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just read the title atp 🤷

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What is drawn butter? How drawn butter is cooked?

What is drawn butter? Drawn butter is a dairy product, which is alms or similar to melted butter. Drawn butter is not used as ghee or butter, it is used for making ghee sauce. Chefs use drawn butter for making ghee dip or ghee sauce. Therefore, they use fresh lemon juice with melted utter or melted clarified butter. Butter contains lactose and casein, which is not safe for the consumption of lactose or casein-intolerant people. Use of clarified butter for making the dip is always a safer choice no matter if you are diary allergic or not. Drawn butter is cooked from regular unsalted butter. You have to slow cook unsalted regular butter against slow-medium flame. During the boiling process the lactose and casein content of the butter gets removed along with the moisture in the butter. The pure butterfat gets eliminated and that is clarified butter.Now what is drawn butter? When you get filtered clarified butter from ghee residues, you have to add fresh lemon extract in it. The lemon extract mixed clarified butter is used as drawn butter for making ghee sauce. Now you can recognize what is drawn butter and how does it differ from ghee clarified butter or butter. It is wise to use clarified butter for making drawn butter. Grass-fed clarified butter is the best option for its food uses. For example, you may try Milkio grass-fed ghee for your cooking without the risk of dairy allergy. Milkio ghee products are verified non-GMO, Halal and Kosher certified. [If You Wish to partner with us to Import/Buy/Distribute/Trade Our Milkio Ghee products, or for developing Private label ghee products, or contract ghee manufacturing support, Please Feel Free To Contact Us Via Our Email, We Will Be In Touch With You Within the next 48 Hrs.]Read more :

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