Chapter 3 ๐ŸŒ™

12:12 am

"The way the stars compliment the moon's beauty is really astounding huh?", you said as you looked up at the night sky.
"I don't care about the shitty moon", Bakugo replied.
You looked at him "You're not even looking at it-", you replied
"I don't care to look at it", he replied to you.
"Look at it", you replied.
"No", he replied.
"Ugh just look!", you said and took your hand and tilted his head up so he could look at the sky.
"It's pretty right??", you questioned.
All you got in response was a death glare from Bakugo "never do that again" he said.
"Or what", you scoffed
"Or I'll-"
"Shhhhh do you hear that?", you cut him off.
"I don't hear anything", he replied
"Exactly. Keep it that way", you said and smiled at him.
He let out a deep breath "I'm way too tired for this shit. Whatever", he replied to you.
His reply made you surprised.
It was like his lack of sleep and him being tired made him more calm than his usual angry state. It was clear that he was worn out. This was new and it made you think that maybe it wouldn't be so bad hanging out with him at night because the chances of him blowing you up wouldn't be so high.

"Can I ask you something?", you asked him suddenly.
"You'll still ask even if I said no", he replied.
"Just be grateful that I asked okay", you replied and rolled your eyes.
"What is it?", he replied.
"Why do you wanna be a hero?", you asked him, curious to know as to why he wanted to be a hero when he gave of the vibe of a maniac or villain.
"Because I want to show these shitty heros how it's done and that I'm gonna surpass all might." He replied then yawned right after.
"Oh, that's... an expected response coming from you to be honest."
"What about you?", he questioned you.
"You're actually interested about why I wanted to become a hero?", you replied with a shock expression on his face but it soon changed to a disappointed one when you heard his reply.
"Yeah. I want to know why would an extra like you wanna be a hero anyways. To embarrass yourself?"
"And here I was starting to think you're not half bad but you just had to fuck it up. Anyways I wanted to become a hero because growing up I always saw how happy everyone would get when they saw them or how many lives they saved and that really inspired me to aim to be just like them if not even better so I can make people feel safe ya know?", you replied.
"Oh okay", he dryly replied.
"That's your response?!", you replied.
"What did you want me to say? "That's so noble l/n you're so amazing" as if", he replied.
"Whatever not like your opinion matters", you replied.
"Mhm yeah", he replied.
'What is wrong with this guy.'

You decided to change the topic.
"I'm hungry do you wanna get something to eat in the kitchen as well?", you questioned.
"Okay", he replied and you both headed downstairs to go to the kitchen.


In the kitchen you were in the mood for chips so you decided to get some. The chips were located in the cupboard so you took out a bad, but to your suprise another one fell out but before you could try to catch it, Bakugo caught it.
"Nice reflexes", you said to him a tad bit shocked with how fast he moved to catch the bag.
"Thanks", you heard him say under his breath.
'Wait did he just thank me? Very unusual of him but- okay', you thought to yourself.
'It's like one minute he's calm and the other he's rude, why is this guy so difficult?', you also thought to yourself.

The rest of the way the both of you walked back in silence.
Upon entering the roof top again, you felt that the atmosphere was now cold.
"It's pretty cold we shouldn't stay here", you said to Bakugo.
"Yeah you're right", he replied.
You both then made your way back to the common room.
You then plopped down on the couch and then layed down and Bakugo sat on the sofa across from you.
"Ugh there's nothing to do", you said, boredom emitting from your voice.
"What can we do Bakugo?", you also said.
"There is something we can do but don't be a nerd about it",
This perked your attention.
"What is it?", you said as you got up from laying down and sat up.
"Just follow me", he replied and got up and exited the main room to go outside to which you followed.
"Outside? You aren't planning to murder me are you?" You dramatically said.
"Maybe I am", he replied in a serious tone. That raised your attention.
"What? You're joking right?", you nervously replied.
"Right?", you questioned again.
"No", he said and stopped walking then turned to face you.
You quickly got into a fighting stance.
"I'm joking you're such an idiot", he replied and bonked you on the head.

"Ow" you replied and pouted.
"Well I didn't know you had a sense of humor hmph", you said and folded your arms.
"You really thought I'd murder you then?" He questioned while the both of you were still walking.
"Well yeah you're a maniac after all", you replied and shrugged.
"So I'd just go around killing people then?", he replied
"Yes. Mr. Lord explosion murder", you replied emphasizing on the word murder.
"Fair enough", he replied.
"See now you're agreeing!" You replied.
"Shut up!", he replied.
"No you! We've been walking for ages", you whined.
"How do you expect to be a hero if you're so lazy?!" She shouted at you.
"Shhh everyone is asleep!" You shouted back.
"You're shouting too dumbass!", he shouted back at you.
"Oh wait I am haha", you replied realizing that you were shouting as well.
"We're here moron", he said.
"The west wing of UA? Why are we here?", you asked raising a brow as you both entered the building that was infront of you two.
"Tch just be quiet and follow me, you're annoying", he replied as you both walked down a hallway.
"Yet you choose to stay awake with me every night", you confidently said.
"That's because I can't sleep dumbass", he replied.
"Me too you're not special", you replied and rolled your eyes.
He made a 'tch' sound in response and opened a door that revealed to be a music room filled with instruments.
You instantly got happy but then confused.
"A music room? Why did you bring me here? And if we play any instruments wouldn't it be heard?", you questioned him.
"No, no one's gonna be able to hear with how far the dorms are from here so we're good. And also don't you like to play piano?". He said raising a brow.
You couldn't help but feel a bit shocked.
"How did you know that?", you replied.
"You did play the piano at the talent show last year and you mentioned that you loved to play piano back then." He replied with his serious regular expression.
"You remembered that?", you replied now completely shocked at the fact that Bakugo remembers something about you.
"Well yeah you play pretty well why wouldn't I?", he replied in the same serious expression.
"D-did you just compliment me?", you stuttered out being completely flabbergasted.
"Why are you like this?", he replied in a calm tone.
Which just about made you too shocked for the night for your own good.
You then recollected yourself and sat at the piano.
"I wonder what I should play?", you softly said to yourself.
You then decided that you'd play fรผr Elise by Beethoven.

Music filled the room as you played the first half of the song. Bakugo just sat in a chair and watched as you beautifully played the melody along the piano.
You finished playing the music on the piano.
"Thanks Bakugo", you said
"For what?", he replied
"For bringing me her tonight duh", you replied.
"Oh don't mention it. We should be heading back now though", he replied.
"Okay let's go", you replied
'He's definitely a different person at night', you thought to yourself.


You both walked up the steps to enter the dorms but you turned around to tell Bakugo something but unfortunately you missed a step. You were about to fall but Bakugo caught you by suprise, stopping you from falling. "Watch your step stupid", he said to you, his voice tone now more sleepy like and raspy with this face relatively close to yours.
"R-right thanks", you stuttered out feeling your face heating up. 'This is the second time I stuttered tonight this is not like me what the hell',ย  you thought to yourself.

If I'm being honest Idk where this fanfic is going but yk I gots to see it though my guy ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿค๐Ÿฅฒ
Remember to vote on chapters and stay hydrated <3
