
I'M BACK PEOPLE!!! My tablet got disabled and I usually update on that so I haven't been on Wattpad in FOREVER...

I'm glad to see that more people have been reading this book, let's see if we can get the votes up!!! I would really appreciate it a lot! Excuse the typos if there are any, I'm using a phone tiny update and the keyboard is tiny!!!



Okay, I was not expecting those words at all. I mean, yeah I knew he was leading to it, but I never thought Luke would open up so soon. It's obvious that Thalia is a soft spot to him and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous right now. Did she leave him? Was it because of long distance or something else? I bet she was his first kiss... lucky girl.

I blinked a few times to stop my train of thought and looked at Luke. "Y- wait. Are you sure?" I stammered. Yes, it might seem like a dumb question since I really want to know but if he isn't ready then I'm going to have to wait. That's what he did for me.
"Actually no," What?? No! I didn't think he'd actually say that! "But you still deserve to know." I spoke too soon. I sighed and gripped his hand, nodding my head slowly. I honesty have no idea how I'm going to react, but this is going to be something painful to share and I'm gonna have to comfort him just as he did. "I'm listening. You don't have to say it all, stop when you need to." I assured. Luke smiled softly, or grimaced, I can't tell in the dark; but soon he began to speak.


I took a few deep breaths before I started speak. Despite how long I've ignored the wound Thalia left in my heart, I knew that it wouldn't't stitch up until I let everything out. Maggie is filling my heart already and I need to let go, that's what Thalia asked for. "We were both sixteen, same school, three classes together, and we even lived in the same neighborhood." I was reluctant as I stared speaking but as Maggie continued rubbing my hand the words stared coming out clearly. "I was a bully, and she was just a girl I passed by once in awhile. I never really bothered to acknowledge her. I was friends with this one guy and to be approved I had to be like him, so I did just that. I created problems left and right, until one day I was told to tease her about her problems at home. Her dad was always verbally abusing her and her mom died giving birth to her. Everyone always called her rude things, telling her that she killed her mom and that's why her dad hated her so much, but I never had the heart to do that. One look at her and the emotion she had in her eyes just caught me off guard. When she noticed i was me who approached her that day she just shook her head and started going off about how I was such a jerk for mistreating people who didn't deserve any type o bullying from me. Her words- as cliché as it sounds- actually hit me. A few days later I couldn't't take it anymore. I stopped hanging out with the wrong group and I went around the school, apologizing to every single person I was ever rude to. That's also when I became friends with Miranda. Eventually she introduced me to Thalia. Thalia went ballistic at first, but after awhile she started warming up to me. We became common friends, which turned to best friends, and then that became something more. I fell for her, hard, and I was convinced nothing would take her away from me." I stopped the story, preparing myself for the worst part. Maggie shifted her hand a little bit and tightened her grip on mine, staying silent to give me a moment. Don't cry in front of her Luke, my mind warned. I tool one last breath and decided to continue, closing my eyes while I'm at it.

"But that was all until Spring came around, Thalia's favorite season. She would wear sundresses, have her hair up in a perfect messy bun, and always a cup of passion fruit tea. Her mood was cheery every single day until the second week into the season. We met up to go to the cinema and she had on a long sleeved shirt, her hair was down and the smile I came to love was being hidden with a frown. Thalia hated long sleeved shirts, she would only wear them in Winter under obligation. I would ask her if she was okay, and she would reply with 'I'm fine'. Me, being the blind idiot let it go easily. Why bother if she claimed she was fine? That was my mistake. We grew distant; Thalia talked less and I didn't make an effort to make her speak. Miranda and I believed she was just havinging a bad week in general. It wasn't until I overheard two kids talking at school that I found out what was wrong. There were rumors that Thalia was trying to 'seduce' the popular jocks to make her way up the popular ladder. As soon as I saw her I asked over and over if she was okay, but she just shrugged me off. I- I got angry then. So many times I was trying to be there for her and she wold blow me off. We had a huge fight about it and I ended up walking away." I had no idea I was crying until I felt Maggie's hands wiping my cheeks.

Telling her everything was like living it all over again. It was like Thalia was here herself, tormenting me for what I did. "Little did I know that something bad was coming." Maggie froze and i took the opportunity to continue. "Around eight at night I got a call from the hospital; I was her emergency contact. Thalia was found in an alley-" my throat closed up as I fisted my hair in my hands. "And her wrists were...." I couldn't finish the sentence. Just thinking about it made me break. My shoulders shook violently as my face was now buried in my hands, muffling my sobs.

"They found her beat up black and blue, a week later my parents, Miranda and I were in court against Thalia's dad. He admitted to beating her up that day, saying that words weren't enough to discipline her for killing her mom. He was arrested and it was assumed that the abuse was what pushed Thalia to her breaking point. I was allowed to go to their house once and get everything I wanted from her room, the rest would be thrown away or donated. When I went, right on her bed there was an envelope." Maggie inhaled sharply, grabbing both of my hands nods "A suicide note?" She asked. I nodded my head to confirm her question an continued.

"Her note stated that she realized what a mistake it was for her to come to the world. She was truly convinced she killed her mom, but she wanted the reminders to stop. She had went to the popular jocks- the source of the rumors- and asked them to stop the talking. They came on to her and stated another set of rumors to avoid getting in trouble. She also mentioned that when we fought, she knew I honestly loved her but she had to push me away sooner to hurt me less. She had been planning to take her life for awhile. The beating her dad gave her just made her do it quicker. Had I seen the signs I could've helped her. She would've still been brightening people's day and everything. Before she ended the note she asked me let go. To completely forget about her and pretend that she was never a part of my life. The first year it was hard, but the more my family and I moved the more it helped me forget."

As I finished the story Maggie never stopped holding my had. Knowing her she probably believes that I'm still hung over Thalia, but right now in this moment, she's my rock. Thalia wanted me to move on, and I did. I just didn't think I would find someone as spontaneous as Maggie. This girl in front of me is the only person keeping me sane right now. She had every right to stop me from telling this story yet she did't. Now that I got the story off my chest, I'm ready to give her my all.

"Lucas Banfield, you have no idea how hard I'm trying not to cry right now. I can tell how happy she made you, and honestly Thalia sounds like an amazing person. I'm so sorry about the way she left but I have no doubt that all she thought of was you." I rested my head on her shoulder, lettin her comfort me. Just listening to her voice calmed me down, and now I realize that if I could get through this with her by my side, I could get through anything.

Something tells me that I just stepped over the line to a new beginning.

"How about we take things slow?" Maggie asked. "We both just started out lives if you look at it in some way. We finally let go of our pasts and are ready to move on. How about we take that road together and use it to get to know each other more?" I smiled and looked at her, already tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I wouldn't mind that one bit."



Hope you guys enjoyed, PLEASE vote if you did, I'll update the last two chapters as soon as I can!!!!


If you guys want n epilogue please let me know in the comments!!!!!!
