Saiki K Meets Komi Can't Communicate

Saiki K Meets Komi Can't Communicate

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Category: Fanfiction
(I did not finish watching kcc when I wrote this so its not really a crossover. more like Saiki figures out how to get back to the saiki k universe, sorry to disappoint ig)

7.2K :DDD

Komi Can't communicate Is an anime about 1 Average guy with 1 girl trying to speak.

Saiki k is an anime about 1 guy with supernatural powers trying to as averagely as possible get through high school with a bunch of morons.

What if those 2 Animes met?

UPDATE Dec 5th:
- New Cover
- Editing Old Writing

#1 in komi on Aug 7th 2022 (TYSM aHHHHH)
#1 in yamai on Aug 8th 2022 (im sorry what)
#3 in komicantcommunicate on Aug 25th 2022 (I dont deserve this)
#2 in kineshi on Aug 29th 2022 (dang)
#7 osana on Aug 29th 2022
#2 in Kusuo on Sep 9th 2022 (TF)
#1 in Tadano on Dec 5th 2022 (UM THANKS)
#30 in Saiki on Apr 18th 2023 (I- I- I- TY)

- Angst
- Teruhashi
- Saiki's power reveal
- and a lot of angst
- I'm not kidding there's a lot of angst
- seriously
-Komi talks (not clickbait)

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