Part 13

It's been 10 minutes since Bakugou had started crying, Midoriya wrapped around him and the other two guys just watched. None of them knew what was going on except Bakugou, he was too busy crying and hadn't stopped since.

"I'm going to bring him to the extra bedroom if that's ok with you. I think I need some alone time with him," Midoriya says standing up, the blond still in his arms. The two of them shuffle over to the extra bedroom where Midoriya shuts the door behind them.

From what Midoriya could see, Bakugou was obviously overwhelmed by this new environment. Everything was new to him and he still hasn't had time to adjust, honestly, Midoriya knew that this was going to be hard for him.

"Stay here for a bit, I'm going to be back," Midoriya reassured Bakugou, patting his back. The other man just sniffled and nodded.

Midoriya walked back into the living room where Kirishima and Kaminari sat with worried looks on their faces. "Is he going to be alright?" Kaminari asked looking over at the door.

"Yeah... I think so, it's getting pretty late," Midoriya says, grabbing a bottle of water. "I'm going to help Bakugou into a bath and I think we're going to be spending the night if that's ok with you."

Kirishima frowned slightly while Kaminari just nodded, "Yeah that's totally fine, that's what the extra room's for!"

"Oh well then if you're staying here then I should get going, er I have morning classes tomorrow and I've already stayed up pretty late already," Kirishima explains.

"Yeah, totally. Could you pick me and blondie up from here at noon tomorrow?" He asked, Kirishima just nodded.

"Man, I still can't believe you're back tho," Kirishima says in disbelief, "I missed you so much."

For the millionth time that day Kirishima and Midoriya cried as they hugged each other.

"Well, see you tomorrow then," Midoriya says with a sniffle, I gotta go check back in with Bakugou, I said I'll be right back."

Kirishima and Kaminari said their goodbyes while Midoriya walked back into the guest room. Bakugou sat there silently on the edge of the bed quietly, the tears on his face dried up, his eyes still red and puffy.

"Hey," Midoriya says sitting down next to him, the mattress sinking under his weight. "Do you want to talk about it?" He finally asked after a while.

Bakugou slightly nodded, "Yeah."

"Alright, I'm not going anywhere tonight. Kirishima's already left and Kaminari Is probably going to be fast asleep in a matter of minutes. Midoriya chuckled, "And once Kaminari closes his eyes that's the end of him for the night."

When Midoriya brought up the fact that Kirishima was gone, Bakugou's face slightly lightened. "Fine I'll tell you about it."

"I guess it's kind of hard being here in California now... It's so different from the island and I don't know how everything works," Bakugou says.

Yeah, Bakugou lied, in reality that's only a small part of it. The other part is the jealousy he feels because of Kirishima, he wanted Midoriya all to himself but he's here, having to share it with the buff redhead. He didn't like losing, especially to Kirishima.

Yes, Bakugou hated lying. With a passion. But he didn't really want to tell Midoriya how he really felt. There was a chance that he might be disappointed in him so he kept it to himself.

"I understand, it was a great change and you're still getting used to it. It's just like how I was when I first arrived at the island. It took a long time to get used to you walking around naked," Midoriya says patting his back, the statement made Bakugou kind of chuckle.

Bakugou yawns, stretching his limbs and flopping down on the bed. It was as if he had never been crying in the first place, Midoriya following right along with him. The two men laid on top of bed sheets staring up at the ceiling, Bakugou feeling kind of dizzy from staring at the fan for too long.

"Are you getting tired?" Midoriya asked, flipping over to where he's laying on his stomach.

"Mhm," Bakugou says nodding, "This bed is really soft, it's so much better than what we had back on the island."

Midoriya groans, "I know right. It took way too long for my back to adjust to the lumpy mattress you referred to as a bed."

"You've never told me about that before," Bakugou says, slightly frowning. "You should have told me you felt discomfort from the mattress."

"Yeah but what am you going to do? It's not like you could've changed it, we were in the middle of nowhere remember?"

