Chapter 2

Dan :

The FaceTime jingle blared throughout the airport Starbucks Cafe'. A bunch of people gave me disgusted and angry stares. I gave an apologetic expression back and tapped my foot impatiently, wondering why the hell Phil could be taking so long to answer. I growled and was just about to press the hung-up button when Phil's face appeared on the iPhone screen. My expression went from grinding teeth, to a grimace instantly. My heart sank and I couldn't think of anyway to explain this to Phil. My grip hardened around the warm cup of hot eggnog latte'.

"Hey Phil," My voice cracked.

"Hey Dan," Phil asked, the usual smile on his face. "What's wrong?"

Phil always instantly knew when something was wrong. I growled under my breath, took a deep breath, and said it plain and simple.

"My flight has been canceled till December 26th," I shouted instantly, clenched my eyes and teeth together, and hoped that Phil, the angel he was, wouldn't unleash his thrash down upon me.

A few gasps came from the rest of the cafe' and I heard some people pitying me. I still hadn't opened my eyes. Not even a smidge.

"What?!" Phil cried, his voice sounding a little irritated. "This better not be a bloody prank, Daniel! Tomorrow is freaking Christmas eve! You have to be here with me! I cannot be alone for another night. I'm pretty sure lion is planning on eating me!" Phil held up the adorable little plush lion then thrust it across the room.

I gasped and looked across the cafe' to assure people with my eyes that this conversation wasn't at all weird. I really should've done this with headphones, I thought to myself.

"Dan!" Phil screamed, dragging my attention back to him.

"I'm not freaking with you Phil," I promised. "The plane lanes are too iced over for planes to leave and the snow is blocking their view."

"It's starting to snow here too!" Phil exclaimed with a smile but then got serious again instantly.

"I'm so sorry Phil."

"It's okay Dan, it's not your fault," Phil reassured me.

"I'll find a way to get to you before tomorrow night, I promise," I exclaimed, but then I noticed that the FaceTime call had disconnected.

I jumped up out of my seat and my eyes bulged from my head. Then, my phone started to darken out. I saw the screen for just one more second and then it went black. The little empty battery sign showed up on the phone and I froze in my place. Slowly, I fell back into my seat and lied my head down onto the ice cold cafe' table. I loud ugh escaped my lips and when I sat up, two young, teenage, american brunettes were eye to eye with me. Fans.

"Hey Dan!" The girls high pitched voices burst my eardrums.

The girls jumped up and down giddily and embraced me without my approval. I wasn't the most fond of my personal bubble being popped but usually with fans I could take it. This time wasn't it. The girls wiped out their iPhone's began taking photo's for only one of which I smiled, sarcastically. They sill hadn't noticed. They probably didn't care though. They seemed as if they were in a rush because they left my side instantly. I shrugged it off, shoved my iPhone deep into my coat pocket, slung my backpack over my shoulder, and grabbed my eggnog latte'.

Before I could leave the Starbucks cafe' though, a nice older dark women came up to me and said, "Don't worry, I'll pray for you to be with your boyfriend for Christmas." She patted my shoulder and went back to her seat, her braids flying around as she left my side.

Phil :

I tapped on the blank phone screen spastic-ally. Dan's face was frozen and he hadn't even gotten to the end of his sentence. What is Dan going to do? I asked myself, having a mini-heart attack in my own head. I began to imagine myself alone on Christmas eve, drinking hot coco alone by the fire, on Christmas, opening presents alone under the tree, and lion actually coming to freaking life and eating me. A chill raced down my spine making me shiver. I quickly tried redialing Dan's number.

I held the phone up to my ear. There wasn't even a milk-second of a ring, it just went straight to Dan's voicemail.

"Hello person trying to call me, I am unable to get the phone right now for some reason and you're trying to contact me for some reason. Please tell me that reason because I really care," the recording said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and hung up. Maybe the storm was blocking out Dan's reception I thought. That must've meant that the storm was very huge and powerful. I began to worry myself. I decided the best thing to do was to keep myself busy.

I left my phone behind in the living room on the sofa crease and continued to put the left over pizza slices into plastic bags for later. Except now Dan probably wouldn't be home in time to eat them. Knowing myself, I'll probably scarf them down within the next two hours. I'm always eating Dan's food. Speaking of which, I then grabbed a box of cereal from atop the fridge and brought my laptop with me alone in my room to finish the episode of Free! I had started, without my phone.
