Chap 3

Boomers POV.

As we arrived onto the campus, we parked and got off I was up beat and smiling, until butch said we sure are getting a lot of attention that comment caused me too look around and just as he said there was a lot of people who were staring at us, I mean sure me and my brothers were pretty good looking but I would have never thought we would get this much attention, as we made our way to the entrance we went to the the principals office we're got our schedules and were escorted to our first class, we arrived at a class that had the number 201 and then the teacher walked out and started talking to the person who escorted us and we went inside the teacher gave us a warm smile and stood in the front of the class she asked us to introduce ourselves, so we did " hello my name is Brick Jojo he said with a hand wave , yoo my name is Butch Jojo he said with a toothy grin, hi my name is Boomer Jojo I said with a small smile" as we finished saying introducing ourselves my eyes fell upon a girl with black short hair and bangs, she was wearing a green oversized sweater and she had beautiful grin on her face with the most purest green eyes I had ever seen it was like time had stoped I was woke out my thoughts when the teacher said okay boys may you please sit in the back to the open seat behind blossom, bubbles, and buttercup she pointed and the three girls stood up one with pigtail the other with a ponytail and you guessed it the raven head as well my heart skipped a beat seeing her stand up and look at me, i slowly walked to the back of the classroom with my brothers following and I sat behind buttercup, and butch sat behind bubbles while brick sat behind blossom, I just was so lost in thought when buttercup turned around and said "sup boomer it's been years what brings you and you're brothers she said with a grin" witch caused me to smile and say well we wanted a different place to live , and she nodded her head as she did as if on que butch said sup buttercup you ready for a soccer match just like the old days" and buttercup said sure if you want to lose so badly why not , witch caused me to giggle , and butch turned a little pink but just scoffed, and buttercup turned around causing me too look at her hair it was short like when we were kids but for some reason I couldn't help but stare instead of focusing on the lesson the teacher was talking about.


The bell ring signaling that first period was over and it was time for second period as I got up buttercup turned around and asked me what class I had next I had told her art she told me that her and bubbles had that same class and so I decided to walk with them to class as well as butch since he had the same class while brick and blossom had band.
As we were talking and walking butch would crack up jokes while bubbles would giggle and buttercup would say things that would contradicted what butch said and that would make me laugh.

When we arrived to art I sat down next to buttercup without realizing there was an angry butch behind me who sat down with bubbles, as class began the teacher walked in with a large smile and said "today class I want you to paint something that reminds you of the person next to you it could be anything" as she finished I picked up my paint brush and looked at buttercup and started to think what reminds me of buttercup well to be completely honest she was gorgeous but she had more to her than that she was a hard worker when it came to things she was passionate about and she was extremely strong being able to fight off with butch even , suddenly I was woken out of my thoughts when buttercup punched me jokingly and said boomer you okay you've been staring at me for awhile she said with a toothy grin this made me blush pink lightly not enough to notice and then it hit me what I was going to paint I looked at her and smiled I'm fine just got an idea what to paint now i said as I turned to face my board and started painting.
I finished painting and I took a sigh of relive too look at my painting it was ......... A Box Full of may have looked so simple but it wasn't because it reminded me of buttercup because in truth she was like a box full of crayons , her smile and grin, the confidence she had, and determination she was also kind inside although many people didn't see it I did she was perfect in every way too mee she was complete like a box full of crayons too me crayons meant the world too me, it was my safe place whenever I would get into a fight with my brothers, it calmed me down getting my box of crayons and coloring too calm me down until I meet buttercup, she alone could bring a smile to my face and calm me down as strange as it sounded I felt safe with her.
All of a sudden the teacher says students it's time to show your paintings to the people beside you, as she said that buttercup faved me and showed me her painting it was a Boomerang, huh? I looked confused so she started to explain " well boomer you're like a boomerang you always seam to come back" she said with a laugh, I laughed too because in some ways that's true, we'll mine is a box of crayons, she look at it puzzled how come ?, we'll because you're personality is soo colorful I said with a chuckle, even if that wasn't the exact reason It was somewhat true, I couldn't bring myself to tell her the truth, suddenly bubbles and butch tapped us on the shoulders well more like butch gave me punch to my shoulders to get my attention I looked at them and asked them what's up? , " I was gonna ask if you wanted to see our paintings" said bubbles I nodded my head, she showed us a painting of a green spark in the air it looked bright but dark at the same time, while butch's painting was of literally bubbles , it made me chuckle of how literally he had been with the painting, bubbles eyes wondered to mine and she asked what mine meant , well her personality is colorful I said bubbles nodded, and butch just kept silent until the bell rung and we left.

The rest of the school day consisted with me and buttercup having the same classes as well as butch and bubbles , brick and blossom only had like two classes with us , the day was honestly amazing me and buttercup were laughing and having a blast just talking about when we were younger and the obvious thing brick had for blossom and vise versa, even lunch was pretty good with me watching butch and buttercups soccer match and buttercup winning, soon the day came to an end and we said goodbye and went home it was just me and my brothers talking about how it felt good to be back until
Butch asked the unbelievable ....
Boomer .. what do you think of ........buttercup..
