
I was in the dance room dancing when there was a knock on the door.I walked over to the door when is saw PD-nim.
"Hello PD-nim" I bowed and he smiled.
"Please join me in my office in 10 minutes" He said and I bowed as we walked away.
I grabbed my stuff together and walked over to his office.
I knocked on the door and walked in.
"Lee Haena I would like to debut you into a group"He said and I smiled like crazy.
"Yes Sir" I said and he smiled.
"You will be taking part into the Show and there for be selected" He said and I nodded
"Let's go a head and meet them" He said and walked out of his office with me following behind. Maybe the girls will be nice to me? Well I hope so anyway! He walked into the room leaving the door open and I stood to one side where i wasnt visible.
"Good morning guys today there will  be a new contestant. She is a really good potential for this and I'm sure she can keep up with Choreography and everything so you may enter"He said and I walked in to see loads of guys standing there looking at me. I stood next to PD-nim and looked at the ground feeling pressured.
"Introduce yourself" He said and I looked up nervously.
"Hello I'm Lee Haena" I bowed and looked back at the floor.
"Make her feel comfortable and welcomed that's all for today" He said and tapped my shoulders for comfort.
He left the room and I continued looking at the floor. Someone approached me. "Hi I'm Yoo Kihyun"He said offering his hand and I looked up smiling.
I shook his hand and he smiled back.
"There is no need to be nervous I'm by your side okay"He said and I nodded.
"Hi I'm Lee Lee Minhyuk" another guy came up to me and I smiled. Soon enough I had met everyone but I still feel a little nervous because I have just came in after there 1st mission.
We all went back to the dorms and I share with Jooheon, #gun, Minhyuk and Hyungwon (I'm not sure if that's actually the room arrangements but oh well)
I unpacked my stuff and sat on my bed.
"Haena are you okay you look extremely down" Hyungwon asked and I smiled.
"I'm okay" I said and layed on the bed.
"Okay if you need anything I'm right here" He said pointing to the opposite bed. I smiled and the lights went out.
(I'm  being a little lazy so were gonna skip to when I.M entered but you got ranked 3 In most of the challenges)

We all gathered for dinner and I sat by Kihyun since we are really close. PD-nim has just explained that here will be a new member. Kihyun held my hand under the table as he was upset and mad. The new kid walked in and I instantly felt sorry for him since everyone was bad mouthing him. He sat down at the table and everyone was silent. Kihyun started speaking and it sound pretty intimidating if I was I.M. Everyone wasnt happy but i stayed quiet. We got back at the doors and most people ignored him.
"Hi I'm Haena sorry about everyone I guess there just finding it hard you coming in. Have you watched the show?" I said and he looked down.
"Yeah" He said and I smiled a little.
"Hey dont feel down find this on the bright side. You have me so you will be fine. I'm a rapper too so you should be fine" I said and he smiled a little.
"Please don't look down and as I said ignore them" I said and the boys all called me for a kinda little meeting. I left I.M to pack and I walked over to everyone.
"I dont like him"Jooheon said and everyone agreed apart from me.
"Give him a chance okay" I said and they all looked at me.
"I was in his position and it's not nice. Kihyun why cant you be so kind to him and you too Hyungwon you both helped me so be nice to him."I said and #Gun looked at me.
"Since when did you get so nice?" He said and it got me mad.
"Yah Song Gunhee. I'm being serious I may be the youngest but put yourself into his shoes. He is also a rapper as PD-nim said so Yoonho,Jooheon and #Gun we have to help him regardless wether you like him or not we all want to debut the exact same and he is no different so pick yourself up and have so fucking respect towards him cause I will actually loose my shit on you all. Were suppose to be idols not bullies so like i said everyone has a role on making I.M feel comfortable and happy just like how you would feel. And Jooheon I know you rank 1 but I rank 2 right now so look after him and and Kihyun be nice and that goes for everyone" I said and Kihyun looked at me.
"She is right" He said and I smiled.
"Anyway let me check up on him"I said and saw his outside the door.
"You okay I.M?" I Asked and hugged him.
"They will become nicer eventually trust me I cussed them for the first time and I'm not afraid to do it again" I smiled and he smiled back.
"Anyway it's about time we get some sleep so night have a good sleep and if anyone does anything my room is here" I said and he smiled saying night back. I walked onto the room and everyone was still in there.
"Shoo guys. It's time to sleep and if I find out you did anything while I'm asleep you gonna get some"I said and they all scattered into there rooms and we fell asleep.
(Time skip to when they had the challenge and Jooheon and I.M was in the same room)
"Okay so I think we need to touch up on the lyrics a bit"I said and they both nodded.
"Jooheon anything you wanna say"I said and he looked at I.M
"Okay then so I dont know you I.M and you are like replacing Minkyun" he stated
"Yah Lee Jooheon are you trying to put him down" I raised my voice and he rolled his eyes.
"I dont really like you with any of my heart it's weird you are like replacing
(Time skip to when they was told who is to debut and not)
Jooheon was the first announced and my heart is racing.
"Shownu" He was called to debut and got nervous.
"Kihyun" He was called and looked at I.M as he looked down.
"I.M" He looked up in disbelief and he looked at me.
"Wonho" He was called and I lost all hope.
"Hyungwon" He got called and now I'm definitely going home.
"Haena" My name was called up and I smiled out of relief walking up to the stand.
"Minhyuk" His name was called and he stood next to me. I guess this Is the final cut. Once they had said we was going to debut we all hugged eachother and I walked up to Yoonho and #Gun hugging them.
"You too did so well" I said and they both smiled.
"Well done" #Gun said and I smiled.
"No you too welldone  we was in this together dont loose hope I know you can debut you made it this far every company will want you never forget all you have learnt. I promise you will be able to fulfill your dreams still" I said and I left them together and Joined the rest. Jooheon ran up to me and I burst out crying.
"We debuting" I said between sobs. We all so got pulled in a group hug.
