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Ummi why do you despise me so much? Is it because of my condition? Ummi I didn't make myself blind. Allah made me who I am and it's not because he loves my siblings and doesn't love me. Ummi if I should accept my condition as qadr why can't you?Affan I hate you, you are blind. You can't see the world. You bring bad luck to the family. You are worthless. Why do you keep pursuing your career? Blind men shouldn't hope to become a better person. You should stay at home eat, sleep and stop thinking of living like normal humans do. You don't have a future.Affan, I will never accept what happened to you as Qadr. I wish you would just die because You are worthless.Do you believe in qadr?Would you accept whatever bad happen to you as qadr?This question goes to my readers
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Izuku was like any other child his age. Excited about the quirk that will make them a hero. As his quirk came in his friends and peers began feeling jealousy and fear of his potential. They tell him he is nothing but a monster, a leach, a defect, all to prevent a perceived threat to their status quo. He will show them just how wrong they were. Hi, welcome back if you seen the other fic otherwise welcome. This fic started banging around inside my head as I was finishing my last fic and if you've seen my reading lists then this was a long time coming. Anyways enjoy reading.Irregular uploads. Inspired by Doomsday (DC), Carrion (Video Game), Parasyte (Anime/Manga), What Doesn't Kill Me by TheSliverBoarCredits go to Kohei HorikoshiFirst Published : 2/1/24Finished : ???
ุงู„ูู€ุง ุงู„ู‚ู€ู…ูŽุฑ ุงู„ุฏู…ูŽู€ูˆูŠ ||KAIROS

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It's all loveIt's all love.Kay Flock meet Heaven from London.

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