Ch9: "Displaying Dominance"

After the private talk Mr.Kim had with the officer, Taehyung and I were good to go. I didn't know what the conversation was about, and I didn't dare to ask, but I knew that Kim Namjoon had his ways through everything.

Of course I was scolded by my boss. Even though he can be kind sometimes, he takes his job seriously. His words from a few minutes ago are still fresh in my mind, repeating like a broken record.

"No one in my company has gotten him or herself in such trouble until now. When I assigned you this research, I did because I thought you were trustworthy. Obviously, you prove me wrong, Min Hanseol, and that means that you can't go on with this research. The hybrid will be written under the company's name from now on, and he'll be assigned to someone else."

After again begging him to leave Taehyung with me and let me continue the research, he agreed but gave me only one more chance. That was more than enough for me.

Taehyung, however, wasn't there when I was being yelled at, and I'm glad he wasn't, because one, it would he humiliating and he wouldn't stop mocking me, and two, he has no idea about him being the company's project.

Kim Namjoon forbade me from telling Taehyung about it, because in his opinion, Taehyung would then try to prove me wrong and act differently just so that I'm not done with my research, and knowing Taehyung, he would.

So here I am, watching the numbers rise slowly as the elevator goes up towards my apartment.

Taehyung is standing beside me, and he hasn't said a word ever since we left the police station.


The elevator comes to a halt, and the doors slide open. I step out and Taehyung follows, his hands tucked in his sweatshirt's pockets as he unamusingly looks around the hallway.

Two figures emerge from the other side of the hallway, coming out from the apartment right next to mine, and it takes me no time to recognize them.

Jungkook is the first to notice me, and a huge smile grows on his face. I smile back and fasten my pace, but my heart stops for a moment when I hear a low growl behind me.

I stop in my tracks and look over my shoulder at Taehyung, who's now glaring at the two figures approaching us.

I gulp and avert my gaze to the two other guys, and before I can manage to say or do anything, I'm engulfed in a warm hug by a child in the body of an adult rabbit hybrid.

Jungkook tightens his arms around my waist, my feet now barely touching the ground.

"I missed you," His voice comes out muffled, and I'm too in panic to hug back or reply.

He senses something wrong, pulls away and looks at my face with a worried expression.

"Are you okay, noona?" He asks, cupping my face with his big hands. Another growl emits from behind me, and Jungkook looks up.

His eyes lock with Taehyung's and for a split second, I think I feel Jungkook's hands shake.

He doesn't move from his place whatsoever, and keeps the eye contact firm. His face is blank, he just stares, and I'm pretty sure Taehyung, who's behind me, is glaring.

I hear Taehyung take a slow step behind me, and Jimin comes just in time, yanking Jungkook's hands away and pulling him to stand behind him.

"Oh, Hanseol," Jimin says in fake surprise. "Very nice to see you here. Jungkook and I were just going grocery shopping. See you later."

He gives me a small knowing smile and walks away with Jungkook whose head is now turned back and his eyes still in Taehyung's.

I hold Taehyung's arm and start pulling him towards the apartment, but he still glares until Jungkook breaks the eye contact first, turning his head away right before he steps in the elevator and goes out of sight.

Taehyung's low growling stops, and his body relaxes in satisfaction.

"What was that?" I ask in a huff as I pull Taehyung with me.

He pulls his arm out of my grip and walks beside me down the hallway.

"Why were you growling at him? Showing who's the strongest?" I mumble as I unlock the apartment's door.

"It's called displaying dominance, Hanseol," He says with a sigh.

I roll my eyes as I walk in, Taehyung following. "You don't even need to. He's a bunny hybrid, he's no dominant over a dog. A Code Red at that."

Taehyung merely shrugs and walks away. I click my tongue and look away, replaying Taehyung's words in my head until I realize.

I smile widely and run after Taehyung.

"You called me by my name!" I yell in excitement.

"Maybe because it's your name, unintellectual!" He yells from the other side of the corridor.

I walk back to the living room and throw myself on the couch, falling with a satisfied 'oof'. I close my eyes and lean back.

Maybe it won't be that hard.
