6 | gray clouds


Lily had a rule where if she wanted to go to a party, Iya has to go or if not, she would have to video call her father and ask for permission.

"Ugh. Lily, why can't you just break the rules for once, i don't wanna go to your sister's dorm." Marlene complained as she followed her friend to the Ravenclaw common room.

Lily narrowed her eyes at Marlene, "You're just scare of Iya. that's all, dont worry Marls, she doesn't bite." the redhead chuckled as Marlene muttered a 'i heard she does'

They opened her dorm to spot Iya reading a book while she had her headphones on, Lily rolled her eyes and walked over to her to take it off.

"What do you want, woman!" Iya yelled, startled as she was really feeling the music she was listening to.

"Call with Dad, pull out your tablet." Lily said quietly, her sister rolled her eyes and grumpily grabbed the tablet under her bed.

The tablet started ringing and Richard and Margarets face quickly lightened up.

"Where are you going?" Richard frowns at Lily who wore a red dress that signifies she was going to a party.

"Daddy, i'm going to a party at our common room, I'm going with my friend, Marlene.." Lily explains pulling Marlene over so she could say hi.

Marlene raised her eyebrows at Richard's very close face to the tablet and waved.

"Is Iya coming?"


"Then, you're not going." Margaret answered quickly as Lily gasped and looked at Iya.

"IYA, please! Gryffindor parties are the best, Plus, i never go to it, pleaseee Amos is going to be there!" Lily whispered the Amos part a little bit quieter, begging her sister, shaking her arms, and even hugging her so she could persuade her.

"Marlene? What is a gryffindor?" Richard asked the blonde who scratched the back of her head about to speak when Iya appeared on the frame.

"Gryffindor parties are always filled with alot of people from all the houses, and a lame excuse for sexual orientation and getting drunk out of their asses in hopes of distracting themselves from their — "  Iya starts yapping once again, not being able to contain herself.

"Meaningless consumer - driven lives." Lily and even Marlene finished for her making her scoff, almost laughing.

Lily pulled her out of the frame and sighed, "Li, can you just please be my sister tonight? Please do this for me, just this once." she begged her genuinely making Iya press her lips in a thin line.

"Fine, i'll go."

Lily looked at Marlene and the two started hugging Iya, squealing, Richard looked suprised and gulped. "Oh dear, Iya. get it out."

Iya raised her eyebrows and got out a box that said 'For Emergencies' She pulled out a vest and put it on Lily who scrunched her nose in disgust.

Marlene couldn't help but contain her laughter as she eyed Lily wearing a cotton vest that had big tits and a big belly.

"If you ever think about kissing a boy, imagine you look like this, pregnant at 16." Richard warned Lily who exhaled and nodded.

Iya rolled her eyes and went closer to her tablet, "We're gonna go now!" Richard put up a finger making her stop.

"No drinking, No kissing, No — "

Liyana Evans ended the call.

"Let's go, Lils." She said and opened her door, only to be met with Sirius Black holding a bouquet of red tulips.

"What are you doing here?" Iya smiled at him as she eyed down the tulips he was holding.

"Pick you up, right?" He raised his eyebrows and looked at her outift choice. "Well, guess we're matching." He smirked making her giggle.

"Whatever, you copied." She joked walking past him, Sirius looked at Lily who was yelling at Marlene to take it off her.

"Lily's pregnant?"

Iya roamed around the common room, bouquet in hand as Sirius shamelessly followed her around, a girl bumped into him and grabbed his face, "Kiss me!" she yelled making Sirius raise his eyebrows. "Kiss him." He pushed her to a random guy who thanked him.

Sirius then looked ahead and realized he lost Iya, he quickly went around to find her.

"Looking hot tonight, babygirl."

Iya looked at her right and saw Amos Diggory checking her out, she gasped and looked at his forehead.

"Wait, what? Did your forehead just get bigger?" She said before smiling at him sarcastically and walking away. Amos followed her and leaned on a door frame to stop her from going away.

"Where do ya think you're going?"


She turned to look behind her if Sirius was there to save her, but sadly he was not.

"Is Lily here?" He asked making her look at him and send him a glare. "Stay away from her."

"Oh, I will. But I don't think she could get herself to stay away from little old me, eh, Evans?" He wiggled his eyebrows, walking closer to her as she scrunched up her face in disgust.

Amos then walked away as he heard a fight was occuring, making alot of people bump into Iya as she looked at them weirdly.

Meanwhile, Sirius was going crazy as he searched for Iya and finally he spotted her, running to her as he let out an exhale.

"Hey, there you are! I've been looking all over our common room for ya, princess." Sirius says panting as he watches her get a shot of tequila and down it.

She coughed and held her chest making his eyes widen, "Woah there, Evans!" He supported her back making her swat it away.

"I'm getting drunk, Black, this is one of the parties where they actually bring alcohol. Peace!" Iya then leaves him scratching the back of his neck, stressed for the first time.

James had been looking everywhere for Lily, when he spotted her, she came laughing and was walking towards him.

"Oh, Lily W-wow you look amazing.." James blurted out making Marlene raise her brows and look at him up and down, judging him.

"Uh.. Hi, James, thank you." Lily says blushing, failing to contain her smile, that made her date rush towards her and swing an arm around her shoulder.

"She does, doesn't she Potter?" Amos winks at James who furrows his eyebrows and watches them go to a room.

"I'll see you around, Alright?" Lily says to James giving him a smile before walking away with Amos who gave him a smug look.

James felt sad and frowned, he and Lily were just getting somewhere and now Amos Diggory was ruining it.

Iya was drinking her 6th shot of tequila, Sirius spotted her and ran towards her, noticing how she was drunk as hell.

"Why don't you let me drink this one, Iya?" Sirius says looking at her, She was getting another shot of tequila making her groan, "No, it's mine!" She says running off somewhere

Sirius closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead when Music started playing, he turned his head and saw Iya standing on a table.

"Whooo, Go!" Amos said running over to watch her dance, she swayed her hips and went down, Iya flicked her hair and spun herself.

Lily excused herself as she went to look at who was dancing, It was... her sister?!

The redhead frowned and went to find James or someone else to help her.

Iya then bumped herself on a chandelier, she then fell right into Sirius's arms making everyone cheer her on.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

He then let her go and when she stood up she started falling again making him catch her.

"Okay, let's go." He says grabbing James's invisibility cloak from his inner coat placing it on both of them, guiding her to the Astronomy Tower to sober up.

He had his right arm snaked her waist and her arm around his shoulder, guiding her slowly as he shushed her when she yelled out random words.

"Ugh. Why are you doing this?" Iya questioned him as they both sat down. "Because you might have a concussion." Sirius pats her head

"Yoy don't care if i die."

"Sure i do."


"Because then, i'd have to ask out girls who actually like me."

"Pleaseee, go on then i don't care."


Sirius watched her giggle and stop, she then started to fall down the floor making him catch her quickly.

She giggled again and rested her head on the wall, Iya then started to close her eyes when Sirius scooted closer and cup her face.

"Iya, don't do this, Wake up! Iya, Wake up!" Sirius says lightly slapping her cheeks to get her to wake up, Iya then slowly opened her eyes and admired his face.

"You have eyes that look like little gray clouds."

Sirius smiled at her comment, no one told him that before. But, his smile was cut short as Iya then started falling again, he catched her once again.

"Alright, let's get you to your common room."

mara speaks

i have a IyaJames chapter in mind 😎

also im spoiling you all with chapters today
