The New Boy

Carmie and Leanna walk into the classroom and take their seats just as the final bell rings.

"Good morning class, my name is Ms. Grant, we will be reading three books this semester and the first one we are going to be reading is The Diary of Anne Frank," the English teacher says, passing out the book.

"Well, this doesn't look so bad," Carmie says, looking at the book cover.

"I love this book," a male voice next to Carmie says.

"What's it about?" Carmie asks.

"It's about a Jewish girl and her family hiding from the Nazis in a secret annex with four other people," the boy says.

"You know a lot about Anne Frank," Carmie says.

"I am a huge World War II history buff, oh, and my name is Jesse," the boy says, putting his hand out.

"Carmie," Carmie says, smiling and shaking his hand.

"Carmie, you're smiling too big," Leanna says.

Carmie retracts her fangs.

"Now, we will start with some exercises, each of these sentences are written incorrectly, your job is to fix them," Ms. Grant says pointing to the board.

Carmie is trying to focus but all of her attention is on how cute she thinks Jesse is.

She shakes the thoughts out and focuses on the lesson the rest of the period.

The bell rings and everyone leaves.

"What's your next class?" Carmie asks.

"Lunch," Jesse says.

"I got gym," Carmie says.

"Well, why don't you ditch and come to lunch with me," Jesse suggests.

"Okay," Carmie says without a second thought.

Leanna gets worried and joins the conversation.

"But Carmie, you love gym," Leanna says.

"Not anymore," Carmie says.

Leanna notices that Jesse is holding Carmie's arm when she says this.

"Fine, do whatever you want, I have to go do my next live-stream," Leanna says taking her phone out.

Leanna texts Dylan and tells him to meet her in the theatre.

Leanna gets to the theatre first.

"What's going on? Your text seemed urgent," Dylan says walking into the theatre.

"It is, there is a new boy in English class, he convinced Carmie to ditch her next class and have lunch with him, when I tried to convince her to go to class I saw him take a hold of her arm," Leanna says.

Dylan takes his notebook out.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no," Dylan says looking at a page.


"Did Carmie think he was cute?"

"I'm guessing since I had to tell her not to smile too big," Leanna says.

Dylan gives a confused look.

"That was the phrase I used to let her know her fangs were showing," Leanna explains.

"Great," Dylan says.


"That new boy is a Blended and from what you told me, he is half Siren," Dylan closes his book.

"And that's bad?"

"Very, a Warrior Fairy is strong, a Siren's strength is in his voice, they can manipulate anybody Human or Mythic just by suggesting something, and I don't mean like you do I mean mind control," Dylan says.

"What do we do?"

"Nothing for right now, but I will keep my tools handy," Dylan says.

"I have lunch now, so I will keep an eye on this new kid," Leanna says.

"Thanks, and keep these with you, they are voice canceling earbuds, you will only be able to hear human voices, as long as you have them in the Siren voice won't effect you," Dylan says giving her the special earbuds.

"Thanks," Leanna says taking the earbuds and putting them in.
