Day 20: Dancing

((The image above belongs to Pugishka from Tumblr.))

America quietly tells Japan to wait in the car as he goes out to look around the area. He starts walking towards the front door while Japan eyes him, watching him quietly unlocking the door as he struggles a bit trying to get it open. Once he got the door to open, America walked back to Japan and opened the door, sticking out a hand for him to hold. Japan took his hand and carefully got out of the car as he looked around his surroundings to see if anyone else was around. All he could see were dark allies and empty houses with small pieces of paper that flew around when the cold air blew, too bleak for his liking.

The two started walking towards the building when Japan stopped at the doorway with his head slightly ducked down, watching America enter by himself. Noticing that Japan isn't following him, America stops walking and turns around to face his nervous boyfriend, wondering what's keeping him from entering the building. "Everything alright, babe?" Japan slightly lifted his head and looks up at America with his mouth slightly open. He takes in a few slow, deep breaths as he tried to find the words he wanted to say. Taking too long to respond, America walks towards Japan and stands beside him. "Are you scared or something?" Japan's eyes shift to the side as he looks around the dark, empty room. The floor sort of creaked as the soft wind blew inside, making it appear like someone's hiding in the dark. He'd rather not enter the room, even if America was brave enough to enter by himself without flinching a little. Just as he was about to speak, America stuck out his hand and gave him a reassuring smile, his eyes twinkling slightly underneath the moonlight. "Here, I gotcha." Japan blushed at the kind gesture and softly chuckled through his nose, nodding his head and holding his hand back as he slowly walked inside the eerie room.

America quietly shut the door behind him and the whole room went pitch black, making it look even creepier than before. Japan's breathing slightly increased as he grew more and more anxious from the dark setting, his heart thumping loudly inside his chest as his eyes quickly scanned around at nothing. He was about to turn around to leave when he accidentally bumped into America, earning a tight hug from the blond man. America chuckled lightly feeling Japan burying his face into his jacket as he gently stroked his black locks with his hand. "Babe, it's okay. You have nothing to be scared of. You got me!" Japan lifted his head, thinking he's looking at America's face and hugs him tight while trying to control his breathing.

"Why did you brought us here? Doesn't this room creep you out at all!?" America stopped stroking Japan's hair and slowly placed his hand by his side, letting it swing gently for a while. Japan's eyes widen slightly as he felt America walking backward, letting him go and leaving his arms stretched out in front of him as he remained hugging empty darkness. He froze in place, afraid to move even a little, as he tensely moved his eyes around to see if he can find at least a bit of light in the creepy room.

Unexpectedly, a bright light turned on and his eyes quickly shut as he brought a hand over his eyes to let them adjust. He glances off to the side and sees America standing next to the front door next to the light switch. Japan furrowed his eyebrows a bit as he wondered why he didn't turn them on in the first place. America's lips formed a small smile as he looked over at Japan, which confused him even more, and signaled his boyfriend with his blue eyes and thin brows to turn around.

Cautiously, Japan slowly turns around and sees a beautifully painted wall on the other side of the room. There were a bunch of pretty pink blossom trees over green hills going off at the distance with a pretty blue sky as little pink petals that fell off the trees formed the words: "Japan, will you marry me?" Japan's eyes quickly teared up as he gasped and covered his mouth with his hands. He's never seen anything so beautiful in his life and he's so blown away right now. From the corner of his eyes, he sees America walking towards him as he pulled out a small black box from his jacket, a small smirk forming over his lips as he got down on one knee. Japan laughed through his hands as he cried happy tears, turning around to face America as he revealed a beautiful diamond ring. Japan's eyes sparkled as he sees the precious gem twinkle brightly whenever the light hits it and falls on his knees. He smiles widely underneath his hands as America hugged him close, gently rubbing his back and his head as he chuckles softly under his breath. After a while, he looks down at Japan and plants a small kiss on top of his head while rocking him slowly to calm him down. "What do you say, babe? Want to spend all eternity with the world's greatest man to ever exist?" Japan chuckled through his hands as he nods his head 'yes,' looking up at America through teary eyes.

"Of course I do!" America smiled widely as he cupped Japan's face and kissed him on the lips. The two kept laughing happily in unison as they gazed deeply into each other's eyes.

"Yes!! Finally, they're getting married!!" The couple quickly turned to a corner of the room and see Prussia walking in as he starts to dance happily, Hungary laughing at the silly Prussian as Korea came in walking from behind. America looked over at Korea and gave him a confused look, asking what they were doing here, as Korea just shrugged and chuckled nervously before speaking.

"Sorry, they wanted to come and see what happens." America looked over at the overly happy Prussian and slightly shook his head, smiling widely as he helped Japan get back on his feet. He took out the ring from the box and gently placed the ring on Japan's finger, looking down at it as he kept admiring the shiny diamond.

"You didn't have to give me an engagement ring. It's really not necessary to have one in my culture."

"Yeah, but I really wanted you to remember this moment, so I thought the ring was a nice gesture." Japan smiled once more and gave America a small kiss on the lips, causing the two to slightly blush even more if possible after the little emotional moment they just had.

Slow music began to play around the room as Korea placed a small boombox at the corner of the room, giving America a small wink and a thumbs up before leaving the room. Seeing they might ruin the moment, Hungary grabbed Prussia by his belt loop and dragged him away from the couple by force. Prussia looked at her in confusion and disappointment as he kept walking backward and heading towards the door Korea just went through, gently closing it as all three quietly peeked through some small holes beside the door. America looked over at Japan with a wide smile and gave him a small bow while taking out his hand for Japan to hold. "May I have this dance?" Japan gave him a wide smile in response as he took his hand in his, nodding his head 'yes' as they walked towards the middle of the room.

The couple stood face-to-face as Japan wrapped his arms around America's while America gently wrapped his arms around Japan's small waist. They slowly began to move their feet as they slowly spun in small circles, smiling happily as they touched foreheads and gazed into each other's eyes. Raising a brow, Japan slightly tilted his head as he let out a small 'hm,' catching the attention of his fiancé.

"What? What is it?"

"Was that video game you bought a long time ago for Korea, by any chance?"

"What? I don't know what you're talking about-"


"Okay, yes. That was for him. The video game was part of the deal we made so he can help me plan this whole thing out."

"D'aw, you're the best."

"Yeah, I know."

Japan chuckled as he heard America say that, giving him a small kiss on the cheek as they kept dancing around the room. America let out a small, happy sigh as he gently stroke Japan's soft cheek, earning a small blush to form underneath his fair skin.

"I love you, Japan."

"I love you too, America."