"Well, yeah you're right," Bakugou snorts, "This place smells really weird, like it's a really unnatural flowery scent."

Midoriya looks around the room knowing exactly what he was talking about, he points over at the air freshener pumping out the "flower scent." Bakugou just walks over to it, "What's this?"

"That's an air freshener," Midoriya says.

"Air freshener?" Bakugou mimics walking over to it.

"Yeah, smell it," he says.

Bakugou bends over but immediately pulls back, a disgusted look on his face. "What the hell was that? That smells terrible! An air freshener? That's more like polluting the air than freshening it."

"I didn't know you knew such a big word," Midoriya says teasing him.

Bakugou just frowned and crossed his arms, "What do you mean by such a big word. Are you teasing me?!"

Midoriya just chuckles as the blond throws a temper tantrum in front of him from the teasing. "Ok! Ok! I'm sorry Baku," He says trying to calm him down.

Midoriya was still surprised that the blond had calmed down so easily. He knew there was obviously something more than what he'd originally said but didn't want to push him. Bakugou was the type of person who likes speaking their mind and he knew for a fact that he hated lying. Maybe he'll come around later and tell him.

He ended up forcing Bakugou to take a bath, leading him over to the bathroom and showing him how everything works.

"So you just turn this and water comes out?" Bakugou asks, examining the faucet. Midoriya just stood behind him nodding, "Yeah, you can turn at angles and it determines the temperature of the water. If you want warm or hot water turn it to the left and if you want cold water you can turn it right."

"Woah, that's really cool!" He leans over, "We barely get warm water. Even in the summer most of the time the water's still pretty cool."

"Mhm, I remember freezing my balls off while sitting in that water," Midoriya says shuddering at the memory. "Well, here. I'll start the bath and explain to you which things you should use to wash yourself." Bakugou was already way ahead of him fumbling with the hair conditioner which was obviously for Jirou.

He walked over to the faucet handle and turned it. Bakugou flinched at the sudden sound but after he got used to the sound he squatted down to examine the water. "So here," Midoriya says holding up the body wash, "This is for your body, you can just scrub it all over yourself."

Bakugou grunted and took the yellow bottle away from him, "I know what this is. I saw it once in one of my old books."

He began to strip down his pants, Midoriya squeezed his eyes shut, "Wait! I swear, you never give me a warning before doing that!"

Bakugou quickly apologized and Midoriya opened the door to leave after explaining the rest of the products and how to turn off the faucet head. "Alright, I'm going to steal fresh clothes from Kaminari and I'll hand it to you when you're done."

The freckled man closed the door behind him and walked over to Kaminari, "You have some clothes that will fit Bakugou?"

Kaminari nodded and walked over to his closet, he pulled out a pair of sweatpants and an oversized T shirt. "I got these a little oversized but I'm pretty sure that it'll fit him." Midoriya walked over to the other closet and took another towel out.

Around 20 minutes later Midoriya knocked on the door to the bathroom, "Hey! Are you done in there? I have fresh clothes and a towel for you."

"You can come in," Bakugou called back.

There was a loud sound that signified that Bakugou had gotten out of the water, Midoriya opened the door with a loud creak, his eyes squeezed shut. He walked over to the tub trying not to slip on any of the water on the floor.

After handing the clothes, Midoriya walked back out of the bathroom and sighed.

Kaminari was right outside right across the hall, he had a smirk on his face, "So does he just not care that you saw him naked?"

Midoriya rolled his eyes, "It's not that, it's just that I'm used to him walking around naked. In fact the first time we met he was fuckin naked!"

Kaminari smiles, "Well I'm really glad that you two got along, just imagine being stuck on an island for almost a year with someone you hate."

"Yeah I couldn't imagine that. But Bakugou's really nice."

"Well yeah. Nice to you. Pretty much everyone else he could care less about them."

Midoriya raised an eyebrow, "What? Really? I never noticed that."

