Kenji Vol.1

Kenji Vol.1

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Category: Action
Volume 1: Shadows of Deception

In the inaugural volume of this gripping series, Kenji Kenshoko's journey takes a dark turn when he confronts the man responsible for the murder of his beloved master. But the truth Kenji seeks comes at a devastating price.

Kidnapped and imprisoned for two long years, Kenji awakens to a nightmare. Trapped in a cage, forgotten by the world, he fights tooth and nail for his freedom. When he breaks free, he finds himself under the wing of his master's former friend, unaware of the sinister forces at play.

Once, Master L and Master D, known as "Zone," were comrades in arms, running a dojo together. But their friendship soured over conflicting ideals, with Master D's dark ambitions casting a shadow over their bond.

Now, with Master L gone, Kenji falls prey to Master D's manipulative machinations. Persuaded into believing his master was corrupt, Kenji joins Master D's Black Dragon Dojo, unaware of the darkness that awaits him.

As Kenji delves deeper into the twisted world of the Black Dragon, he finds himself consumed by a thirst for power and vengeance. Manipulated by Master D's cunning, Kenji's transformation into a ruthless warrior mirrors his mentor's descent into darkness.

Volume 1 sets the stage for a gripping tale of betrayal, manipulation, and the quest for redemption, as Kenji grapples with the shadows that lurk within himself and the world around him.

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