
-A little help here? Lucifer tried to avoid being impaled with the violin bow by his fellow angel.

-Minho? Jisung shouted as he tried to take Behemoth off of Lucifer.

-The bomb is drilled in the wall. There must be a second piece linked by the cables. We need to find it now!

-Can you handle it? Jisung asked Lucifer before going to search for the bomb.

-What? No! Lucifer freaked out.

He saw Behemoth going after Jisung and acted on impulse. He jumped on Behemoth's back and tried to strangle him.

The violinist let himself fall on the back, crushing Lucifer under him. -Shit! the latter cursed in pain.

-Can't we just break the wall? Mephistos searched desperately for the bomb.

-If uou want to end up soup, sure! Jisung replied.

Lucifer tried to run away but stopped right before the place where the bow pierced through the wooden floor.

-He's Jeongin's clone. Of course he has good aim, Lucifer mentally slapped himself. Alright... Let's see how good you are without you're bow, he turned around and tried to remember what Jisung had been trying to teach him for the past days.

He lowered his body to avoid a punch and launched himself towards Behemoth's abdomen, pushing him into the wall. The dark-haired boy clenched Lucifer's hair and kicked him in the nose with his knee.

-Fuck! Lucifer made a few steps backwards as blood fell on his shoes.

Behemoth rushed towards him, caught his hans and kicked his ankles to make him fall face first on the ground.

-I think he's trying to break my jaw! Lucifer shouted. How is he so skilled? I've never seen him fight.

-He's an assasin, dumbass, Mephistos yelled from the other side of the theatre. He doesn't make a sound when he moves, he doesn't talk and he usually attacks at night. He's basically undetected, Mephistos explained. Eligor told me that. he's the one that took care of him most of the times. Just keep him busy while we found that bomb!

Mephistos decided to look under the chairs. he flashled the lantern to the people who were oddly quiet and realized they were just dolls with printed faces. He saw familiar faces. Every victim that he and his colleagues had to eliminate, but also the guy he shot for the Mafia, Lucifer's mother, Eligor's whole family and so on.

-Why don't you come here and make him show us where is the bomb? Lucifer shouted.

Mephistos stopped for a second and realized that wasn't a bad idea.

He passed through every row in search for one specific face.

He stumbled upon one that made him widen his eyes in shock. He snatched the paper face from the doll and hid it in his pocket, then proceeded to look for the one he needed.

-What are you doing? It's not the right moment for a tour! Lucifer punched Behemoth in the face.

-I'm helping, hang on! Mephistos yelled. Yes! Let's put up a puppet show! he smirked.

Then he dissappear from Lucifer's sight who ended up on the floor, ready to be beaten to death by Jeongin's angel.

Out of the blue a doll with Yuki's dad's face appeared in front of him hanging from the ceiling.

-Now, hyung!

Jisung threw a pair of scissors he found in the changing room and cut an already damaged rope, making a sack of sand fall right on Behemoth.

-Couldn't you have done this before he broke my nose? Lucifer scolded Mephistos.

-It was crooked anyway, the older replied.

-Your brain is crooked!

Jisung kneeled down to clean Lucifer's face from all the blood while Minho questioned Behemoth.

-Where's the bomb, kid?

The latter looked down and Minho followed his gaze.

-The chandelier... I thought it was just prop.

-I got it, Mephistos jumped from the staircase he was on to the chandelier and dangled there for Minho to tell him which cable to cut.

Jisung passed him the scissors and he quickly used them on the blue one.

He then jumped back on the staircase.

However, his weight made the chandelier fall.

Lucifer sensed the disaster that was about to occur and pushed Behemoth out of its way, both rolling on the floor until they hit the wall.

The chandelier fell and broke into pieces under Behemoth's terrified eyes.

He could have been killed then and there. If it wasn't for Lucifer...

Lucifer tried to get up, but a strong grip on his wrist held him in place.

-Huh? he looked at Behemoth who was on his knees, his forehead glued to the floor and tears dropping into a puddle of sorrow under him.

A soft sob escaped his trembling lips. That was the first time any of the people there ever heard his voice.

He couldn't understand how his enemy saved his life while his own family did nothing but to hurt him. His mom, his dad, Azazel, Lucinda. Everyone used their frustration on him. And all he did was to protect his brother from sharing the same fate. So why was he now protected? How?

-Lucinda's gonna kill him if he goes back, Mephistos said.

-Then we have no choice but to take him, Jisung uttered. Jeongin will be relieved. And everyone deserves a second chance.

-She becomes weaker the more pawns she losses, Minho crossed his arms.

-It's not...

Everyone froze in their places when they finally heard Behemoth speak.