"Yeah, I had a small conversation when we first got back here, he had his eyes on you the whole time. He was a lot nicer than he was to you than to me that's for sure," Kaminari explained with an awkward chuckle.


Bakugou slid the peculiar shirt with a weird pink character on the front. They looked into the mirror and for the first time he got an actual good look of what he actually looked like. It was different from the reflection of the water or the reflection off the car.

When he was done staring at himself in the mirror he finally walked back outside where he was greeted by the side of a giggling Midoriya. His green hair rising up and down, his beautiful freckles moving. He looked so pretty.

"Yeah and when we first met he thought I was a girl!" Midoriya said laughing. Bakugou just pouted.

"Oh, hi Bakugou!" Kaminari says waving, "You two should go to bed now, I should've been in bed a while ago, but I ended up spending extra time talking with Midoriya."

After the other blond disappeared into his room, Midoriya grabbed Bakugou by the hand and dragged him into the guest room. "Well I guess it's time to go to sleep."

Midoriya and Bakugou climbed into bed, out of habit, the blond grabbed the other man by the waist and pulled him close, Midoriya's face buried in his chest. He had gotten so used to sleeping with Midoriya he wasn't sure if he was able to not sleep without him. He always had to be snuggled into his chest for him to be able to fall asleep.

"Bakugou," Midoriya states, pulling himself from his grip. He positioned himself so that he was leaning against the pillow. He held his scarred hand out to touch Bakugou's face. The blond felt his face heat up as his rough, calloused hand touched his cheeks. Midoriya slowly stroked his face, the skin spiky because of the stubble Bakugou had grown out. "If there's anything you want to talk about. You can always tell me. You'll always be my friend no matter what."

Bakugou's heart didn't know whether to swell up by the compliment and the soft ways that he's touching him or whether it should shatter into a million pieces from the fact that he'd just referred to him as just a "friend." All the blond could do was smile, nod and grab onto the hand stroking him.

Midoriya turned over and turned the lamp off so that the room was pitch dark, Bakugou once again wrapped his arms around the smaller man's waist again and pulled him close. Before they knew it they were both sound asleep, Bakugou snoring loudly in the other's ear.


Bakugou was the first one to arise, looking around the room he remembered everything that's happened yesterday. He looked down to see the freckled man he's pining over still asleep.

He got up slowly, sliding his arm from underneath him and got off the bed with a creak. He quietly stepped over to the other door, hoping that he wouldn't wake the sleeping man up. After closing the door behind him, he stalked over to the kitchen where he could hear a small voice. Kaminari was standing by the kitchen counter leaning over it with a bowl and some kind of food Bakugou had never heard about being shoveled into his mouth. His other hand was preoccupied while swiping away at stuff on his phone.

When Kaminari finally noticed the other man in the room he looked up from what he was doing, "Oh good morning Bakugou. What are you doing up this early?" Kaminari asked, looking over to the digital clock that said 6:42 in big numbers.

"What do you mean? I usually get up this early. Mostly because I have to get food for Deku," Bakugou says.

"Deku? Oh wait Deku, that's what you call him. I forgot," Kaminari says, "I'm eating some cereal right now, you want some?" he asked, holding the box of the peculiar food.

"Uhh," Bakugou says, taking the box from him and examining it, "Cocoa puffs?"

"Oh it's chocolate if you wanted to know," Kaminari says.

That's pretty much all you had to say and that got Bakugou's attention. Kaminari scooted next to him and gave him a bowl and spoon which Bakugou just watched confused. He poured the "Cocoa Puffs" into the bowl and took a milk carton and poured milk into it as well. Bakugou knew what milk was, well that's what he assumed that was what it was. Milk had been brought up many times before in his books so he quickly pieced it together.

"Here's a spoon," Kaminari says holding it out. He took it from his hands and looked back down at his bowl.

Not going to lie it tasted great. Kaminari watched as the other blond happily munched on the cereal with a smile on his face. "This is really good," Bakugou says to Kaminari with a spoonful of Cocoa Puffs still stuffed in his mouth.

