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The Babysitter (Age Regression Story)

About a woman who is 30, she has a little, who is 26 but regresses to 1-3. The woman started back to work and needed a babysitter, She went through so many interviews with the babysitters until she found the right one for her little one, or so she thought. weird stuff started happening with her little one, bruises, nightmares, bedwetting, Her little one had to ask and the woman never made her little one ask. Will they be able to escape from 'The Babysitter'? Read to find out! ~ love you guys :)~Auther note~ Thank you for reading this is my first Thriller/suspense book.
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Same religion, different ethnicity! This story practically revolves around the relationship between two culturally different persons, and the challenges they faced in getting the approval of their parents in their inter-tribal marriage.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Manal Usman is 21 years old and has just finished her NYSC program. She's the daughter of Usman Maidoki, the district head of Unguwan Doki. Her father is widely known for his tribalism and prejudice, thus no one in their family is allowed to marry someone outside their ethnicity, Hausa.Idris Abdulmalik is a 28-year-old Pharmacist working with one of the public hospitals in Kano. His mother is Igala from Kogi State and his father is Nupe from Niger State. They have been living in Kano for nearly two decades now...•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• This is outrightly not a true life story but a product of my own imagination. Hence, any resemblance to an actual event is a mere coincidence. However, you should know that the locales are a combination of reality and whims. Read more by adding this book to your library. Thank you. Dedicated to Haulat S. Adamu (Rest In Peace)
Lucy's accidents

This is the story of how ten year old girl Lucy started having accidents and then wearing diapers.
The Gaang reacts

So they basically just react to random things may it be about ships, fan art, fan fics and a whole bunch of stuff so check it out.Also if you have suggestions you are free to Private message me on wattpad or just place it on my comment section.ENJOYYYY!!!!
Dedaun Hijau Di Angin Lalu-Manaf Hamzah

TAJUK: DEDAUN HIJAU DI ANGIN LALUPENULIS: MANAF HAMZAHISBN: 978-967-15574-3-3HARGA: RM35 SM/ RM38SSBLURB:INTAN dibesarkan dalam suasana penuh ranjau di sebuah pulau. Kelahirannya diselubungi tanda tanya dia dipandang hina oleh orang kampung kerana dianggap seorang anak luar nikah. Namun Intan sentiasa bersabar dan terus berusaha untuk menjadi seorang yang mempunyai pekerti yang baik.ASSAD pula seorang doktor muda yang berasal daripada keluarga berada di tanah besar. Sungguhpun begitu, dia sering berhadapan dengan tipu daya sehingga dia tidak mudah mempercayai ketulusan hati orang lain dan adakalanya dia memilih untuk bersikap sinis, hingga ada yang terluka dan kecewa.Takdir telah menemukan dua insan yang datang daripada berlainan arah. Malangnya, pertemuan itu dinodai fitnah orang. Intan dan Assad dipaksa bersatu dalam ikatan perkahwinan yang tidak diingini.Lantaran itu Assad meragui ketulusan isterinya, dia menganggap Intan hanya layak dilayan seperti orang gaji."Disebabkan pernikahan ni tanpa kerelaan aku, aku takkan anggap kau isteri aku. Kau hanya layak jadi orang gaji di rumah aku saja... Paling penting, kau harus ingat, di rumah aku nanti kau mesti panggil aku tuan atau encik. Faham?" - AssadSedangkan Intan yang serba naif tetap menjalankan tanggungjawabnya sebagai seorang isteri sebaik mungkin. Begitulah kehidupan mereka suami isteri. Dalam kelam-kabut, musuh Assad pula berusaha memasukkan jarum halusnya.Dan kehidupan Intan terus dilanda dengan pelbagai rintangan dan bahaya yang mampu menggugat kemampuannya. Dapatkah dia bertahan demi mengecap kebahagiaan yang diimpikan? Atau dia akan rebah jua dan hilang pertimbangan? Berapa lamakah dia sanggup menerima layanan buruk suaminya? Dan selama manakah mampu suaminya membina benteng keegoan diri?
To The Moon and Back

A collection of sweet and lovable romantic Pakistani short stories.Enjoy!#1 in Lahore out of 9000+ stories*please note that I will update whenever I want!*

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