Day 8

We went to a coffee shop.

"I ordered our drinks." You said

"You didn't even know what I want..."

"I know....I am married to you." You said smiling

I giggled.

How cute...

I sat down and you sat next to me.

"I was thinking tomorrow maybe should we go to the mall."You said

"Good idea"

"By the way, you remember this place?"

I smiled, of course I will remember the place we kissed for the first time.

"Well I do, but do you really remember what happened here?" I asked

"I have a good memory! We came here and you talked about how much you wanted to buy a present for your best friend for his birthday."

"You got jealous..It was so cute."

"You looked so passionate who wouldn't be jealous?! MY girlfriend was excited to buy a present for ANOTHER GUY during a DATE and she was so CONCENTRATED to find the perfect idea that she didn't even NOTICE that her BOYFRIEND was getting MAD."

"Stop yelling. You're so loud!" I said exaggerating

You pinched my cheeks and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

Now you confuse me.... You said you wanted a divorce and now you kiss me ?

I wanted to say something but you cut me by taking a sip of my hot chocolate.

"Hey!" I hit your shoulder

"Hey what? I wanted to try yours."

"...But we have the same drink..."

You looked at me blankly.

You look very funny with this cute confused expression.

"No wonder it tasted the same...."

"Oh my lord! Taehyung you're the one who bought the drinks!"

"You distracted me!"

"Excuse meee?!"

"You are a real distraction..."

I blinked.

What does that mean?

I do feel happy but..Was it meant the way I hope it was?

"Your beauty is distracting my mind."

My eyes became blurry.

You make it difficult for me..very difficult.

You smiled and kissed me.

I know I shouldn't but I kissed back wrapping my arms around your neck.

I could feel your smirk on my lips.

This is not a good way to get over you.

I am sure your next girlfriend will be happy to have you.

You're a big present, a fantastic lottery that I won once.

You wrapped your strong arms around my thin waist and we broke our kiss due to the lack of oxygen.

"You taste like chocolate." Was all I could say.

"Duh." You answered before kissing my nose

I smiled.

A beautiful smile.

A smile you used to see everyday when we were madly in love.

When I didn't have to think about the fact that I will be alone ,without you, without your presence with me.

When I just wondered if tomorrow again I will have the taste of your beautiful lips.

I am sorry Taehyung even if I try. I just can't stop falling in love with you...

End of Day 8
