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Assassin's Society

'Objective Dead' I said to my boss through clenched teeth. My boss nodded and disappeared like thin air as if he was never there.I walked out of the alley and went straight home only to meet my little sister on the couch sleeping peacefully so me being a good sister I carried her upstairs and tucked her in. I went downstairs to watch some TV there was nothing good on so I went upstairs to call it a day and went to sleep with a nice feeling.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Her name is Scarlet Daylight, she gets bullied at school and is the schools nerd, but after school she is known as 'Stacey De La Night'. Her past is like the deleted scenes from movies. She has a little sister called Sofie Daylight she is known 'Sage De la Day'. They aren't actually sisters but act like they are since Scarlet did save her. Scarlet is 18 and is in her last year in high school while Sophie is 14 starting high school. Sophie's thinks her past is like treasure but its more like a nightmare. Follow Scarlet on her journey called 'Assassin's Society',I mean she is someone you don't want to mess with.Updated 6/10/16 Ill try to update daily if not at least once a week.ON HOLD

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