Saved Me

Saved Me

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Category: Fanfiction
Clay and Sapnap, two of the popular guys who can only think about girls, alcohol and drugs... However, the life of the popular Clay is a little bit different than expected. Daily torture, pain and a deep secret are the things that are breaking him more and more.

George has a disease called "osteogenesis imperfecta" which causes his bones to break very easily. After tenths of bone breaks, multiple surgeries and even bullies who purposely break George's bones, he starts getting more and more hopeless...

The two meet in an unexpected way, everything seems to get better. Right? Until the torture escalates more and more and there doesn't seem to be a way out anymore...

-Usage alcohol/cigarettes and drugs (underaged)
-Bullying (physical abuse leads to bone breaks)
-Torture (burning/pinching/severe abuse)
-Suicide attempt (overdose/drowning)
-Homo/transphobia/sexism (F-slur)

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