so confused by all the emotions coursing through you. Persephone was with Hades. Your boss. King of the Underworld. God of the Dead. But she seemed to want you too. .

There were quite a few times you had to question whether Persephone was flirting with you or just being friendly. But this time you were 100% sure of her intentions.

A chill breeze went by and you shivered. Suddenly a jacket was placed around your shoulders. You practically jumped out of your skin and whipped around to see Hades standing there.

He raised his hands in peace. " Sorry to scare you, It's just me."

Usually, it would scare you still just being around him. But for some reason, the sight of him calmed you down.

You gripped the suit jacket he had given you and pulled it tighter around your shoulders. "Sorry, you just surprised me, and, uh, thanks for the jacket." You said, going back to lean on the railing and look out over the garden.

He matched your position beside you. "So... You left dinner in a hurry. I'm sorry If she surprised you or made you uncomfortable."

You quickly started to defend yourself, trying not to lose your job. "I'M SO SORRY SIR!! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE WITH PERSEPHONE, AND I HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING LIKE THAT TO HER AND SHE HADN'T DONE ANYTHING LIKE THAT TO ME BEFORE EITHER AND I-!!" Suddenly something he had said clicked in your head. "Wait... what do you mean, you're sorry about what she did??" You asked in confusion, tilting your head slightly.

"There you are!!" You heard Persephone called, turning your head you saw her running over to you and Hades. "(Y/N), I'm so sorry! I should have just said something instead of doing that to you!" She apologized profusely, gasping and panting all the while.

"Okay, slow down! I'm really confused. Can you guys just explain to me what's happening??" You questioned desperately.

They looked at each other, then looked back at you.

Hades was the one to start. "Well, I suppose to start I should tell you that when we started dating, Persephone and I had a conversation about boundaries and things we were interested in. One of those things was bringing another person into this relationship." He explained, actually looking quite bashful.

"And then one day while I was at the office I saw you! And well... I just thought you were so beautiful..." Persephone explained, the both of you blushed at her statement.

"Wait, really?" You said, feeling dumbfounded.

"Of course!" She responded.

Hades continued the explanation. "One day Persephone and I had a talk, and she told me she was interested in someone. That person being you..."

"So we decided to set something up so you and Hades could meet, to see if you got along." Persephone cut in.

"Persephone and I talked after you and I had some conversations, and we agreed that we both liked you.." Hades said, a darker blue dusting his cheeks.

Persephone sheepishly spoke up."But I guess we should have been honest, you really seemed shocked when I made a move." She chuckled nervously. "So, uh, yea! Now you know!"

"And you don't have to answer now! You can definitely take time to think about it. Also, you don't have to worry about me firing you or anything if you say no." Hades chimed in.

It took you a moment to process everything they just told you. You looked at them in disbelief as they watched you nervously, Hades's arm wrapped around Persephone's waist, both with blushes on their faces, eagerly awaiting your response.

"You...like me??" You asked, not convinced.

"Yes?" Hades responded, confused by your disbelieving tone.

"But.... why???" You said.

They both looked genuinely shocked at what you had just said.

"What do you mean?" Persephone questioned.

You went on the explain yourself. "I mean, you guys are gods. I'm just a nymph. I don't belong here, and I don't belong with you guys... Wouldn't you guys prefer to date another god or goddess?" You crossed your arms and looked away.

"Well other than Persephone, no other god or goddess wants to be associated with me like that." Hades responded woefully, on how others viewed him.

"And, well, honestly, there's too much drama. Most of the people here are either too stuck up or would try to use it as blackmail later." Persephoned added. Persephone walked over to you and took your face in both of her hands, tilting it to look at her. "But don't worry, you decide if you want to do this we'll play by your terms. If you want to be a secret, you'll be a secret. If you want people to know, then they can know." She smiled that adorably sweet smile at you.

A small smile graced your face. You saw Hades smiling too over Persephone's shoulder.

"Okay, well..." You wrapped your arms around the pink goddess' waist, pulling her in a little. "I think I'd like to try."

She grinned brightly and pulled your face in for a kiss, though she quickly pulled away. "Sorry! I got excited! I should have asked first-" You cut her off by kissing her. Making sure the kiss lasted longer this time.

You pulled back and saw Persephone's big eyes filled with sparkles and her pupils in the shape of hearts, just like the first time you saw her. She grinned and looked to Hades who came over and being more reserved than Persephone opted to give the both of you soft and sweet forehead kisses.

"Well then, should we head back to the party? There's a lot of good food in there that we shouldn't let go to waste." He asked both of you, a smile still on his face.

Persephone looked at you. " You ready to go back in?"

You gave her a smile and nodded in response.

"Alright then, let's go!" She took both your hands and pulled you back into the mansion, skipping her way back to the party while both you and Hades chuckled and made an effort to keep up.

This certainly wasn't how you thought the evening would go, but you believed this could turn out well.

