※৻Lemon & Honey৲ ¦ SaiKechi (English translation)※

※৻Lemon & Honey৲ ¦ SaiKechi (English translation)※

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Category: Science Fiction
⁜Simply a Saikechi compilation ('▽'ʃ♡ƪ)!!!

This book is only Saiki x Akechi from the anime/manga series Saiki Kusuo No Psi Nan!

drabbles, oneshots (mostly oneshots) full of sugar, sad moments or very separate stories that can follow the canon or simply have nothing to do with it!

Saikechi Stories :D!!!

Requests and ideas are accepted, bitter or happy. As long as it's Saikechi <3

I can write everything except smut, forgive me pls D'X!

⁜Simply a Saikechi compilation ('▽'ʃ♡ƪ)!!!

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