Doctor POV

"With every new place comes a new adventure," (y/n) sighed happily.

A thought suddenly popped into my head. I turned to (y/n) with a smile.

"That's the spirit!" I said.


I moved to sit by her, setting my drink down.

"How would you like to travel with me? Through time and space! Seeing worlds you've never imagined! Meeting people who you never thought you'd meet!"

I had been traveling alone for some time now and (y/n) seemed like the perfect person to have as a companion.

"You mean, you and I, flying around in a blue police box? Going anywhere at anytime? With the possibility of being chased by killer aliens?"

"And so much more."

Her (e/c) eyes sparkled.

"I'm in."

"Off we go then!"

I got up and grabbed my trench coat, throwing it over my arm. (y/n) grabbed her phone, tucking it into her pocket.

With one last thought, I grabbed the photo album off her desk. (y/n) gave me a questioning look.

"So you can mark our adventures," I said before going into the TARDIS.
