To be free with you | Albedo Fanfiction

To be free with you | Albedo Fanfiction

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Category: Fanfiction
Vortex yearns to be free from the organisation that savagely raised her and the woman who held her identity captive. When the opportunity arises, she flees to the city of Mondstadt where her uniqueness draws in the attention of a curious stranger. However, the danger she poses to herself and her peers prevents her from achieving the freedom she so desires.


Not everything in this story will be true to the game. Some things have been modified for convenience.

Themes of war, blackmail, parental abuse.

Reader convenience:
Feel free to substitute "Vortex" for your own name and her pronouns for your own.
Her described appearance in part two will later become relevant to the plot though if you'd like to change her appearance to look more like yourself, go ahead. Just bare in mind her apparel becomes significant later on.

It may take a while to upload a new part. It takes a while to come up with each scenario and have each part lead to the next big plot point so please be patient.

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Jak naprawdę wygląda życie?.

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flashback (poem/story writing)

"We lie if we never have dark and sad times.""We don't know what is going to happen in our lives, and we are there for a reason. We are born already crying loudly from the beginning; therefore, there will be a lot of things or life tests that will bring a lot of tears."Reveal the mind of a young man and then type it in his cellphone note. A man with an open mind, he is a poet and also a songwriter. He always wrote down what was on his mind in preparation for his work. The album tells the story of his life experiences, which he set forth in this new album. The man wrote down the words little by little and arranged them into beautiful stanzas. All of that was contained in one album and became that album, which started with the title '17."

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