"Yeah? I'm glad you like it. You seem to really like things chocolate flavored," Kaminari states, Bakugou just nodded his head and continued to shovel down the food.

"Thanks for the food Pikachu," He says.

"Pikachu??" Kaminari cries.

"Yeah you look like whatever that character on Deku's shirt might as well call you that because I already forgot your name," Bakugou states before taking another bite. Offended, Kaminari took a step back. Did he really look like the Pokemon character?

"I don't look like him!" He cries again, "Maybe my hair kind of looks like it but that's pretty much it."

"Yeah, sure," Bakugou snorts.

Kaminari looked back at the clock and realized that it was about time to go to his class. "Well I'm leaving you up to Midoriya. I have to leave for class, please don't use the stove or anything flammable, I want my apartment complex still standing by the time I get back."

Bakugou rolled his eyes. He might have not gotten used to this place but he wasn't fucking dumb. He knew that he shouldn't just mess with anything.

After Kaminari left, Bakugou walked around the house examining everything, he knew not to touch anything afraid that he might break something. Even if he was really curious about everything.

"Good morning Bakugou," came a voice from behind him making him jump. Midoriya must have woken up. He turned around to see the adorable sight of a sleepy Midoriya rubbing his eyes with his hands. "Yeah."

"You eat anything yet," Midoriya says, eyeing the two empty bowls with leftover Coco Puffs. Bakugou just nodded as he walked over to him. Sighing Midoriya walked over to the pantry while Bakugou sat there staring.

He took another box similar to the one with the Cocoa Puffs inside and made himself a bowl of cereal.

"Kirishima's going to be here this afternoon to bring us back to my apartment," Midoriya explained.

Bakugou grumbled at the redhead's name and moved over to the couch.

Midoriya stretched his limbs, "We have like 4 hours until Kirishima comes pick us up, do you want to go take a walk on the beach and look around at the shops nearby?"

That sounded very interesting so Bakugou just nodded his head.

"I'm gonna take some of Kaminari's money, I'll give it back to him later," Midoriya says grabbing a couple bills from inside the drawer and writing a little note on a piece of paper and taping it onto the counter.

Midoriya was now pretty excited because he wanted to show Bakugou around to all his favorite spots. He wanted to bring him to his favorite place to eat and he wanted to impress him.

"Alright let's go," Midoriya cheered, grabbing a jacket from Kaminari's closet, "It's going to be cold though, do you think you'll be fine with just the Patrick Star shirt?"

"Yeah, I think I'll be fine, I've survived many cold nights so this'll be nothing," Bakugou boasts puffing his chest out.

"Alright, whatever you say," Midoriya snorts.

It was still pretty early in the morning when the two men went out, around 7:15. They were both very excited, for two totally different reasons though. Bakugou was excited that he could finally see what it's like to be in the city during the day time, Midoriya was excited to be back in a place he hasn't been in so long. He wanted to show Bakugou all the great places they can visit that's only around 5 minutes away from the apartment.

The nearest beach was a quiet one, well during the mornings and weekdays. Most people are either at work or school and barely anyones there. It's usually the people taking walks or bike rides in the mornings.

Midoriya could see from the distance where all the shops are starting to open. The two of them could hang out until around 11 when Midoriya could drag Bakugou to his favorite sushi restaurant.

Being the oblivious bitch he is, Midoriya didn't even have a second thought when Bakugou grabbed his hand when they were walking. He just let the blond hold his hand not knowing that Bakugou knew exactly what he was doing.

Midoriya looked into the sea, the sun shining on their backs as they both enjoyed the sight in front of them. Even though Bakugou thought the sight next to him was better to look at, he kept his eyes on the boats in front of him. He knew far away was his old home, the home he left, and for good. His home was now with Midoriya, no matter where he went he would follow.

"Let's go over here," says Midoriya cheerfully as he dragged Bakugou over to one of the ice cream shops. It was really early for ice cream, like really early, but Midoriya didn't give a shit. "What's this?" Bakugou asked.

