
"Sing, Muse, of the night the sky cried fire. Tell us the legend of the heroes and liars who caused the light to fall."




✦• ENYA •✦

✦• Phoinixian ~ She/Her ~ 106 years •✦


✦• ASHE •✦

✦• Phoinixian ~ She/Her ~ 235 years •✦



✦• Nerinean ~ She/Her ~ 126 years •✦



✦• Nerinean ~ She/Her ~ 84 years •✦



✦• Phaosian ~ She/Her ~ 124 years •✦



✦• Phaosian ~ He/Him ~ 36 years •✦


Thank you all so much for applying! Choosing the cast was really tough, but I managed to write out a storyline around these six characters. This means that this is simply the main cast; the other applications (Ezir, Stella, Cess, Belen and Yeva) will feature in the story as well, as it was really easy to find a place for them in the story, just not as a main character. Excluding the prologue and epilogue, all chapters will be written from the perspective of the characters mentioned above (except for Enya, but she is too central to the plot not to include her).

Oh, and a little reminder: this is a tragedy. I will be hurting them. A lot. <3

Opinions are appreciated, but not mandatory! I know that some people here like to do them, so if that's you, go for it (I might even write some for Enya, though it probably all boils down to 'you are stupid beyond belief but I'm sure you have some use to me'). I think I have a pretty decent idea of how most characters would interact, but I would love your input! There isn't really a deadline for this, you can just write them if and when you feel like it.

I probably won't be doing a lot of author's notes, but please let me know what you think! Comments and feedback are very much appreciated.

Once again, thank you all for applying!
