Supernatural JR. Campfire Stories

Supernatural JR. Campfire Stories

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Category: Fanfiction
"Saving People, Hunting things,
The family Business."
"They were a family of hunters, but not the kind of hunters that you might find out in the woods, no, the Winchester family hunted things that most people only read about in story books; things that would make you shudder."
After spending most their entire lives on the road, Sam and Dean Winchester, hope that their move to a small mountain town will give them the dream life that they've always wanted. But not long after they settle in, it seems the monsters are knocking on their doors, leaving the boys to fend for themselves, while their dad goes off on yet another "hunting" trip.
After Sam, becomes upset and makes a rash decision, the boys find themselves in the midst of their own Monster crisis that has plagued the mountains for centuries before it became nothing but a simple Campfire story. Sam and Dean realize that it's on their shoulders to save themselves, the camp and maybe even the town. But can the Winchester boys stand against something so ancient and evil without the help of their father

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