"It's an ice cream shop," Midoriya remembered all the times he used to come here with his friend and with some of the boys he used to go on dates with. He always brought the people closest to him to this place like his stepdad Toshinori. Midoriya was now going to bring Bakugou here.

Bakugou didn't know what that was- well kind of, he's heard of it before. He just shrugged as Midoriya led him over to whatever an "ice cream shop" was.

When they got there, Midoriya opened the door for Bakugou who was kind of upset. He had to shake off his hand to open it for him but walked in front of him. A cold wind washed over the two as they entered the place. The first thing that Midoriya noticed was the Paramore music playing in the background as they approached the cash register.

"Ahh good morni- Midoriya?" A voice asked as a boy walked up to the counter.

Midoriya's eyes widened when he realized it was that one boy. The boy with split dyed hair that he hooked up with around a year ago before he got stuck on the island. They never talked after hooking up in the bathroom though, he wasn't very close to him to begin with and totally forgot about him up until now. Midoriya remembered that he had a girlfriend though, that was one of the reasons he never talked to him afterwards.

"O-oh hi uhhhh," Midoriya felt really bad for forgetting his name.

"Todoroki," He said with a straight face.

"Oh yes Todoroki," He replied, "It's been a while hasn't it."

"Yes, yes it has," says Midoriya looking back at Bakugou who was busy looking up at the menu. "Erm, so how have you been?"

"Oh well, nothing much, the only interesting thing that's happened is that my older brother's back in town. After like 4 years of being missing," Todoroki says. Personally Midoriya thought that was a bit too much information but he didn't say anything.

"O-oh well that's good," Midoriya says putting on a fake smile.

"Oooh they have chocolate ice cream," Bakugou finally says after a while when it catches his eye. Midoriya tried his best not to giggle at Bakugou's new obsession with chocolate. Todoroki's eyes land on the mysterious blond that he's never seen before.

"So, what are you guys doing here at 7 in the morning?" Todoroki asked.

"Well isn't obvious, we're here to get ice cream?"

"Alright then," Todoroki looked over at the blond who was now scowling on his face staring at him. He quickly looked away uncomfortably not knowing what he did wrong.

"Why the hell's your hair like that?" The blond finally said with a sneer looking him up and down.

"Hey! Don't say that," Midoriya says quickly.

"What? I'm just saying why the hell would someone dye their hair half white and half red?" Bakugou's red eyes glanced over to a slightly upset Midoriya.

"Well actually I didn't dye this. I was born with it." Todoroki said with a neutral tone.

It was now Midoriya's turn to be confused, "Wait, it's not dyed?"

Todoroki nodded.

"That's weird but really cool at the same time. Um, Baku what do you want?" He asked over his shoulder.

"I was the chocolate ice cream," Bakugou states, not taking his eyes off Todoroki.

"Alright, I'll have a scoop of rocky road and a scoop of chocolate ice cream. Erm, both in cups," Midoriya says, taking the borrowed money out of his pocket. He fumbled with it and gave Todoroki a 10 dollar bill.

Bakugou rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. He walked over to one of the tables and sat down. Out of the corner of his eye he could see someone looking through the window of the swinging doors in the back. He could only see a part of the person, what he could see was another man. A man with icy blue eyes and pitch black hair, he seemed to be staring right at Midoriya, it was kind of creepy since he didn't seem like he was going to blink.

Creeped out, Bakugou looked down at the table. Midoriya cheerfully walked over with two cups in his hands, "Finally you can try ice cream. Don't eat too fast or else you're going to get a brain freeze."

"A-alright," said Bakugou, taking the cup from his hand. The uneasy feeling still in his chest at the memory of the weird man behind the door.

"Are you ok?" He looked up to see Midoriya with a worried expression.


Hi guys im back, I finally finished my other story so im going to start updating this one frequently again. I hope yall like the 4,000 worded chapter.