-It's not Lucinda that made me do this. It's Azazel.

Behemoth got in the car with them and explained everything he knew about Azazel's plan and a future public execution.

-How did he manage to touch Lucinda without her guards noticing? Lucifer asked.

-Aparently the priestess's sister was funding her. Once she saw someome that was supposedly her son being shot on TV, she cut off all the money without listening to any explanation. The guars saw themselves unpaid and let Azazel do whatever he wanted.

-And now Azazel controls them since most of them were trained alongside him. He's the closest thing to a leader they can have, Seungmon's clone concluded. That's not good. That psycho is instability itself. We can't possibly predict his next move.

-Let me handle him! I want to beat him so badly! Mephistos volunteered.

-Speaking of the news, the angels are making headlines as the new public enemy. Not sure I can call it a good thing now. We need to rehabilitate your names and ours now, Jisung sighed.

-One problem at the time, Minho uttered. Seonghwa can clean our traces. We need to keep our eyes on the police.

-You just want to see them fail, Jisung commented.

-It's their fault they let a talent like me go, Minho laughed.

-I thought we weren't supposed to talk about your past with the police, Mephistos raised his eyebrow.

-You're not. I can in two instances. When I laugh at them and when Jisung asks me to put the uniform on.

-Why would you- Oh, nevermind! Mephistos started to blush hard.

-Can you not share information about our sex life to every human being you come across? Jisung hid his face in his palms out of embarrassment.

-But it's fun to see their reactions!

-Ah, yes! Lee Minho: traumatising kids from 2018, Jisung mocked him.

Suddenly Minho hit the break, making everyone flinch.

-Why did we stop? Lucifer asked confused.

-They are following us. Probably to find the hotel since the only ones who knew where we're staying are you two, Minho explained.

A car parked behind them and 5 men dressed in black and red got out.

-The archangels, Behemoth tightened his grip on Lucifer's frist.

-The what? I swear you're making things up at this point, Minho whined like a tired dad.

-The soldiers we were talking about earlier. Paid underground fighters. That's why I said I couldn't understand why Lucinda chose us to fight you and not simply used them, Lucifer enlightened them.

-So who's going? Minho asked while holding Jisung down, knowing the latter would volunteer.

Lucifer and Mephistos looked at each other.

-I'm kind of stuck here, Lucifer raised his hand and showed them the grip Behemoth had on his wrist.

-Fine! Mephistos rolled his eyes. I guess it's my time to shine.

-Break a neck!

-It's "break a leg", he explained to Lucifer.

-Yeah, that too!

-Be ready to get between them if something happens, Jisung squeezed Minho's shoulder.

-Yes, ma'am!

Mephistos got out of the car and stepped nonchalantly in front of the soldiers.

-Such a small audience! That saddens my tormented artist heart. Let me introduce-

Suddenly a loud shot annihilated every single sound. All they heard was a buzzing in their ears.

-Minho, Jisung ordered him to go there, but Lucifer stopped them with a gesture of his hand.

-He's mad now. Oh, boy! I hate this Mephistos, he gulped.

Jisung's clone pressed his hand on his shoulder and saw the blood turning his palm red. He started laughing hysterically and smirked devilishly.

-This is my show, he said before dropping a smoke bomb on the ground and disappearing.

The soldiers looked around in alert.

Mephistos appeared behind them and hit one of them in the back of his neck with his elbow, putting him to sleep. The other four tried to shoot him.

-Looking for these? he threw the bullets on the ground.

-Catch me, my prince charming! he faked fainting in one soldier's arms and kicked another with his legs, then crouched down and dragged the soldier behind him across his back and threw him on top of the other.

He hit the other two in the jaws with the handle of a gun, then knocked their heads together.

That gave him time to kick on in the stomach and to punch the other twice.

-He's really something that kid, huh? Minho seemed quite impressed.

-He's a dumbass. I can't believe he let himself be shot just for the show, Lucifer sighed. Let's go, Behemoth! We need to stop his bleeding, he dragged the angel after him.

-What are you thinking about, princess?

-I want an audition with Seonghwa.

-About them?

-They deserve a second chance and Mafia might protect them.

-Should we really get this involved? They were our enemies a few days ago.

-So was Seonghwa and the others.

-Is this your way of making up for those years away from Daehyun, cause-

-I just want to believe that broken people can be saved. Like we were. Is that too much? I've seen pure evil. I've seen it in the prison and it's been haunting me ever since. I want to save them, Jisung held back his tears.

-Okay... I'm with you then. We'll save as many as we can, my love. That I promise you, he took his husband's hand and kissed the back of its palm.
