Please.. help

I'm sorry if this is bad.. If there are any grammar or anything I spelt or worded wrong I'm sorry please comment and I'll try and fix it. I'll update as much as I can.

Miahs P.O.V

"Get your Ass up, NOW!", he says. "Please don't hurt me dad", says Miah, as she gets up from her bed. It is three in the morning, dads drunk and scarring the shit out of me. I do what my dad says and get up. "I hope you die, I've never liked you, never wanted you in my life and for all I care you would have been dead before your mother even had you." As I start to walk with my dad I start to tear up. As I walk will him I see that he is taking me to his room. "Get in my bed. I'll be back, when I get back you better be naked and in that bed or I'll beat you!" He says. I do as he says and get undressed and get into his bed.

I hear his foot steps as he is coming back to his room. "Well you listened, that's a surprise." He started to pull me towards him and started touching me in my general areas. "STOP! GET OFF OF ME! I'M YOUR DAUGHTER I'M NOT GOING TO LET YOU TOUCH OR DO ANYTHING INAPPROPRIATE TO ME." He starts hitting me and throwing me around. As I try and get up and run away he grabs me by my arm and slams me against the wall. "DON'T you ever talk to me hat way GOT IT!" I am your father you do what I tell you and I do what I want.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter.. Its short I'm sorry.. I hope to add more in the next chapter.😃
